A. New Subdivisions: Street lighting shall be installed by the developer at the developer's cost in all new subdivisions in accordance with this chapter and the subdivision ordinance.
B. Existing Developed Areas: Street lighting shall be installed in developed areas of the City in accordance with the following provisions:
1. The City shall establish a program for installation of street lighting along arterial and collector streets defined by the transportation plan in accordance with this chapter as part of the capital improvement plan.
2. Within existing developed areas and along local streets, street lighting shall be installed:
a. At the direction of the City Council.
b. Any property owner may request installation of a streetlight upon a local street benefiting his property by submitting a petition to the City Clerk subject to the following procedures:
(1) The petition shall include the following information:
(A) The name, address and phone number of a petitioner's representative.
(B) A map or other description indicating the street(s) upon which the light(s) is to be located and number of lights being requested.
(C) Signatures of a minimum of sixty percent (60%) of the property owners within six hundred sixty feet (660') of a proposed streetlight location approving of the proposed installation.
(D) Provide a written statement as to the demonstrated need for the requested streetlight(s).
(2) Upon submission of a complete petition, the City Clerk shall schedule consideration of the petition for a City Council meeting occurring not more than thirty (30) days from the date which it is received.
(3) The City Engineer and/or Public Works Director shall prepare a report to the City Council regarding conformance with the provisions of this chapter and recommendations as to the need for installation of street lighting requested by the petition.
3. The cost for equipment and installation of street lighting within existing developed areas shall be assigned at the direction of the City Council. (Prior Code § 6-8-6)