   The subdivider shall, at the subdivider's expense, provide rights-of-way and easements, and shall design, furnish, and install improvements as required by these Regulations, as required by other applicable codes of the City, and as provided in a development agreement and approved improvement plans, to ensure that the subdivision, roads, areas, and individual lots therein are provided with improvements and services consistent with the standards of the City, that they are consistent to the greatest possible extent with the plans adopted by the City, and that they contribute to the public health, safety, and welfare. The subdivider shall provide and install at least the following required improvements within any proposed subdivision, and other improvements as determined necessary by the City to comply with applicable regulations.
   (a)   Monuments and other survey markers.
   (b)   Roads, including pavement, curbs, underdrains, culverts and bridges, road signs, pavement markings, street lighting, landscaping and street trees, and other necessary appurtenances.
   (c)   Sidewalks and other facilities for pedestrian and bicycle travel.
   (d)   Sanitary facilities, including extensions of the public sanitary sewer system or, where required, approval for the installation of on-site systems.
   (e)   Water supply, including extensions of the public water supply system or, where required, approval for the installation of on-site private wells.
   (f)   Other essential utilities, including at least telephone, natural gas and electric power.
   (g)   Drainage facilities, including open drainage facilities or enclosed storm sewer systems, retention/detention facilities, and other construction necessary to control storm water runoff and to protect water quality.
   (h)   Grading, restoration, and seeding of rights-of-way, easements, and lots.
   (i)   Off-site improvement necessitated by the proposed development, including but not limited to turning lanes and widening of existing streets, new intersections, traffic control signs and signals, off-site drainage improvements.
   (j)   Subdivisions that adjoin or include existing streets that do not conform to widths as shown on the General Development Plan or the Official Map or the street width requirements of these Subdivision Regulations, shall dedicate additional width along either one or both sides of said street. If the subdivision is along one side only, one-half the required extra width shall be dedicated. Entrances and exits onto existing streets may require the installation, at the applicant's cost, of turn lanes, signs, and traffic signal equipment as deemed necessary at the time by the City of Norton.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)
   The subdivider shall be required to design, furnish, and install rights-of-way, easements, and improvements with the dimensions and capacities required to make feasible the eventual completion of the systems of roads, sidewalks, drainage, and utilities necessary for the development of the proposed subdivision and of nearby land which is an integral part of the same area and systems. Where such rights-of-way, easements, or improvements are greater than normally required or necessary for the subdivision itself, the subdivider may be required to provide and install the over-sized improvements subject to compensation as provided herein. The subdivider shall be required to extend improvements to make service available to adjoining land. If roads or utilities are not available at the boundary of a proposed subdivision, the City may require the subdivider to construct off-site extensions of the improvements.
   (a)   Over-Sized Improvements. Where improvements are required in excess of the size needed to serve the proposed subdivision itself, the subdivider shall install the over-sized improvements. The subdivider shall pay that part of the total cost of the improvements required to service the subdivision plus that part of the service area costs which the City determines to assess against the subdivision. Reimbursement shall be made according to a contract as provided below.
   (b)   Off-Site Extensions to the Proposed Subdivision. When improvements are not available at the boundary of a proposed subdivision in the manner required to provide adequate access or service, the City shall require, prior to approval of the preliminary and final plat, guarantees that such improvement extensions will be provided by the subdivider.
   (c)   Extensions to Abutting Properties. The subdivider shall be required to provide, at the subdivider's expense, such rights-of-way, easements, and improvements necessary to ensure that roads, utilities, drainage systems, sidewalks, walkways, bikeways, and other improvements are extended and available to those boundaries of the subdivision where the City determines that future extensions will be appropriate for future development and for the completion of planned, functional, and integrated service areas and systems.
   (d)   Prorating Costs. In making determinations for prorating costs for the construction of off-site extensions or over-sized improvements, the City shall consider, in addition to the standards set forth in this section and other regulations of the State, County or City, the following conditions:
      (1)   The relative location and size and projected impacts of the proposed subdivision;
      (2)   The traffic estimated to be generated by the development in relation to present roads and anticipated future;
      (3)   The natural drainage area for storm sewers and other drainage improvements, the service area for sanitary sewers, and the service area for the water system, including the need for future looping of water lines;
      (4)   The development benefits that will accrue to the subdivision;
      (5)   The sequence of land and utility developments in the vicinity;
      (6)   Planned locations of open space, public properties, walkways, and bikeways; and
      (7)   Any other condition it may deem necessary.
