§ 154.027 STREET DESIGN.
   (A)   The minimum requirements for street design are as established in the common engineering standards and details set forth in MAG SPECS, the most current adopted editions, as applicable.
   (B)   Standard utility design and locations shall comply with the common engineering standards and details set forth in MAG SPECS, the most current adopted edition.
   (C)   Local streets should be designed to promote connectivity by creating a grid-like network of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle connections to provide diversity of route choices between the proposed subdivision and existing streets and routes unless topographic conditions prohibit it.
   (D)   Names of streets should be consistent with the natural alignments and extensions of existing streets and the city's addressing guidelines. New street names should not duplicate or be easily confused with existing street names.
   (E)   Local circulation systems and land development patterns shall be designed so that multiple modes of transportation are considered and that the efficiency of bordering arterial routes is maintained.
   (F)   Proposed streets shall be extended to the tract boundary to provide future connection with adjoining undeveloped lands. The street pattern in the subdivision shall not land lock any adjacent property nor unduly prevent access to public lands. All dead-end streets shall be provided with a minimum 50 foot turn-around radius to accommodate emergency service vehicles and delivery trucks.
   (G)   The functional classification of streets shall be as assigned by the city and shall include any street, avenue, boulevard, road, lane, parkway, place, drive or right-of-way which is an existing state, county or municipal roadway; or a vehicular access way shown on a plat which has been approved by the elected body or agency given the statutory authority to do so, and duly recorded in the Office of the Coconino County Recorder. A street includes all land within the right-of-way whether improved or unimproved, pavement, shoulders, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, parking space, bridges, viaducts and landscaping.
      (1)   ARTERIAL ROUTE. A general term including freeways, expressways, major arterial streets and interstate, state or county highways and usually section line roads. Arterials have between three to five lanes of traffic with a minimum right-of-way width of 100 feet.
      (2)   COLLECTOR STREET. A street with limited continuity serving the primary function of carrying traffic from local streets to arterial routes, and the secondary function of providing access to abutting properties. Collector Streets have a minimum of two lanes of traffic with a minimum right-of-way width of 60 feet.
      (3)   LOCAL/PRIVATE STREET. A street with a primary function of providing access to abutting property and they have a minimum of two lanes of traffic and a right-of-way width of 50 feet.
      (4)   CUL-DE-SAC. A short local street no longer than 600 feet long which has one end permanently terminating in and including a vehicular turn-around area with a minimum radius of 50 feet.
   (H)   Whenever a tract to be subdivided includes any part of a street designated in an adopted street plan, the street shall be platted in conformance with that plan.
   (I)   Whenever a tract to be subdivided is located within an area for which a development master plan has been approved by the City Council, the street arrangement shall conform substantially to this most recent approved plan.
   (J)   Streets shall be designed in relation to existing topography to produce streets of reasonable gradient to facilitate adequate drainage and to produce desirable lots of maximum utility. Where feasible, streets shall be placed along the top of ridges to minimize the extent of grading and reduce the visual impacts of development.
   (K)   Boundary streets (half streets) shall be discouraged except where necessary to provide right-of-way to complete a half street already constructed, or a street pattern already started, or to ensure reasonable development of a number of adjoining parcels. Where a platted half street abuts the tract to be subdivided, the remaining half of the street shall be platted within the tract.
(Ord. 692-22, passed 5-11-2022)