(1) CATERING - The supplying of prepared food, to be sold, served and consumed on premises other than those where food is prepared.
(2) CELLAR - A space with less than one-half of its floor-to-ceiling height above the average finished grade of the adjoining ground or with a floor-to-ceiling height of less than six and a half feet.
(3) CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES - Personal communications accessed by means of cellular equipment and services.
(4) CEMETERY - Property used for the interring of the dead, associated chapels, mausoleums, and landscaping features.
A. Child Day Care: Administering to the needs of infants, toddlers, preschool children and school children outside of school hours by persons other than their parents or guardians, custodians or relatives by blood, marriage, or adoption, for any part of the 24-hour day in a place or residence other than a child's own home.
B. Child Day Care Center: Any place in which child day-care is provided, with or without compensation, for 13 or more children at one time or any place that is not the permanent residence of the holder of a day-care license from the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services or the residence of the administrator in which child day-care is provided, with or without compensation, for seven to 12 children at one time. In counting children for the purpose of this definition, any children under six years of age who are related to a licensee, administrator or employee and who are on the premises of the center shall be counted.
C. Type-A Family Day Care Home: A permanent residence of the administrator in which child day-care is provided for seven to 12 children at one time or a permanent residence of the administrator in which child day-care is provided for four to 12 children at one time if four or more children at one time are under two years of age. In counting children for the purpose of this definition, any children under six years of age who are related to a day-care licensee, administrator or employee registered with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services, and who are on the premises of the Type A home shall be counted. "Type A family day-care home" does not include a residence in which the needs of children are administered to, if all of the children whose needs are being administered to are siblings of the same immediate family and the residence is in the home of the siblings. Type A day-care facilities shall also be in accordance with the Ohio Administrative Code, Chapter 5101:2 Division of Social Services
D. Type-B Family Day Care Home: A permanent residence of the provider in which the child day-care services are provided for one to six children at one time and in which no more than three children may be under two years of age at one time. In counting children for the purpose of this definition, any children under six years of age who are related to the provider registered with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and who are on the premises of the Type B home shall be counted. Children six years of age or older who are related to the provider and who are on the premises of the Type B home shall not be included in this count. A "type B home" also includes a home which is the permanent residence of both the provider and the parent. Type B day-care facilities shall also be in accordance with the Ohio Administrative Code, Chapter 5101:2 Division of Social Services
(6) CHURCH - Church, synagogue, temple, rector, parish house, meditation center, or similar building incidental to the particular use which is maintained and operated by an organized group of people for religious purposes.
(7) CITY COUNCIL - The City Council of the City of Oxford, Ohio
(8) CLEAR & CONVINCING EVIDENCE - The measure of proof which will produce a firm belief as to the allegations sought to be established.
(9) CLINIC - An establishment where patients receive medical or dental examination or treatment but are not lodged overnight.
(10) CLUB (LODGE) - A nonprofit association, other than a fraternity or sorority, of persons (bona fide members) who are organized for some common purposes and paying regular dues; not including a group organized solely or primarily to render a service customarily carried on as a commercial enterprise.
(11) CO-LOCATION / SITE SHARING - The process of providing space for more than one user on a tower, facility, and / or site.
(12) COLLECTOR - A thoroughfare which provides for distribution of traffic between major and local streets and abutting properties, including the principal entrance and circulation routes within residential subdivisions.
(13) COMMERCIAL – Having profit as the primary aim.
A. COMMERCIAL, HEAVY - An establishment or business which generally uses open sales yards, outside equipment storage, or outside activities that generate noise or other impacts considered incompatible with less-intense uses. Typical businesses in this definition are lumberyards, construction specialty services, heavy equipment suppliers or building contractors.
B. COMMERCIAL, LIGHT - An establishment or business which generally has retail or wholesale sales, office uses or services that do not generate noise or other impacts considered incompatible with less-intense uses. Typical businesses in this definition are retail stores, offices, catering services or restaurants.
A. COMMERCIAL CENTER, COMMUNITY - A completely planned and designed commercial development providing for the sale of general merchandise and / or convenience goods and services. A community commercial center shall provide for the sale of general merchandise, and may include a variety store, discount store or supermarket.
B. COMMERCIAL CENTER, CONVENIENCE - A completely planned and designed commercial development providing for the sale of general merchandise and / or convenience goods and services. A convenience commercial center shall provide a small cluster of convenience shops or services.
C. COMMERCIAL CENTER, NEIGHBORHOOD - A completely planned and designed commercial development providing for the sale of general merchandise and / or convenience goods and services to the immediate neighborhood. A neighborhood commercial center shall provide for the sales of convenience goods and services, with a supermarket as the principal tenant.
D. COMMERCIAL CENTER, REGIONAL - A completely planned and designed commercial development providing for the sale of general merchandise and / or convenience goods and services to the region. A regional center shall provide for the sale of general merchandise, apparel, furniture, home furnishings, and other retail sales and services, in full depth and variety.
E. COMMERCIAL, RETAIL - Sales and service establishments, which engage in the sale of general retail goods and accessory services. Businesses within this definition include those, which conduct sales and storage entirely within an enclosed structure (with the exception of occasional outdoor “sidewalk” promotions); businesses specializing in sale of either general merchandise or convenience goods.
(16) COMMISSION - The Planning Commission of the City of Oxford, Ohio.
(17) COMMUNITY RESIDENCE - A single dwelling unit occupied on a relatively permanent basis as a single housekeeping unit in the family-like environment by more than four unrelated persons with handicaps, plus paid professional support staff provided by a sponsoring agency either living with the residents on a 24-hour basis or present on shifts.
(18) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - The declaration of purposes, policies, and programs for the development of the jurisdiction adopted by the City Council.
(19) CONDITIONAL USE - A use permitted in a district other than a principally permitted use, such use requiring a conditional use permit and the approval of Council, following public hearings before the Planning Board and Council.
(20) CONDOMINIUM - Land, together with all buildings, improvement, and structures thereon, including all easements, rights and appurtenances belonging thereto, which has been submitted to the provisions of Ohio R.C. Chapter 5311.
(21) CONGREGATE RESIDENCES - Apartments and dwellings with communal dining facilities and services, such as housekeeping, organized social and recreational activities, transportation services, and other support services appropriate for the residents.
(22) CONVALESCENT CENTER - A facility which is publicly or privately operated for long-term patient care due to illness or infirmity, including the elderly and developmentally disabled, normally employing the services of skilled and licensed practitioners, excluding hospitals.
(23) COURT, COURT YARD - Any open space, unobstructed from the ground to the sky that is bounded on two or more sides by the walls of a building that is on the same lot.
(Ord. 3168. Passed 1-17-12.)