   (e)   Contract for Reimbursement. Contract arrangements shall be made between the subdivider and the City for the reimbursement of over-sized and off-site improvement costs incurred by the subdivider. As agreed in the contract:
      (1)   Reimbursement may be delayed until such time that connections to these improvements are made by the benefiting properties; or
      (2)   The governmental body having jurisdiction may construct and pay for the over-sized and off-site improvements and assess the costs to the owners benefitted; or
      (3)   The City may establish a rotary fund to pay for such development costs and not collect the assessments on the intervening land until developed; or
      (4)   If the City finds that the extensions across undeveloped areas would not be warranted as a special assessment to the intervening properties or as a governmental expense until some future time, the subdivider may be required to obtain necessary easements or rights-of-way and to construct and pay for the extensions. Such improvements shall be available for connections by subdividers of adjoining land.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)
1236.06 SURVEYING.
   (a)   Surveying Standards.
      (1)   All surveying for land development shall be done in accordance with Ohio R.C. 4733.37, "Minimum Standards for Boundary Surveys in the State of Ohio" and shall be based on the survey monumentation system approved by the City.
      (2)   A complete survey shall be made by a registered surveyor. The traverse of the exterior boundaries of the tract and of each block, when computed from field measurements on the ground, shall close within a limit of error of one foot to 10,000 feet of the perimeter before balancing the survey.
      (3)   The corners of each lot shall be marked with iron pins.
   (b)   Monuments.
      (1)   Monuments shall be placed at all block corners, angle points and points of curves in roads, road intersections and at intermediate points as required by the City. Monuments will be located at centers of intersections and at P.C., P.I. and P.T.
      (2)   Monuments shall be placed as required by the City Engineer. The monuments and pins shall be of such material, size, length and shape as may be approved or specified by the City Engineer.
      (3)   Monuments shall be set at all subdivision corners and iron pins at corners.
      (4)   All monuments and iron pins shall be identified in the final plat and shall be in place at the time the streets and other improvements are inspected for final acceptance by the City Engineer. The registered professional surveyor in charge of the installation shall submit a written affidavit stating that all monuments and pins have been installed and that any monuments or iron pins removed during construction have been replaced.
   (c)   Markers. Markers shall be located in the ground to the final grade at all lot corners. Such markers shall be of solid ferrous metal, three-fourths inch in diameter and shall be at least 30 inches long.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)
   (a)   Blocks. Block length and width or acreage within bounding roads shall be such as to accommodate the size of lots required in the area by the Zoning Code and to provide for the convenient access, circulation control and safety of street traffic, but in no case shall be less than 400 feet nor more than 1,200 feet in length. For commercial, group housing or industrial use, block size shall be sufficient to meet all area and yard requirements for such use.
   (b)   Lots.
      (1)   Lot dimensions and area shall not be less than the requirements of the Zoning Code.
      (2)   Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles to straight street lines and radial to curved street lines. Lot lines should coincide with municipal boundary lines rather than cross them.
      (3)   Where extra width has been dedicated for the widening of existing streets, lots shall begin at the new street lines, and all setbacks shall be measured from the new street lines.
      (4)   Where there is a question as to the suitability of a lot or lots for their intended use, due to factors such as rock formations, topography, internal drainage, flood conditions, wetlands, or similar circumstances, the Planning Commission may require certification by a professional engineer, substantiated with soil borings, that the soil has sufficient bearing capacity for building foundations and that the lot will be suitable for the intended uses.
      (5)   Corner lots for residential use shall have additional width in order to accommodate the requirements of the Zoning Code.
      (6)   Double frontage lots. Double frontage lots shall not be permitted except where extreme conditions in elevation prevent access to the lot from one of the streets or where it is necessary to separate residential lots from major arterial thoroughfares by means of a reserve strip which prohibits access.
   (c)   Reserve Strips. Reserve strips controlling access to streets, abutting land, water plants or sewage treatment plants or other facilities, or to other land dedicated or to be dedicated to public use, shall be prohibited, except where their control is definitely placed in the City under conditions approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
   (d)   Easements.
