General Provisions
90.001 Purpose
90.002 Authorization to take action
90.003 Title usage
90.004 Authorization to sign documents
90.005 Board approval required to sign
90.006 Logging documents signed without approval
90.007 Secretary authorized to attest
90.008 Delegations
90.009 More strict authorizations required
90.010 Repeal
Procurement Authority
90.025 Procurement authority
90.026 General authority
Budget Authority
90.040 Legal services
90.041 Insurance services
90.042 Employee benefits
90.043 Grant authority
Amendment Authority
90.055 Contracts executed under threshold
90.056 Contracts executed over threshold
90.057 Amendments maintaining or reducing obligations
90.058 Contract extensions pending negotiation
Litigation Settlement Authority
90.070 Executive Director
90.071 General Counsel
90.072 General Counsel’s delegation
90.073 Non-remunerative settlements
90.074 Settlements reducing obligations