   (A)   Application - Residential or mixed use developments proposed on -AHP or -AHD additive zone sites and permitted under this division shall be identified by the applicant at the time of permit application. The permit application fee and applicable supplemental development and environmental analysis and impact fees are required.
      (1)   Residential or mixed use development applications are to identify that the development will provide a minimum of 20% of all units as affordable to extremely-low income, very-low income, or low income households and comply with this entire division.
      (2)   The planned development designation on a site is only applicable to nonresidential development or development that does not fall under the -AHP or -AHD additive zone provisions.
      (3)   An application cannot utilize both the planned development additive zone provisions found in Chapter 16, Division 17 and the -AHP or -AHD additive zone provisions found in Section 16-420H(E).
   (B)   Site plan review permit - A ministerial site plan review (SPR) permit process (City Code section 16-523) is required for all multi-family residential development as defined under Section 16-420C(A) within the -AHP zone that meets the affordability requirements as defined in Section 16-420E(A), and complies with the applicable development and design standards of this chapter.
   (C)   Special use permit - A special use permit (SUP) permit process (City Code Sections 16-530 to 16-553) is required for all multi-family residential uses permitted under this division that are not eligible under Subsection (B) of this section and are located in the -AHD zone.
   (D)   Impact fees - applicants shall pay all applicable impact fees, provide appropriate design and engineering studies, and otherwise follow the applicable entitlement process for development of comparable size and use.
(Ord. No. 2999)
   (A) All housing units built pursuant to this division shall provide a minimum of 20% of all units as affordable to extremely-low income, very-low income, or low income households as defined and periodically updated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Ventura County. Developers of housing under this division are not eligible to request to make in-lieu affordable housing payment instead of providing affordable housing units.
   (B)   All residential developments built pursuant to this Division 7C are subject to the City of Oxnard Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.
   (C)   The developer shall establish and at all times maintain a written list of Oxnard residents qualified to purchase or rent each of the affordable units. The developer shall offer the affordable units to qualified Oxnard resident buyers or renters on the waiting list first and give preference to them until there are no qualified Oxnard residents on the waiting list. At such time, the developer may make units available to all other prospective buyers or renters meeting the income limitations for such units.
   (D)   Affordability restrictions - Each affordable unit must be restricted for a minimum of 55 years for rental units and 45 years for owner-occupied units. The deed restriction or affordable housing agreement shall be recorded prior to, or concurrently with, final map recordation or, where the qualified housing development does not include a map, prior to issuance of a building permit for any structure on the site. The Director is hereby authorized to enter into the agreements authorized by this section on behalf of the city upon approval of the agreements by city attorney for legal form and sufficiency.
   (E)   Manager's unit - For developments which are 100% affordable the following shall apply. For a development with between ten and 40 units, one manager's unit is exempt from the affordability requirement. For a development between 41 and 80 units, up to two manager's units are exempt from the affordability requirement. For development of 81 or more units, up to three manager's units are exempt from the affordability requirement. Developments that provide nine or less affordable units do not obtain an exemption for a manager unit.
(Ord. No. 2999)
   Housing developments that comply with this Division 7C and contain multiple parcels with at least one parcel less than 0.5 acres which will be merged to facilitate affordable housing may request that lot merger fees be waived. Unless the lot merger involves unique situations that involve an agency or easement party other than the city or a utility company, the city shall grant the lot merger fee waiver request.
(Ord. No. 2999)
   (A)   Maximum density - The allowable density of units per acre for the -AHP and -AHD additive zones is up to 30 units per acre.
   (B)   Density bonus applications - Affordable housing additive zone sites are eligible for the state density bonus if the developer files a density bonus permit request under Division 7A of Article V of Chapter 16 (commencing with Section 16-410A).
   (C)   Accessory dwelling unit application - Affordable housing additive zone sites are eligible for the accessory dwelling units if the developer files an accessory dwelling unit permit request under Division 13 of Article V of Chapter 16 (commencing with section 16-465).
   (D)   Subdivisions - Affordable housing developments permitted under this Division 7C may be subdivided in a manner that portions of the development may exceed the designated housing density or have a different compatible use, so long as the overall applicable density is achieved.
(Ord. No. 2999)