1151.01 Requirements for principal buildings.
1151.02 Supplemental yard and height regulations.
1151.03 Modifications and exceptions for principal buildings.
1151.04 Double frontage lots.
1151.05 Rear yard computations for irregular shaped lots.
1151.06 Setback requirements for corner buildings.
1151.07 Visibility at intersections.
1151.08 Fence and wall restrictions.
1151.09 Recreation and commercial motor vehicle parking or storage.
1151.10 Yard requirements for multi-family dwellings.
1151.11 Buffer and screening.
1151.12 Multiple single family dwelling units.
1151.13 Architectural projections.
1151.14 Fire escape restrictions on front of buildings.
1151.15 Pedestrian shelters.
1151.16 Location and height of accessory buildings or structure in residential districts.
1151.16.1 Handicapped accessible ramps.
1151.17 Location and height of accessory building for nonresidential district.
1151.18 Location and height of other structures.
1151.19 Encroaching doors or gates.
1151.20 Uncovered ground structures.
1151.21 Prior erection of main building.
1151.22 Land requirements exclusive.
1151.23 Lot area reduction.
1151.24 Dwelling unit additions.
1151.25 Termination of covenants.
1151.26 Manufactured homes or recreational vehicles prohibited as dwelling units.
1151.27 Limitations on excessive concentration of adult family homes and adult group homes.
1151.28 Outdoor dining areas.
1151.29 Public-private setback requirements.
1151.30 Design standards.
1151.31 Site lighting requirements.
1151.32 Structured parking requirements.
1151.33 Drive-thru requirements.
1151.34 Theater requirements.
1151.35 Big-box retail requirements.
1151.36 Fuel/recharging station requirements.
1151.37 Automotive service station minor repair.
1151.38 Requirements for home occupations.
1151.39 Dwelling on any lot of record.
1151.40 General landscaping material standards.
1151.41 Commercial uses in residential zoning districts.
Table 1 Property requirements generally; applicable standards for principal buildings on individual lots.
1151.42 Table 2 List of Permitted, Conditional and Accessory Uses.
Building height restrictions - see Ohio R.C. 713.08
Building bulk and location, lot occupancy percentage and setback - see Ohio R. C. 713.09
Yard regulations - see Ohio R. C. 713.09