      (1)   Easements along the side of a rear property line or elsewhere for utility installation and maintenance or for access to a public use area or facility may be required and for other public purposes. Such easements shall be at least ten feet wide and located after consultation with the companies or Municipal departments concerned. All such easements must meet with the approval of the City Engineer.
      (2)   A ten foot utility easement is required along the front of each lot abutting and parallel to the road right-of-way.
      (3)   Where a subdivision is traversed by a new or improved ditch, storm sewer, detention/retention basin, watercourse, drainageway, channel or street, there shall be provided a storm water easement or drainage right-of-way conforming substantially to the lines of such watercourse, and such further width or construction, or both, as will be adequate for the purpose and conform to comprehensive plans for these facilities in the City, if such exist or should hereafter be adopted.
      (4)   Easements shall be provided as required for fire ponds.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)
1236.08 STREETS.
   (a)   General Criteria.
      (1)   All streets, regardless of whether they are private or public, shall be constructed in accordance with the Engineering Construction Standards.
      (2)   The arrangements of streets not shown on a General Development Plan or an Official Map shall be such as to provide for the appropriate extension of existing streets. The street pattern shall provide ease of circulation within the subdivision and, insofar as practical, should provide access to schools, playgrounds, transportation and other community facilities.
      (3)   Streets serving business and industrial areas shall be planned to connect with arterial streets and to prevent or minimize commercial traffic on residential streets.
      (4)   New street openings shall generally be prohibited within 600 feet of any major intersection or crossing or grade separation structure, as measured along the centerline from such intersection or structure.
      (5)   Minor streets shall be designed as to discourage through traffic.
      (6)   Subdivisions abutting highways shall provide a marginal access street or reverse frontage with a buffer strip for planting, or some other means of separation of through and local traffic as the Planning Commission may determine appropriate.
      (7)   Streets shall be extended to the boundaries of a proposed subdivision unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions or unless the Planning Commission and Council deem extension unnecessary or undesirable within the planned future street pattern of the area in which the subdivision is located and with regard to future access and development of abutting properties.
      (8)   Half streets. Half streets (half of the width of a full right-of-way) shall not be permitted. Where a half street exists adjacent to a subdivision, the remaining half street shall be platted or the half street shall be vacated.
   (b)   Geometric Standards.
      (1)   Minimum width of right-of-way and pavement.
         A.   The right-of-way width, measured from lot line to lot line, and the pavement width, measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement without curbs, shall not be less than the following, except as provided in division (b) of this section:
Street Classification
Minimum Public Right-of-Way Width
Minimum 2-Lane Pavement Width Without Curbs and Without On-Street Parking
Arterial Street
80 feet
28 feet
Collector Street
60 feet
24 feet
Minor Street
60 feet
24 feet
Minor Street cul-de-sac serving 20 homes or less
50 feet
22 feet
         B.   The Planning Commission may recommend exceptions to the minimum width requirements stated in division (a) of this section or may recommend requirements for greater widths. Recommendations shall be based on traffic studies or other reports justifying the exceptions or additional widths and with the advice of the City Engineer. Recommendations shall be subject to approval by City Council.
         C.   Where streets are proposed to be constructed with curbs or with on-street parking permitted, the Planning Commission shall recommend that the required street width be increased as recommended by the City Engineer and subject to approval by City Council.
      (2)   Grades.
         A.   Street grades shall be designed to contribute to efficient drainage patterns for lots in the subdivision.
         B.   Grades of arterial streets shall not exceed 6%. Grades of collector streets shall not exceed 8%. Grades on other streets shall not exceed 8%.
         C.   No street shall have a grade of less than 0.5 percent.
      (3)   Curvature of roads (horizontal and vertical).
         A.   A tangent at least 100 feet long shall be introduced between reverse curves on arterial and collector streets.
         B.   When connecting street lines deflect from each other at any one point by more than ten degrees and no more than 45 degrees, they shall be connected by a curve with a radius of not less than 100 feet for minor streets and 300 feet for arterial and collector streets.
         C.   Simple parabolic vertical curves shall be used to effect a gradual change between tangent grades where the algebraic difference of grades in percent is greater than 0.5 percent.
