18.54.050   Miscellaneous Design Standards
   (a)   Vertical Clearance
   All parking stalls shall have a vertical clearance of not less than seven and one-half feet, except in the R-E and R-1 single-family residence districts, where the vertical clearance shall be seven feet or greater. Accessible parking stalls and access to such stalls, must meet the requirements for vertical clearance of Section 18.54.030.
   (b)   Sight Distance
      (1)   For residential uses of three or more units, and for all nonresidential uses, including public facilities, clear sight distance triangles for exiting driveways shall be provided as shown in Figure 6 of this Section 18.54.070. In the non-zero setback zone only, if a stop sign is provided at the driveway exit, the director may decrease the required dimensions of the sight distance triangles. For cases not covered by Figure 6, sight distance triangles shall be provided as required by the director. Neither the sight distance triangles nor any portion of the public right of way shall contain any wall, sign, berm, or other obstruction that is greater than three feet high above driveway grade, unless its width (measured in any direction or diameter) is eighteen inches or less. Nor shall the sight distance triangles or any portion of the public right of way contain any landscaping, except trees, that is greater than two feet in height above top of curb grade (refer also to Sections 8.04.050(h) and 9.56.030(a)(10)). The height of landscaping shall be its maximum untrimmed natural growth height.
      (2)   In a parking lot, within the twenty-foot triangle of public or private property, measured from the projected curb or edge lines, at the intersection of a parking lot aisle with another aisle, driveway, or pedestrian walkway, there shall be no wall, sign, berm, landscaping (except trees), or other obstruction that is greater than three feet high above parking lot grade, unless its width is eighteen inches or less. The height of landscaping shall be its maximum untrimmed natural growth height.
   (c)   Additional Parking Facility Design Requirements
      (1)   Site design shall assure that connections to adjacent existing or planned bicycle or pedestrian facilities (sidewalks, bike paths or lanes, etc.) allow for ready access for residents and other users of the site.
      (2)   The location of driveways, shipping and receiving areas, and loading docks should be sited as far away from residentially zoned properties or properties with existing residential uses located within nonresidential zones as is reasonably feasible while recognizing site constraints and traffic safety issues.
      (3)   Employee ingress and egress to a site should be located to avoid the use of residential streets wherever feasible.
      (4)   Late hour and early morning truck traffic to a site located in or near a residential area should be discouraged.
      (5)   Vehicular access points should not conflict with pedestrian and bicycle walkways and facilities.
      (6)   Pedestrian and bicycle facilities (sidewalks, bike paths, etc.) should, where feasible, be provided through sites to provide connections to other pedestrian and bicycle routes and to allow for safe access to schools, recreation facilities and services.
      (7)   Additional requirements for parking facility design, internal layout, acceptable turning radii and pavement slope, vehicular and pedestrian circulation, and other design features may be adopted by the director when deemed appropriate.
   (d)   Paving and Drainage
   The following basic standards shall be observed:
      (1)   In all districts, parking and loading facilities shall be surfaced and maintained with permanent pervious or impervious surfacing material sufficient to prevent mud, dust, loose material, and other nuisances, subject to approval by the city engineer.
      (2)   In the OS and AC districts, and for temporary parking facilities in any district, gravel surfacing shall be permitted as approved by the city engineer.
      (3)   All parking and loading facilities shall be graded and provided with permanent storm drainage facilities, meeting the construction specifications set by the city engineer. Surfacing, curbing, and drainage improvements shall be sufficient to preclude free flow of water onto adjacent properties or public streets or alleys, and to preclude standing pools of water within the parking facility.
      (4)   Paving and drainage approaches for parking facilities shall be integrated with storm water protection approaches, consistent with Section 18.40.150 (Storm Water Quality Protection) of this title.
   (e)   Safety Features
   Parking and loading facilities shall meet the following standards:
      (1)   Safety barriers, protective bumpers or curbing, and directional markers shall be provided to assure safety, efficient utilization, protection to landscaping, and to prevent encroachment onto adjoining public or private property.
      (2)   Visibility of and between pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists shall be assured when entering individual parking spaces, when circulating within a parking facility, and when entering and exiting a parking facility.
      (3)   Internal circulation patterns, and the location and traffic direction of all access drives shall be designed and maintained in accord with accepted principles of traffic engineering and traffic safety.
   (f)   Lighting
   Lights provided to illuminate any parking facility or paved area shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be designed to reflect away from any residential use or any riparian corridor.
   (g)   Noise
   Areas used for primary circulation, for frequent idling of vehicle engines, or for loading activities shall be designed and located to minimize impacts on adjoining properties, including provisions for screening or sound baffling.
   (h)   Maintenance
   All parking and loading facilities shall be maintained to assure desirability and usefulness of the facility. Such facilities shall be maintained free of refuse, debris, or other accumulated matter and shall at all times be available for the intended off-street parking or loading use for which they are required or intended.
   (i)   Application of Design Standards to Other Paved Areas
   The standards of this section apply to all paved areas used for outdoor display, storage, sales, or other purposes associated with permitted and conditional office, commercial, or industrial uses.
(Ord. 5557 § 9, 2022: Ord. 5554 § 35, 2022: Ord. 4964 § 3 (part), 2007)