A final map shall be prepared by or under the direction of a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, shall be based upon a survey, and shall conform to all of the following requirements:
   (A)   A final map shall be legibly drawn, printed or reproduced by a process guaranteeing a permanent record in black on tracing cloth or polyester base film. Certificates, affidavits and acknowledgements may be legibly stamped or printed upon the final map with opaque ink. If ink is used on polyester base film, the ink surface shall be coated with a suitable substance to assure permanent legibility.
   (B)   The size of each sheet shall be 18 by 28 inches. A marginal line shall be drawn completely around each sheet, leaving an entirely blank margin of one inch. The scale of the final map shall be large enough to show all details clearly and enough sheets shall be used to accomplish this end. The particular number of the sheet and the total number of sheets comprising the map shall be stated on each of the sheets, and its relation to each adjoining sheet shall be clearly shown.
   (C)   All survey and mathematical information and data necessary to locate all monuments and to locate and retrace any and all interior and exterior boundary lines appearing thereon shall be shown, including bearings and distances of straight lines, and radii and arc length or chord bearings and length for all curves, and such information as may be necessary to determine the location of the centers of curves and ties to existing monuments used to establish the subdivision boundaries.
   (D)   Each lot or parcel shall be numbered and each block may be numbered or lettered. Each street shall be named. The subdivision number shall be shown together with the description of the real property being subdivided.
   (E)   The exterior boundary of the land included within the subdivision shall be indicated by distinctive symbols and clearly so designated. The final map shall show the definite location of the subdivision, and particularly its relation to surrounding surveys.
   (F)   When a soils report has been prepared, this fact shall be noted on the final map, together with the date of the report and the name of the engineer making the report.
   (G)   Below the title shall be a subtitle consisting of a general description of all the property being subdivided by reference to deeds, subdivisions or sectional surveys. References to tracts and subdivisions shall be spelled out and worded identically with original records, with complete reference to proper book and page of the record. The title sheet shall show in addition the basis of bearings.
   (H)   Final maps filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage shall be conspicuously marked by the title, "The purpose of this map is a reversion to acreage."
   (I)   Sufficient data shall be shown to determine readily the bearing and length of each line. Dimensions of lots shall be the net dimensions. No ditto marks shall be used. Lots shall show net acreage to nearest hundredth.
   (J)   The final map shall show the center lines of all streets; lengths, tangent, radius and central angle or radial bearings of all curves; the bearing of radial lines to each lot corner of a curve; the total width of each street, the width of the portion being dedicated and the width of existing dedication; the width of portions of streets each side of the center line, also the width of rights-of-way of railroads, flood control or drainage channels and any other easements appearing on the map. Surveys in connection with the preparation of final maps shall be made in accordance with standard practices and principles for land surveying. A traverse of the boundaries of the subdivision and all lots and blocks shall close within a limit of error of 1 foot in 10,000 feet of perimeter.
   (K)   The final map shall show the center line data, width and side lines of all easements to which the lots are subject. If the easement is not definitely located of record, a statement as to the easement shall appear on the title sheet. Easements for storm drains, sewers and other purposes shall be denoted by broken lines. Distances and bearings on the side lines of the lots which are cut by an easement shall be shown as to indicate clearly the actual lengths of the lot lines. The width of the easement and the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof and sufficient ties to locate the easement definitely with respect to the subdivision shall be shown. The easement shall be clearly labeled and identified, and, if already of record, proper reference to the records shall be given. Easements being dedicated shall be so indicated in the certificate of dedication.
   (L)   The final map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments or other evidence were found on the ground to determine the boundaries of the tract. The corners of adjoining subdivisions or portions thereof shall be identified and ties shown. Monuments shall be those required by Cal. Gov't Code, Section 66495.
   (M)   Wherever the engineer or county surveyor has established the center line of a street or alley, such data shall be considered in making the surveys and in preparing the final map, and all monuments found shall be indicated and proper references made to field books or maps of public record, relating to the monuments. If the point were reset by ties, that fact shall be stated. The final map shall show city boundaries crossing or adjoining the subdivision, clearly designated and tied in.
   (N)   The lots shall be numbered consecutively, commencing with the number 1, with no omissions or duplications. If the subdivision is a continuation of, or an addition to an existing subdivision, the lot numbers may commence with the number immediately following the last or highest number of the existing subdivision. Each lot shall be shown entirely on one sheet.
   (O)   If more than three sheets are used, an index, showing the entire subdivision, with lots numbered consecutively.
   (P)   Title, name or number of tract, date, north arrow and scale shall be indicated.
   (Q)   Description of land shall be included.
   (R)   Location and names without abbreviation shall be shown of all:
      (1)   Proposed streets and alleys with approved access to the subject property;
      (2)   Proposed public areas and easements; and
      (3)   Adjoining streets.
   (S)   Dimensions in feet and decimals of a foot shall be shown.
   (T)   Dimensions of all lots shall be indicated.
   (U)   Center line data including bearings and distances shall be indicated.
   (V)   Radius, tangent, arc and central angle of curves shall be indicated.
   (W)   Suitable primary survey control points shall be shown.
   (X)   Location of all permanent monuments shall be indicated.
   (Y)   Ties to and names of adjacent subdivisions shall be indicated.
   (Z)   Ties to any city or county boundary lines involved shall be indicated.
   (AA)   Required certificates shall be included.
(`64 Code, Sec. 27-16) (Ord. No. 1570)