(A)   No more than the number of cannabis cultivators authorized by section 11-456 shall operate within the city at any one time.
   (B)   Approval of cultivation facilities shall be through approval of a development design review (DDR) permit to be issued by the community development director of the city. The appeal of the approval or denial of such permit shall be to the planning commission pursuant to section 11-466.
   (C)   All commercial outdoor cultivation and mixed-light cultivation of cannabis and nursery activity within the city is prohibited. It is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance for any person owning, leasing, occupying, or having charge or possession of any parcel within any zoning district in the City of Oxnard to cause or allow such parcel to be used for the commercial outdoor cultivation of cannabis.
   (D)   The commercial cultivation of cannabis must occur indoors in an approved indoor cultivation facility with a valid commercial cannabis business permit from the city under this chapter.
   (E)   In no case shall cannabis plants be visible from the exterior of the building.
   (F)   From a public right-of-way, there shall be no exterior evidence of commercial cannabis cultivation except for any signage authorized by the city. All signs shall conform with section 16-595.
   (G)   Any pesticides and/or fertilizers used at the cultivation site shall be properly labeled and stored in accordance with fire department, and city regulations to avoid contamination through erosion, leakage or inadvertent damage from pests, rodents or other wildlife.
   (H)   A commercial cannabis cultivation licensee shall comply with all applicable federal, State and local laws and regulations regarding use and disposal of pesticides and fertilizers.
   (I)   Each commercial cannabis cultivation licensee shall submit the following in addition to the information required to secure approval of a commercial cannabis business permit:
      (1)   A cultivation and operations plan shall be submitted for city review and approval which will identify the type(s) of cannabis plant to be grown (species/strain), cultivation activities and schedule of activities during each month of growing and harvesting, or explanation of growth cycles and anticipated harvesting schedules for all-season harvesting.
      (2)   A monthly and yearly projected water usage plan. The plan shall include water conservation and recycling measures for capture and reuse of on site water, water treatment plan and wastewater discharge plan. Said plan shall be reviewed and approved by the city. Every attempt should be made by the licensee to connect to the city’s recycled water line when feasible.
      (3)   An energy usage and conservation plan which identifies the sources of power, projected monthly and yearly usage, and efficiency plan, including use of on site renewables.
      (4)   Neighborhood compatibility plan which shall address odor security, safety, and other compatibility issues which may derive from the cultivation site and as requested by the city.
      (5)   Floor plan identifying the location, dimensions, and boundaries of all proposed canopy areas taking into account space needed for ongoing care of plants and a description of the proposed method of physically delineating those boundaries at the site.
   (J)   A permittee shall only be allowed to cultivate the square feet of canopy space permitted by State law and in the commercial cannabis business permit issued by the city for the premises.
(Ord. No. 3032)