         D.   Minimum horizontal radii of centerline curvature.
            1.   Arterial Street            1,000 feet
            2.   Collector Street         300 feet
            3.   Minor Street            200 feet
            4.   Cul-de-sac Street         200 feet
      (4)   Intersections.
         A.   Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as is possible and in no case shall be less than 70 degrees.
         B.   The block corners at intersections shall be rounded at the curb line with a curve having a radius of not less than 25 feet for residential street intersections and 55 feet for industrial or commercial street intersections.
         C.   Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than 125 feet are prohibited unless deemed unavoidable and approved by the City Engineer.
         D.   Street intersections shall be separated a minimum of 300 feet measured between centerlines.
         E.   No more than four street legs shall be permitted in any intersection.
         F.   Street intersections shall be at 90 degrees where practical, but in no case less than 70 degrees.
         G.   The minimum radius of right-of-way lines and pavement at intersections shall be 25 feet.
         H.   An intersecting minor street shall have a tangent distance of at least 100 feet or a curve with a minimum 1,400 foot radius.
         I.   An intersecting collector street shall have a tangent distance of at least 200 feet or a curve with a minimum 1,900 foot radius.
         J.   A grade of not greater than 3% shall be used for the through street, with a maximum grade of 5%. Drainage shall be directed away from the intersection.
      (5)   Sight distances and visibility.
         A.   Minimum vertical visibility (measured four and one-half feet eye level to 18-inch tail light) shall be 800 feet on arterial streets, 500 feet on collector streets and 300 feet on minor streets.
         B.   Minimum horizontal visibility shall be 800 feet on arterial streets, 500 feet on collector streets and 300 feet on all other streets as measured on centerlines.
   (c)   Cul-de-Sac Streets.
      (1)   A cul-de-sac street shall not be longer than 600 feet.
      (2)   A cul-de-sac street shall be constructed with a pave turn-around at the end with a radius of not less than 50 feet and tangent, whenever possible, to the right side of the street.
      (3)   If a cul-de-sac street is of a temporary nature, a similar turn-around shall be provided and provisions made for future extension of the street and reversion of the excess right-of-way (temporary easement) to the adjoining properties.
      (4)   The subdivider who extends the temporary cul-de-sac street shall be required to remove the temporary cul-de-sac and restore the disturbed property.
      (5)   Where a dead-end or stub street extends past a street intersection only to the depth of the corner lot, a turnaround shall not be required.
      (6)   The subdivider shall provide a reservation strip, two feet wide, in the name of the City at the end of all temporary cul-de-sacs. The reservation strip shall become a public street only upon extension of the dedicated street.
   (d)   Special Street Designs. Where the subdivider proposes a special street or intersection design which is not otherwise permitted by these Regulations, such as a boulevard, one-way street system, roundabouts, traffic-calmed street, or other contemporary street design, the subdivider shall submit a report by a qualified traffic engineer which provide evidence of the safety and functionality of the proposed street design consistent with the purpose and intent of these Regulations. The Planning Commission may recommend the street design subject to approval by Council.
   (e)   Pavement, Curbs, Gutters.
      (1)   All streets shall be constructed in accordance with the Engineering Construction Standards. Specifications for thicker or stronger streets shall be set by the City Engineer and required by the Planning Commission as a result of special soil or other conditions in the area concerned.
      (2)   Curbs shall be constructed in accordance with the Engineering Construction Standards.
   (f)   Culverts and Bridges. All bridges to be constructed shall meet with the approval of the City Engineer and any County and State officials, as required.
   (g)   Curb Cuts and Driveway Aprons. Curb cuts shall only be permitted with the approval of the City Engineer and in accordance with any access plans adopted by the City.
   (h)   Road Names and Signs.
      (1)   No street shall have a name which will duplicate or so nearly duplicate the name of an existing street as to be confused with such existing street.
      (2)   The continuation of an existing street shall have the same name.
      (3)   Any new street name must be approved by the Planning Commission.
   (i)   Traffic Control and Signs. Street signs, curb signs, school crossing signs and other signs needed to regulate traffic or for warning purposes shall be required as specified by current City specifications of the same or equal quality, size and style as those being erected by the City at the time of the approval of the subdivision.
(Ord. 46-2009. Passed 5-11-09.)
   (a)   Sidewalks.
