A. Protected Record: Any information submitted in compliance with the requirements of this chapter regarding the installation, operation, or maintenance of an alarm system shall be classified as a protected record and shall not be subject to public disclosure, except to the extent necessary for enforcement of the provisions herein. The police department shall be charged with the sole responsibility for the maintenance of all application and permit records.
B. Statistics May Be Maintained: Subject to the requirements of confidentiality, the police department may develop and maintain statistics having the purpose of assisting alarm system evaluation for use by members of the public.
(1979 Code § 5.15.090; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-22-1988; Ord. 92-15, 2-25-1991; Ord. 98-63, 10-27-1998; Ord. 2023-4, 1-3-2023)
A. User Instruction: Every alarm business or company selling, leasing or furnishing to any alarm user an alarm system which is installed on premises located within the city shall furnish the alarm user with written instructions that provide information to enable the alarm user to operate the alarm system properly.
B. Alarm Company Agents; Licensure, Display Of License: It is unlawful:
1. For any person to engage directly within the city in the sale, installation, maintenance, alteration, repair, replacement, servicing, or monitoring of an alarm system unless such person has in his/her possession a valid license issued by the state pursuant to Utah Code Annotated section 58-63-301 of the Security Personnel Licensing Act or its successor provision; or
2. For an alarm company agent to fail to display the license upon the request of a police officer or a customer.
C. Alarm Reports; Provision Of Toll Free Number: All alarm businesses, central stations or other answering services shall provide the city communication center, at the time of filing an alarm report, with a toll free telephone number for contacting the central station dispatchers and for obtaining the information required under subsection E of this section, or its successor.
D. Records: Alarm businesses who request police response to alarm signals shall maintain a record of all police calls, stating the time, date and location of the alarm and the name, address and phone number of the alarm user. The records shall indicate the cause of the alarm, if known. This record shall be current and shall be made available to the chief of police or the chief's designated representative at any time during normal business hours.
(1979 Code § 5.15.100; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-22-1988; Ord. 92-15, 2-25-1991; Ord. 98-63, 10-27-1998; Ord. 2023-4, 1-3-2023)
The sensory mechanisms used in connection with the robbery, burglary, intrusion or other emergency alarm systems shall be adjusted to suppress false alarms, so that the device will not be actuated by impulses due to transient pressure changes in water pipes, short flashes of light, wind noises such as the rattling or vibrating of doors or windows, vehicular noise adjacent to the installation, or other forces unrelated to genuine alarms.
(1979 Code § 5.15.110; amd. Ord. 92-15, 2-25-1992; Ord. 98-63, 10-27-1998)
The city shall not be liable for any defects in operation of burglary or robbery alarm systems, for any failure or neglect to respond appropriately upon the receipt of an alarm nor for the failure or neglect of any person registered pursuant to this chapter in connection with the installation, operation or maintenance of the equipment necessary to or incident to the operation of such systems. In the event the city finds it necessary to discontinue police response, the city shall assume no liability for such action.
(1979 Code § 5.15.130; amd. Ord. 92-15, 2-25-1992; Ord. 98-63, 10-27-1998; Ord. 2023-4, 1-3-2023)
A. Chief Of Police; Inspections Authorized: The provisions of this chapter shall be administered and enforced by the chief of police. The chief, or the chief's authorized representative, is authorized to make inspections of alarm systems and of the premises wherein the alarm systems are located. Such individual shall have authority at reasonable time and upon oral notice to enter upon any premises within the city to undertake such inspections and to determine where such systems are being used in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
B. Implementation Of Rules And Regulations: Subject to the approval of the mayor, the chief shall have power to make such reasonable rules and regulations as are deemed by the chief to be necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.
(1979 Code § 5.15.140; amd. Ord. 98-63, 10-27-1998)