12-7-1: Enforcement Of Chapter; Health Official
12-7-2: Dead Animals Or Offensive Substances; Keeping Or Disposing Of Prohibited Where
12-7-3: Dead Animals Or Offensive Substances; Duty To Remove
12-7-4: Keeping Pigs Prohibited; Exceptions
12-7-5: Keeping More Than One Cow Prohibited; Permit Required To Keep One Cow
12-7-6: Keeping Structure For Animals Prohibited Where
12-7-7: Keeping Animal Premises In Unsanitary Condition Prohibited
12-7-8: Keeping Fowl If Allowed; Enclosures Required; Prohibited Where
12-7-9: Place Where Animals Kept For Exhibition To Be Kept Sanitary; Closure When
12-7-10: Nauseous Premises Prohibited
12-7-11: Empty Buildings
12-7-12: Unclean Drain Or Garbage Receptacle Prohibited
12-7-13: Toilet And Sewer Facilities To Comply With Law
12-7-14: Industrial Waste Or Unsound Containers; Nuisance When
12-7-15: Unclean Or Annoying Industries Prohibited When
12-7-16: Animal Products Manufacture Nuisance When
12-7-17: Collecting Or Depositing Putrid Matter Prohibited
12-7-18: Refuse Accumulation Prohibited When
12-7-19: Emission Of Smoke Nuisance When; Exception
12-7-20: Coal Or Other Substances To Be Unloaded So As To Minimize Dust
12-7-21: Surfaces To Be Sprinkled Before Sweeping When
12-7-22: Reserved
12-7-23: Unlawful Burning
12-7-24: Violation; Penalty
12-7-25: Remedies Cumulative
A. Health Official: The health official or any state licensed sanitarian acting under the health official's direction is authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter using the powers and authority granted to a local health department under Utah Code Annotated title 26A.
B. Service Of Notice: In order better to carry out the provisions of this chapter, the health official, in addition to any other duly authorized city official, or any state licensed sanitarian acting under the direction of the health official, may serve a notice in writing upon the owner, occupant or agent of any lot, building or premises in or upon which any nuisance may be found or upon the person who may be the cause of such nuisance, requiring him to abate the same in such manner as the city official, health official or sanitarian may direct and within a reasonable time to be fixed in the notice; but a failure to give such notice as provided in this subsection shall not relieve the author of any nuisance from the obligation to abate such nuisance or from the penalty provided for the maintenance thereof.
C. Authority To Abate Nuisance In Case Of Failure: In case of neglect or failure or refusal of any person to abate any nuisance defined by this chapter in accordance with a notice in writing served upon him as provided in subsection B of this section, the health official or any state licensed sanitarian is authorized to abate or to effect the abatement thereof and the expense of such abatement shall be collected from the person failing, neglecting or refusing to abate the same.
D. Removal Of Offensive Substances: Whenever the carcass of any dead animal or other offensive substance injurious to the health of the public or persons in its vicinity is found in the city and no person can be found who is liable or responsible for the removal or abatement of such substance, the health official is authorized to remove the same at the expense of the city.
(1979 Code §§ 8.24.240, 8.24.250, 8.24.260, 8.24.270; amd. 1999 Code)
It is unlawful for any person to leave exposed in any street, avenue, highway, alley, lot, public ground or watercourse within the City the carcasses of any dead animal, or any unsound meat, fish, or other substance, or to permit the same to be done with his consent; or to make, use, keep or permit in his dwelling, shop, store, factory, outhouse, cellar, yard, lot or other place within the City any noxious or offensive liquid or substance prejudicial to the health of the citizens or of any annoyance to any person; or to throw any filth, offal or other offensive matter into any street, avenue, highway, public ground, alley, lot or watercourse in the City, or to permit or cause the same to run in any watercourse.
(1979 Code § 8.24.020)
It shall be the duty of all persons owning or having charge of animals which die or are found dead to have the dead animals removed at their own expense to an authorized solid waste facility or to an authorized byproducts company, and all putrid meats, fish, clippings of hides, pelts or other offensive substances shall likewise be disposed of. If the persons whose duty it is to dispose of said animals, putrid meats, fish, clippings of hides, pelts or other offensive substances shall fail for twenty four (24) hours to discharge their duties as required in this chapter, the health official is authorized to have the same disposed of at the expense of the party whose duty it may be to dispose of the same.
(1979 Code § 8.24.030; amd. 1999 Code)