12-4-1: Property Maintenance Responsibilities; Sidewalks, Park Strips And Abutter's Alleys
12-4-2: Waste Materials Or Junk; Prohibited On Premises
12-4-3: Weed Control
12-4-4: Noxious Weeds
12-4-5: Vegetation Interfering With Public Ways Or Property
12-4-6: Empty Buildings To Be Kept Secured
12-4-7: Inspectors Authorized To Enforce Chapter
12-4-8: Penalties And Remedies For Violations
A. It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, occupant or lessee of real property to keep their exterior property free of conditions which violate the provisions of this chapter.
B. It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, occupant or lessee of real property abutting and bordering on any public street in the city to keep the area between their property line and the curb or edge of the roadway free of conditions which violate the provisions of this chapter. Such area shall include sidewalks, park strips between streets and sidewalks, or other adjacent landscaped or open areas within a dedicated public right of way.
C. It shall be the duty of the owner, agent, occupant or lessee of real property which faces on an abutter's alley to keep that portion of the alley which is adjacent to such property, free of conditions which violate the provisions of this chapter. If the alley was dedicated for the benefit of real property on both sides of the alley, the duty shall extend to the centerline of the alley. If the alley was dedicated only for the benefit of real property along one side of the alley, the duty shall extend for the entire width.
(1979 Code § 8.26.010; Ord. 97-91, 12-16-1997)
A. Prohibition: It is unlawful for any owner, occupant, agent or lessee of real property within the city, to allow, cause or permit the following material or objects to be in or upon any yard, garden, lawn, or outdoor premises of such property:
1. Junk or salvage material;
2. Litter;
3. Any abandoned vehicle or inoperable vehicle.
B. Exceptions: The prohibition in subsection A of this section shall not apply to:
1. Materials or objects used, kept or maintained in connection with a business enterprise lawfully situated and licensed for the same and operating in conformance with the zoning title or other provisions of this code; or
2. The outdoor storage of no more than one vehicle at a residence, as described in subsection G in the definition of "junk or salvage yard", section 15-2-11 of this code.
C. Prohibition On Park Strips, Sidewalks, Etc.: It is unlawful for any owner, occupant, agent or lessee of real property abutting and bordering on any public street in the city, for the distance such real property abuts and borders such street, to allow, cause or permit litter, or junk or salvage material, to be in or upon the area from the property line to the curb line of the street or edge of the roadway.
D. Abutter's Alleys: It is unlawful for any owner, occupant, agent or lessee of real property facing on any abutter's alley, to allow, cause or permit litter or junk or salvage material to be in or upon that portion of the abutter's alley for which the owner, occupant, agent or lessee is responsible as provided under subsection 12-4-1C of this chapter.
(1979 Code § 8.26.020; Ord. 97-91, 12-16-1997; amd. 1999 Code)