A. Off Premises Not Allowed: Off premises signs are not allowed as painted wall signs.
B. Limitation; Identification, Limited Business: Painted wall signs shall be limited to identification signs and limited business signs restricted to only the name of the business and shall comply with the area requirements for the applicable major sign group.
C. Conditional Use In All Zones; Considerations: A painted wall sign is a conditional use in all zones, and in the review of such signs, the Planning Commission shall consider:
1. The character of the proposed sign, not only in and of itself, but also in terms of the effect such a sign will have upon the character of the surrounding area;
2. The way in which the sign will be read, and whether its size, location, configuration and character are appropriate to its intended audience, or whether a more appropriate sign could better serve its intended purpose, and at the same time, be less visually disruptive;
3. The sign shall be designed to complement the architecture of the building, without detracting from its significant details.
D. Where Prohibited: Painted wall signs are not allowed for a cannabis production establishment or a medical cannabis pharmacy.
(1979 Code § 15.12.171; amd. Ord. 86-33, 7-10-1986; Ord. 90-15, 3-15-1990; Ord. 92-36, 6-16-1992; Ord. 2019-46, 10-22-2019)
A. Area; Type: In shopping centers, the sign area for each separate store with exterior access will be determined by the width of the frontage of that store in the center. Signage for each tenant with exterior access in a shopping center shall be a wall sign located above the store front. The total sign area allowable on the exterior of the center for all tenants without exterior access shall be determined by the width of the common public entry ways located on the ground floor. Signage for tenants without exterior access shall be a wall sign located above the common public entryway. The total signage over each common entry shall be limited to the allowable area for that individual length of frontage.
B. Freestanding Identification, Information: In addition to the wall sign, each shopping center is permitted either a freestanding identification or information sign. The freestanding sign shall meet the applicable sign area regulations for the zone in which it is located. One electronic message display sign may be included as part of the information or identification sign; provided, that the electronic message display:
1. Shall not exceed forty nine percent (49%) of the total sign area proposed for the freestanding sign.
2. Shall be included as part of the total square footage permitted for either an information or identification sign.
3. Shall not be placed at the top of the sign pole and shall not be lower than ten feet (10') from the ground, but shall be designed to be an accessory feature to the sign.
4. Shall not be used for off-premises advertising.
(1979 Code § 15.12.260; amd. Ord. 80-4, 1-31-1980; Ord. 88-38, 9-22-1988; Ord. 89-27, 10-19-1989)
Any professional or business office, public or semi-public building, industrial park, shopping center, airport or similar use may install an informational directory sign, provided the area is limited by the appropriate provisions of Appendix A of this Title and further; provided, that it does not promote the sale or use of product or service except when used in connection with a mall or shopping center according to the provisions of Section 18-3-18 of this Chapter.
(1979 Code § 15.12.280; Ord. 80-4, 1-31-1980; amd. Ord. 89-27, 10-19-1989)
Not more than one property sign may be erected on each street frontage of the property which is the subject of the sign. Property signs announcing the destruction, construction or remodeling of a building, or announcing the enterprise to be allocated in a building under construction, or announcing the name and address of the architect or contractor of the building or the owner thereof, shall not be erected more than thirty (30) days prior to construction and shall be removed within thirty (30) days after completion of construction. Property signs offering such property for sale or lease shall be removed within thirty (30) days after sale or lease of such property.
(1979 Code § 15.12.220; amd. Ord. 96-61, 11-19-1996)
Any sign designating property, which has been designated as a historic resource under Title 17 of this Code, is subject to the provisions of this Title; provided, however, that the Mayor, upon recommendation by the Planning Commission, can waive any restrictions found in the provisions of this Title in allowing the erection of such a sign, if it is determined that such waiver would be necessary to protect an existing historic sign or there is historic evidence that the type of sign existed in the past and has been issued a certificate of historic appropriateness by the Ogden City Landmarks Commission. The Mayor may impose reasonable conditions to meet the intent of any ordinance requirement which is the subject of the waiver.
(1979 Code § 15.12.270; amd. Ord. 96-61, 11-19-1996)
Permits may be issued by the building official for hanging of display banners or other cloth decorations for special occasions, such as religious, charitable, civic or festive occurrences; or for Christmas decorations; or in celebration of some event of religious, national, state, or civic significance; or in honor of a visit from a person or persons of note. It is specifically prohibited to incorporate in any such decorations any political advertising or advertising of a commercial nature. Permits issued pursuant to this section may be issued without charge of any fee, but shall specify a period of time, not to exceed ninety (90) days, during which such signs shall be permitted to be used. Banners and decorations permitted by this section shall be maintained in a professional, neat and attractive condition, e.g., no fraying, cracking or peeling of the sign.
(Ord. 2014-15, 4-8-2014)