A "certificate of compliance" is a document issued by the city engineer for recordation stating, with or without conditions, that a certain lot or lots described therein complies with the provisions of this title and the Subdivision Map Act and is a lawfully existing lot or lots. A certificate of compliance may be issued for the following purposes:
(a) A certificate of compliance shall be issued in lieu of any preliminary parcel map, tentative map, parcel map or final map in the case of a lot line adjustment pursuant to Section 21.08.050.
(b) A certificate of compliance may be issued in lieu of a parcel map in the case of a written request of the subdivider pursuant to Section 21.08.060.
(c) A certificate of compliance shall be issued upon request of a property owner for property which has been divided in compliance with any existing provisions of law regulating such divisions or at a time when no such regulations were applicable, and which presently constitutes a lawfully existing lot or lots, for the purpose of establishing recorded evidence that the lot or lots are lawfully existing; except that no certificate of compliance shall be issued for any lots merged pursuant to Section 21.04.040.
(d) A certificate of compliance may be issued subject to the provisions set forth in this chapter for a lot not created in compliance with any existing provisions of law regulating such divisions, in order to establish such a lot as lawfully existing.
(Ord. 4661 § 8, 2000: (Ord. 4124 § 6, 1992: Ord. 3157 § 1 (part), 1979)