The site lighting requirements are as follows:
(a) Exterior lighting shall be designed to minimize spill over to other properties. Area lighting fixtures shall direct light down and be full cut-off fixtures unless it is architectural/accent lighting, landscape lighting, area lighting for recreational uses, and exterior residential lighting.
(b) Important on-site elements such as entrances, pedestrian pathways, and pedestrian spaces shall be properly lit with appropriate lighting. All lighting fixtures, whether attached to a building and/or free standing, shall be of harmonious design.
(c) Electrical service to outdoor lighting fixtures shall be underground.
(d) All outdoor lighting shall be located, screened, and shielded so that adjacent uses are not directly illuminated, especially in cases where non-residential uses are in close proximity to residential uses.
(e) Security lighting should be shielded and aimed so that the light is directed to the security area. All commercial exterior lighting, except signage, shall be equipped with automatic timing devices and/or extinguished no later than one (1) hour after closing, with the exception of motion detection security lighting.
(Ord. 8-2013. Passed 2-26-13.)