A. Duty To Provide Waste Receptacles: Every owner, lessee or occupant of any dwelling, building, premises or place of business shall provide or cause to be provided, and at all times keep, suitable and sufficient receptacles for receiving and holding garbage, community waste, market waste, trade waste and other refuse or solid waste that may accumulate from said dwelling, building or place of business, or upon said premises or the portion thereof under the control of such person.
B. Container Requirements For Garbage And Market Waste: All garbage and market waste must be placed in rainproof and flyproof receptacles, either a metallic container with proper covers or an automated container as described herein, and shall be at all times kept securely closed and shall be kept in such place and in such manner as to prevent offense. When automated containers are being used, they shall only be filled to a level that permits the lid to close.
C. Nonresidential Establishments And Multiple-Dwelling Units: Solid waste generated or stored for collection at commercial establishments and institutions, businesses, apartment houses, multiple-dwelling units and public buildings, shall be:
1. Kept containerized and covered or enclosed at all times; and
2. Shall be removed at the direction of the owners of such establishments or institutions at least once each week and on such additional occasions as are necessary to prevent adverse health and nuisance conditions.
(1979 Code § 8.16.060; Ord. 97-91, 12-16-1997)