      (1)   Sidewalks shall be installed within the public right-of-way on both sides of each street and shall be in accordance with the Engineering Construction Standards.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may recommend, subject to the approval of Council, that a sidewalk be constructed on only one side of a street where fewer than ten dwellings are served by the sidewalks or where alternative pedestrian facilities, such as neighborhood walkways or trails, serve the need for pedestrian facilities.
      (3)   Sidewalks shall be at least four feet in width.
      (4)   A ramp shall be installed at each crosswalk in accordance with the Engineering Construction Standards.
   (b)   Pedestrian Crosswalks. Pedestrian crosswalks may be required in locations deemed necessary by the Planning Commission in order to provide access to schools, recreation areas, shopping facilities, transportation facilities, churches and other community facilities. Such walkways shall be ten feet wide and shall provide a visual connection from sidewalk to sidewalk.
   (c)   The Planning Commission may recommend, subject to the approval of Council, sidewalks or bikeways for access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation facilities, or other community facilities necessary to promote efficient pedestrian circulations and access. Easements shall be obtained and maintenance provided for.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)
1236.10 UTILITIES.
   (a)   Underground Utilities Required.
      (1)   All wires and electrical or telephone installations within and entering and servicing the subdivision shall be placed underground. Construction and maintenance easements shall be provided for such installations.
      (2)   All utilities to be installed underground within the public street right-of-way, including water, sanitary sewers, storm sewers and electrical, telephone and gas lines, shall be installed in the streets prior to dedication of the street to the City of Norton as a public street and prior to final permanent paving of the street.
   (b)   Sanitary Sewers; Septic Systems.
      (1)   All sanitary sewers shall extend to the boundaries of the subdivision in the proposed through streets abutting adjacent properties.
      (2)   No sanitary sewer shall empty into a storm sewer.
      (3)   If a public sanitary sewer system is proposed, the subdivider shall provide a system of sanitary sewer mains and shall provide lateral connections for each lot or potential building site. Public sewer systems and extensions shall meet the requirements of the OEPA and other applicable laws.
      (4)   Where the subdivision is located within a sanitary sewer district, but a public sanitary sewer is not immediately reasonably accessible, the Planning Commission may approve the subdivision plat, provided:
         A.   The sanitary sewer mains and lateral connections are installed and appropriate provisions and arrangements can be made for the construction, operation and maintenance of an interim group sewage disposal facility pending permanent connections to the public sanitary system; and
         B.   If approved by the Summit County Health and Engineering Departments.
      (5)   If a private sanitary sewer system is proposed, it shall be operated by a governmental agency or a private corporation with appropriate OEPA licenses and permits.
      (6)   Lots proposed to be served by individual treatment systems will require approval by the OEPA or the local health department in accordance with these Regulations and all other applicable laws and regulations.
   (c)   Water Supply.
      (1)   The subdivider shall provide evidence that potable water is available or will be made available in quantities sufficient to supply the proposed subdivision.
         A.   All water lines shall extend to the boundaries of the subdivision in the proposed through streets abutting adjacent properties.
         B.   Fire Hydrants. Fire hydrants and control valves shall be installed at proper locations, to be determined by the local fire official and the Engineering Construction Standards.
      (2)   The Planning Commission may require the subdivider to submit a report by a professional geologist and/or by an OEPA certified chemical water testing laboratory as evidence that the proposed water supply will be adequate, safe, and have no negative impact to neighboring drinking water sources. The subdivider may be required to drill one or more test wells.
      (3)   All proposed private water systems shall meet the standards of the Ohio Administrative Code, Chapter 3701-28, Private Water System Rules and all other applicable rules and regulations.
      (4)   If a public water supply is proposed, the subdivider shall provide a complete water distribution system including a service connection to each lot or dwelling unit. Public water distribution systems shall meet the requirements of the OEPA.
   (d)   Gas Mains. All gas mains, where installed, shall conform to the standards and specifications of the public utility serving the City.
   (e)   Street Lighting.
      (1)   Street lighting shall be installed at intersections and along public and private streets as provided in the Ohio Edison ESIP Street Lighting Manual or other standard as required by the City Engineer.
      (2)   The subdivider and successors in ownership of lots within the subdivision shall be subject to the requirements of City ordinances regarding the establishment of street lighting districts.
(Ord. 2-2004. Passed 2-23-04.)