A. Conflicts: Any provision of this article in conflict with a specific ordinance or provision pertaining to a business or activity regulated under this title shall be inapplicable and the specific regulatory provision shall govern.
B. Public Utility Business: Any public utility business holding a franchise from the city under which franchise the city is to be paid a franchise fee or tax in lieu of all other license fees or taxes shall be exempt from the provisions of this article; provided, that if such business maintains a business office within the city, such business office location shall be licensed in accordance with the provisions of this article, including the payment of license fees applicable to such office.
(1979 Code § 5.04.050; amd. Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
A. Conditions: No business license shall be required of any person whose only business activity in the city is the mere delivery in the city of property sold by him at a regular place of business maintained by him outside the city, where:
1. Such person's business is at the time of such delivery licensed by the Utah municipality or county in which such place of business is situated; and
2. The authority licensing such business grants to licensees of this city making deliveries within its jurisdiction the same privileges, upon substantially the same terms, as are granted by this section; and
3. Neither the property delivered nor any of the facilities by which it was manufactured, produced or processed are subject to inspection by authority of this city for compliance with health or sanitary standards prescribed by this city; and
4. The truck or other conveyance by which such delivery is made prominently displays at all times a license plate or symbol issued by the licensing authority to evidence such business license. Such plate or symbol shall identify the licensing authority by which it is issued, shall indicate that it evidences a license issued thereby, and shall specify the year or term for which it is effective.
B. Proof Required: Before reciprocity is granted, the person must show proof of a valid business license in a qualifying city or county, and may be required to fill out a business license application, if determined by the business license coordinator to be necessary to establish whether reciprocity should be granted. Reciprocity shall not be granted to solicitors, mobile food units or any business requiring police check or police identification cards.
C. Certification Of Section: The city recorder shall, at the request of any person upon payment of copying and postage costs, certify a copy of this section to any city or county of the state.
(1979 Code § 5.04.060; Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; amd. Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
The rendering of personal service in the city pursuant to the practice of any profession or calling shall not be deemed to be engaging in business unless the person rendering such services maintains an office or place of business within the corporate limits of the city.
(1979 Code § 5.04.070; Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; amd. Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)
It shall be the duty and responsibility of the business license coordinator to:
A. Enforce the provisions of this title.
B. Assess and collect all business license fees under this title.
C. Process all applications and renewals of all licenses provided for in this title.
D. Obtain the necessary approvals from city departments and divisions or from the mayor, or the mayor's designee, if applicable, before issuing any business licenses.
(1979 Code § 5.04.080; Ord. 88-49, 12-28-1988; amd. Ord. 92-22, 3-24-1992; Ord. 97-94, 12-16-1997)