The following requirements shall be used in determining the maximum sign area permitted given the following frontage conditions:
A. Two Frontages: Where a building has frontage on more than one street, both sides may be used in calculating the allowable sign area.
B. Multi-Tenants:
1. Where more than one tenant occupies a building and has frontage on the ground floor, the length of the exterior wall under the exclusive control of a tenant may be used in determining his frontage. In multi-story buildings, only the ground floor may be used in determining allowable area.
2. Where a tenant occupies a portion of a building without street frontage or does not have frontage on the ground floor, the frontage of the common public entrances to the building shall be used to determine the tenant's frontage. Signage for tenants in this case shall be a wall sign. The total signage for all such tenants shall be limited to the allowable area for that individual length of frontage.
(1979 Code § 15.12.191; Ord. 89-30, 11-9-1989; amd. Ord. 2003-26, 6-17-2003)
It is unlawful for any person to fasten, attach, paint or place any sign, as defined in this title, upon any private wall, window, door, gate, fence or sign or upon any other personal property without the consent of the owner or lessee or someone authorized to act on behalf of such owner or lessee.
(1979 Code § 15.12.090)
Whenever any sign or other advertising structure is erected in whole or in part on or over any public street or sidewalk, the person performing the work shall, before proceeding to erect the same, take all precautions necessary to ensure the safety of persons and property on such street or sidewalk. Before hoisting any material whatsoever above the surface of any street or sidewalk or placing any material upon the traveled portion of any street or sidewalk, the person performing such work shall exclude the traveling public from the portion of such street or sidewalk in which such work is to be done by means of suitable barriers, protected walkways and warning devices approved by the building services division; and, whenever the division shall deem it necessary under the conditions then existing, shall provide a guard or guards to exclude all persons not concerned in the work from the portion of the street or sidewalk in which the work is to proceed. When hoisting any sign or advertising structure above the surface of any street or sidewalk, the same shall be accomplished by hoisting devices of approved design and adequate capacity to accomplish the work in accordance with approved engineering practices, all of which hoisting equipment shall be kept and maintained in good and workable condition.
(1979 Code § 15.12.100; amd. 1999 Code; Ord. 2001-32, 6-5-2001)