1444.01 Establishment and administration.
1444.02 Definitions.
1444.03 Purposes.
1444.04 Duties and powers.
1444.05 Certificates of appropriateness.
1444.06 Standards for review.
1444.07 Regular and emergency maintenance.
1444.08 Appeals to Council.
1444.09 Design guidelines and historic design guidelines.
1444.99 Penalty.
Employment of architects of municipalities - see Ohio R.C. 715.011
Service of architects on citizens’ commission for public buildings - see Ohio R.C. 735.14
Duties of municipal architects - see Ohio R.C. 735.15
Architects - see Ohio R.C. Ch. 4703
Authority re Zoning Code - see P. & Z. 1206.04
Historic Area Conservation District - see P. & Z. Ch. 1262