No person shall enter into, loiter, or remain in any toilet, rest room, pavilion, or structure, or section thereof, of any park which has been reserved and designated by the Board of Trustees for the use of the opposite sex.
(Ord. 80-05, passed - -80) Penalty, see § 96.99
No person shall bring within, sell, or give away, or drink alcoholic beverages at any time in any park except as permitted by the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 80-05, passed - -80) Penalty, see § 96.99
No person shall bring within, sell, use, or give away any drugs (as defined in ILCS Ch. 720, Act 550, § 1 et seq., and known as the "Cannabis Control Act" which act is hereby incorporated herein by reference as if specifically set forth), nor shall any person be under the influence of said drugs or cannabis while upon park property.
(Ord. 80-05, passed - -80) Penalty, see § 96.99
No person shall make, aid, or countenance or assist in making any loud or raucous noise, riot, or disturbance tending to a breach of the peace in any park, or collect, with other persons in bodies or crowds for unlawful purposes. No person shall use abusive, insulting, or obscene language or language calculated to occasion a breach of the peace in any park.
(Ord. 80-05, passed - -80) Penalty, see § 96.99
No person shall beg or solicit any alms or any contributions in any park. Nor shall any person solicit, collect any donations, or charge any fees for any service, whether private or public, except fees as charged by the park and approved by the Board of Trustees, without first having obtained a written permit from the Board.
(Ord. 80-05, passed - -80) Penalty, see § 96.99
No person shall conduct any musical concert, play any electrically amplified instrument, nor set up or use any communication system in a park without first obtaining a written permit from the Board of Trustees.
(Ord. 80-05, passed - -80) Penalty, see § 96.99