BOARDING HOUSE: | Any place where rooms are rented, furnished or unfurnished, together with board, such as a bed and breakfast inn. |
ROOMING HOUSE: | Any place where rooms are rented or kept for rental for lodging or sleeping purposes by the day, week or month, where such rental does not include board, by whatever name such place is denominated, such as hotel, motel, or short-term rental. |
(Ord. 2016-61, 12-20-2016; amd. Ord. 2024-12, 5-7-2024)
A. Information Required: Application for a rooming house or boarding house license shall be made to the business license coordinator and shall contain the following information under oath:
1. The location of the rooming house or boarding house;
2. The number of rooms for lodging or sleeping purposes contained in such house;
3. The number of persons which such house will accommodate with rooms; and
4. Whether such rooming house is a boarding house which provides board, or food service, other than by a licensed restaurant located on the premises.
B. Investigation By Police Chief: The application described in subsection A of this section shall be referred to the chief of police, who shall, within ten (10) days after receiving the application, report to the business license coordinator whether:
1. The applicant is allowing any violation of state statute or city ordinance to occur on the premises;
2. Any alcoholic beverages have been sold or kept for sale on the premises in a manner contrary to law;
3. The owner, keeper or proprietor fails to keep a register as required or fails to open such register for inspection as required under section 5-9-5 of this chapter; or
4. The rooming house or boarding house is not conducted in a quiet, lawful or peaceable manner.
C. Other Investigations: The business license coordinator shall refer the original application to the county health department, the fire department, inspection services division and the community development department, which shall, within ten (10) days after receiving the application, report to the business license coordinator as to whether the rooming house or boarding house complies with all applicable laws, ordinances and regulations. Should it subsequently appear to that any law or ordinance is being violated, such fact shall at once be reported to the business license coordinator.
D. Review; Issuance Conditions: The mayor, or the mayor's designee, after receiving the recommendation of the chief of police and the other investigating departments and divisions, shall act upon the application in respect to granting or denying the same as he or she shall deem just and proper.
E. Fee: The fee shall be as determined in chapter 1, article B of this title.
(1979 Code § 5.32.030; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-22-1988; Ord. 98-54, 8-18-1998)