General Provisions
34.01 Statement of purpose
34.02 Scope
34.03 Appointing authority
34.04 Department established; appointment of Director
34.05 Duties of the Human Resources Director
34.06 Basic employment policy — equal opportunity
34.07 Preparation of personnel rules and regulations
34.08 Personnel rules and regulations
34.09 Nepotism; restriction on employment of relatives
34.10 Code of Ethics for public officers and employees
34.11 Social Security — Declaration of policy to come within system
34.12 Adoption of U.S. General Services Administration travel and per diem rates
34.13 Indemnification and legal representation for city officials and employees
34.14 Recruitment and examinations
Whistle-blower's Ordinance
34.20 Title
34.21 Purpose
34.22 Definitions
34.23 Actions prohibited
34.24 Nature of information disclosed
34.25 To whom information disclosed
34.26 Employees and persons protected
34.27 Remedies
34.28 Relief
34.29 Defenses
34.30 Award program for employees reporting information
34.31 Existing rights
34.32 Retroactive application
Duty of City Manager to prescribe salary schedules, see § 30.03(L)
Personnel system established, see Charter § 4.03
Police and firefighters retirement pension plan, Board of Trustees, see §§ 52.160 et seq.
Power of City Manager in respect to appointment, suspension and removal of officers and employees, see § 30.03(A)