A. Authority: Authorized officers, including peace officers, code enforcement officers, and any other "authorized officer" as defined in section 5-1A-1 of this article, shall be permitted to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this title or any other applicable statute or ordinance, and may enter any building or may enter upon any premises during regular business hours; or, if there are no regular business hours, the officers or their authorized representatives shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry.
B. Refusal Prohibited: No owner, occupant or any other person having charge, care or control of any building or premises shall fail or neglect, after public request is made as herein provided, to properly permit entry therein by the authorized officer or his representative(s) for the purpose of inspection and examination to ensure compliance with this title.
(Ord. 2011-51, 10-25-2011)
The business license coordinator shall have the authority to make investigation, audit records, compel the production of documents, subpoena witnesses and administer oaths for the purpose of determining whether or not an applicant or licensee is in compliance with any licensing provision, and may refuse to issue a license or recommend suspension of a license, if an applicant or licensee, for any reason, fails or refuses to cooperate in such investigation or audit.
(1979 Code § 5.04.200; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; Ord. 92-22, 3-24-1992; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
All code enforcement officers are appointed assistant inspectors of licenses and shall examine all places of business or persons required to obtain business licenses and shall inform the business license coordinator of any violations of this article. Code enforcement officers shall report to all businesses or persons that have failed to obtain business licenses as required by this article.
(Ord. 2011-51, 10-25-2011)
The business license coordinator is authorized, from time to time, in his discretion, to remove from the files in his office and to destroy the following records and papers:
A. All applications for city license except for the then current year and the three (3) years immediately preceding;
B. All daily cash receipt transaction records except those for the then current year and the year immediately preceding.
(1979 Code § 5.04.220; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; Ord. 92-22, 3-24-1992; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
A. Person: Unless specifically prohibited in the provisions of this title, existing business licenses may be transferred to another person operating the same business at the same location upon the new person making application and being able to qualify for such license under this title and paying the applicable business license ownership transfer fee as set forth in the business license consolidated fee schedule.
B. Location: Unless specifically provided for in the provisions of this title, a business license may not be transferred to a new location within the city. Each location shall be applied for and all appropriate fees shall be paid for each location; provided, that the following license fees paid at an existing location shall be waived at the new location by the business license coordinator if necessary to eliminate duplicative charges:
1. Disproportionate impact fees; or
2. Enhanced services fees.
(1979 Code § 5.04.230; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; Ord. 91-22, 7-11-1991; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
A. Required: Every certificate of license for a business shall be posted by the licensee in a conspicuous place upon the wall of the building, room or office of the place of business so that the same may be easily seen. When the certificate of license has expired, it shall be removed and no certificate of license which is not in force and effect shall be permitted to remain posted within the place of business unless validated as a renewal. If the licensee's business is such that a license cannot be displayed due to the transient or mobile nature of the business, then the licensee shall carry the license on his person ready to be shown on request by an authorized officer during all such time or times while the licensee is engaged in or pursuing the business for which a license is granted.
B. Coin Operated Machine: In the event the license is for a coin operated machine or device, the certificate shall be attached or displayed in the immediate vicinity of the machine for which it has been issued.
(1979 Code § 5.04.240; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
All applicants for business licenses for the following businesses shall also be required to give bonds in favor of the city in the amounts and for the purposes as indicated below. All aggrieved persons shall have a right to bring an action under such bond against the licensee and the sureties. No license shall be issued until the bonds required herein have been filed and approved by the city attorney.
A. Employment agencies, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned for the faithful observance of the ordinances of the city, and the payment of all damages occasioned to any person by reason of any misstatement, misrepresentation, fraud or deceit practiced by the licensee or its agents or employees;
B. Lending monies upon personal securities, evidence of indebtedness, assignments of salary, salary warrants or any personal property, other than banks and building and loan institutions, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) conditioned for the faithful observance of the ordinances of the city and the laws of the state respecting money brokers, loan agencies, short term loan businesses, and pawnbrokers and with respect to interest rates chargeable;
C. Messenger or special delivery services, in the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned for the faithful observance of all ordinances of the city and the payment of all damages arising from any negligence in the conducting of such business;
D. Precious metal purchaser, in the penal sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) conditioned for the faithful observance of the ordinances of the city, and the payment of all damages occasioned to any person by reason of any failure to retain property or any misstatement, misrepresentation, fraud or deceit practiced by the licensee or its agents or employees.
(Ord. 2012-6, 1-24-2012)
For the purpose of regulation and for the purpose of obtaining revenue for the city, annual license fees in the amounts specified in this article are hereby levied and assessed upon the privilege of doing or engaging in business in the city during any calendar year or part thereof, and upon the privilege of doing any of the acts within the city for which a license fee is prescribed in this article during any calendar year or portion thereof. Nonregulatory licenses as provided herein shall be levied only for the purpose of revenue.
(1979 Code § 5.05.010; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997; Ord. 2004-71, 10-12-2004, eff. 12-31-2004)