A. Transportation Of Materials: All materials of any kind whatsoever conveyed or hauled through or upon any public streets or highways of the City, shall be transported in such a manner as to prevent such materials from falling from the transporting vehicles and littering such streets, highways, or adjacent properties. If necessary to prevent such littering of streets, highways, or adjacent properties, the material thus transported shall be securely tied down or shall be tightly covered with heavy canvas or other suitable covering.
B. Haulers: It is unlawful for any person engaged in hauling garbage, market waste, trade waste, community waste, stove ashes, construction or demolition waste, dead animals, night soil or other refuse or solid waste materials, or any soil, sand, gravel, concrete or cement of any kind upon the streets of the City to permit, suffer, allow or cause any of said material to fall into or to remain in said streets.
C. Vehicles: No vehicle shall be operated or moved on any street or highway within the City unless such vehicle is so constructed or loaded as to prevent its contents from dropping, sifting or leaking, or otherwise escaping from the vehicle.
D. Special Provisions For Construction Materials Or Scrap Metals:
1. In addition to the requirements under subsection C of this Section, a vehicle carrying dirt, sand, gravel, rock fragments, pebbles, crushed base, aggregate, any other similar material, or scrap metal, shall have a covering over the entire load unless:
a. The highest point of the load does not extend above the top of any exterior wall or sideboard of the cargo compartment of the vehicle; and
b. The outer edges of the load are at least six inches (6") below the top inside edges of the exterior walls or sideboards of the cargo compartment of the vehicle.
2. The following material is exempt from he provisions of subsection D1 of this Section:
a. Coal;
b. Hot mix asphalt;
c. Construction debris or scrap metal if the debris or scrap metal is a size and in a form not susceptible to being blown out of the vehicle;
d. Material being transported across a highway between two (2) parcels of property that would be contiguous but for the highway that is being crossed; and
e. Material listed under subsection D1 of this Section that is enclosed on all sides by containers, bags, or packaging;
3. A chemical substance capable of coating or bonding a load so that the load is confined on a vehicle, may be considered a covering for purposes of subsection D1 of this Section so long as the chemical substance remains effective at confining the load.
E. Snow Removal; Highway Maintenance:
1. An authorized vehicle performing snow removal services on a highway is exempt from the requirements of this Section if the vehicle's load is screened to a particle size established by rule of the Utah Department of Transportation.
2. This Section does not prohibit the necessary spreading of any substance connected with highway maintenance, construction, securing traction, or snow removal.
F. Highways: A person may not operate a vehicle with a load on any highway unless the load and any load covering is fastened, secured, and confined to prevent the covering or load from becoming loose, detached, or in any manner a hazard to the safe operation of the vehicle, or to other highway users.
(1979 Code § 8.16.040; Ord. 97-91, 12-16-1997)