Design Standards
1236.01   Subdivision design generally; suitability of land.
1236.02   Standards generally.
1236.03   Standards in planned developments.
1236.04   Improvements required.
1236.05   Over-sized and off-site improvements.
1236.06   Surveying.
1236.07   Platting of blocks, lots, rights- of-way easements.
1236.08   Streets.
1236.09   Sidewalks, walkways, bikeways.
1236.10   Utilities.
1236.11   Storm water, grading, erosion control, SWPPP, NPDES.
1236.12   Trees and landscaping.
1236.13   Public use and service areas.
   Construction site soil erosions, sediment and other wastes and storm water runoff - see B. & H. Ch. Ch. 1474
   Riparian and wetland setbacks - see B. & H. Ch. Ch. 1470