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   A.   Area; Type: In shopping centers, the sign area for each separate store with exterior access will be determined by the width of the frontage of that store in the center. Signage for each tenant with exterior access in a shopping center shall be a wall sign located above the store front. The total sign area allowable on the exterior of the center for all tenants without exterior access shall be determined by the width of the common public entry ways located on the ground floor. Signage for tenants without exterior access shall be a wall sign located above the common public entryway. The total signage over each common entry shall be limited to the allowable area for that individual length of frontage.
   B.   Freestanding Identification, Information: In addition to the wall sign, each shopping center is permitted either a freestanding identification or information sign. The freestanding sign shall meet the applicable sign area regulations for the zone in which it is located. One electronic message display sign may be included as part of the information or identification sign; provided, that the electronic message display:
      1.   Shall not exceed forty nine percent (49%) of the total sign area proposed for the freestanding sign.
      2.   Shall be included as part of the total square footage permitted for either an information or identification sign.
      3.   Shall not be placed at the top of the sign pole and shall not be lower than ten feet (10') from the ground, but shall be designed to be an accessory feature to the sign.
      4.   Shall not be used for off-premises advertising.
(1979 Code § 15.12.260; amd. Ord. 80-4, 1-31-1980; Ord. 88-38, 9-22-1988; Ord. 89-27, 10-19-1989)