(A)   Notice of existence of this chapter.
      (1)   The owner shall post a notice providing information about the existence of this ~, including protections related to immigration or citizenship status of tenant found under Cal. Civil Code, Section 1940.35 and Cal. Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1161.4, as may be amended. Notice must be posted in English, Purepecha, Mixteco, Otomi, Tagalog, Zapoteco, Nahuatl, and Spanish in a conspicuous location on the property.
      (2)   In addition to all other notice requirements specified elsewhere in this article, the owner of any residential real property is required to provide written notice to tenants of their rights under this article as follows:
         (a)   The notice required by this article must include the following information:
            1.   The existence and scope of this article; and
            2.   The right to relocation assistance in limited circumstances pursuant to section 27-6.
         (b)   The owner must provide tenant with the notice upon serving any notice of change in terms of tenancy.
         (c)   The owner must provide the notice on or before the commencement of all tenancies initiated after the effective date of this chapter.
   (B)   Notice of termination of tenancy. When terminating a tenancy either at-fault or no-fault, an owner must comply with all of the following:
      (1)   The owner must serve a written notice in accordance with Cal. Civil Code, Sections 1946 through 1946.5, to the tenant that states that, in addition to any information required by federal or State law, the owner will terminate the tenancy, and that indicates at least one at-fault or no-fault just cause reason; and
      (2)   The owner has not accepted and will not accept rent or any other consideration in return for the continued use of the residential property beyond the term of the terminated tenancy in compliance with Cal. Civil Code, Sections 1945 through 1946.5; and
      (3)   The owner qualifies the termination as at-fault or no-fault just cause; and
      (4)   The owner has submitted to the city, within five days after service of the notice of termination on the tenant, a true and accurate copy of the owner's written notice of termination, and proof of such service, signed under penalty of perjury by the person who effected such service, on the tenant. The owner shall maintain proof of service to the city as evidence that the owner has complied with this section.
      (5)   When the owner and tenant have entered into a written lease, the owner must provide the notice in the language used in the lease, in addition to English. When the owner and tenant have not entered into a written lease, the owner must provide the notice in the language that the owner and tenant used to negotiate the terms of the tenancy, in addition to English.
   (C)   Notice as addendum to lease or rental agreement. An owner of residential real property subject to this section shall provide notice to the tenant as follows:
      (1)   For any tenancy commenced or renewed on or after the effective date of this article, as an addendum to the lease or rental agreement, or as a written notice signed by the tenant, with a copy provided to the tenant.
      (2)   The owner must provide the notice in the language that the owner and tenant used to in the lease, in addition to English.
      (3)   For a tenancy existing prior to the effective date of this article, by written notice to the tenant no later than 30 days after the effective date of this article, or as an addendum to the lease or rental agreement.
      (4)   The notification or lease provision shall be in no less than 12-point type, and shall include the following: “The Oxnard City Code provides that after all of the tenants have continuously and lawfully occupied the property for at least 30 days, an owner must provide a statement of cause in any notice to terminate a tenancy. In addition, Oxnard City Code provides tenants evicted for no-fault just cause with the right to relocation payments. See Chapter 27 of the Oxnard City Code for more information.”
      (5)   Owners must provide the notice to tenants in writing if the application and lease are processed in writing, electronically if the application or lease are processed electronically, or both if both methods are utilized. The provision of the notice shall be subject to Cal. Civil Code, Section 1632.
(Ord. No. 3012, 3049)