The standard street lighting system shall consist of the following:
   A.   Type II Lighting Units: Type II lighting units shall be installed:
      1.   At all corners of a four-way intersection of two (2) arterial streets or at each corner of the approaching vehicle lane of an arterial street at a T-intersection with another arterial street.
      2.   At the corner of the approaching vehicle lane for all intersections with arterial streets.
      3.   At two (2) opposing corners of a four-way intersection of two (2) collector streets; or at the corner of the approaching vehicle lane of a collector street intersecting another collector street at a T-intersection.
   B.   Type III Lighting Units: Type III lighting units shall be installed:
      1.   Every six hundred sixty feet (660') along both sides of urban collector streets offset such that there is one streetlight approximately every three hundred thirty feet (330') on alternating sides of the collector street.
      2.   At two (2) opposing corners of a four-way intersection of two (2) local streets or a local street with a collector street; or at the corner of the approaching vehicle lane of a local street at a T-intersection with another local or collector street.
      3.   At the terminus end of a cul-de-sac street.
      4.   At the point of deflection in the alignment of a single curved street where the interior angle is one hundred thirty five degrees (135°) or less. The lighting unit is to be located on the interior of the curve unless a sidewalk exists on the outside of the curve, and then the lighting unit shall be located adjacent to the sidewalk.
   C.   Residential Street Lighting: Within residential subdivisions developed within the Sanitary Sewer Service District defined by the Comprehensive Plan, one type III lighting unit shall be installed:
      1.   On one side of a public street at the midpoint of a block longer than nine hundred feet (900'). If a sidewalk is located on one side of a street, the light unit shall be installed on the same side of the street.
      2.   At midblock access points to off street trail corridors.
   D.   Industrial Street Lighting: Within industrial subdivisions, one type II fixture shall be installed every six hundred sixty feet (660') along one side of local industrial streets.
   E.   Other: Streetlights shall be installed as standard street lighting as determined by the City Engineer and/or Public Works Director to address unique vehicle traffic, pedestrian or public safety issues. (Prior Code § 6-8-4)