6.20.010 Animals at large.
6.20.020 Animals on unenclosed premises.
6.20.030 Animals kept in enclosures.
6.20.035 Tying animals to bicycle racks or trees.
6.20.040 Nuisances by animals.
6.20.045 Dog defecation to be removed by owners.
6.20.050 Right to take possession of neglected animals.
6.20.055 Animals in Vehicles.
6.20.060 Bees.
6.20.070 Reserved.
6.20.080 Permit required to keep livestock.
6.20.090 Birds, goats, pigs and rabbits.
6.20.100 Penalty.
6.20.110 Number of cats.
6.20.120 Breeding permit required.
6.20.130 Animal at large while in heat - Prohibited.
6.20.140 Barking dogs.
6.20.150 Vaccination - Rabies.
6.20.160 Sanitary enclosures.
6.20.170 Slaughter of animals.
6.20.180 Reserved.
6.20.190 Reserved.