(a) Use of alcohol or drugs. No person shall ride a horse or shall operate a horse drawn carriage while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or knowingly permit others to do so.
(b) Age. Owners and drivers of horse drawn carriages shall be of such age and experience as specified in the Department of Consumer Affairs Rules and Regulations.
(c) Provision for mounts for those who hire. Owners of riding horses shall be responsible for providing a suitable mount for persons who hire a horse for riding purposes.
(d) Provision for escorts. No person shall be permitted to take a riding horse off the stable grounds without the escort of a properly experienced rider unless such person has demonstrated sufficient skill in handling of the horse in the presence of stable personnel.
(e) Joint liability of owner and renter. An owner shall be jointly liable with the person to whom a horse is rented for any violation of these regulations committed by such person if the owner had knowledge or notice of such act and did not attempt to prevent it from occurring. Owners, operators, or riders of horses shall be in violation of these regulations and of Subchapter 3 of Chapter 3 of Title 17 of the New York City Administrative Code if a horse is abused during their ownership, care or custody. Joint responsibility for a horse shall exist under circumstances as described in 24 RCNY § 4-06(e).
(f) Civil violations and penalties. Any violation of Subchapter 3 of Chapter 3 of Title 17 of the New York City Administrative Code or of these regulations may be prosecuted as civil violations subject to a civil penalty of a sum not less than twenty-five nor more than five hundred dollars or by the suspension from work of the horse with respect to which the act which caused the violation was committed or by both such civil penalty and suspension. Civil violations, under these regulations shall be adjudicated before the Administrative Tribunal of the Department.
(g) Appeals. An appeal from such prosecution may be had as provided for in 24 RCNY Health Code Article 7.
Each person registering for the training program offered to drivers of horse drawn cabs shall pay a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00). Except where the person has received course materials or has attended any part of the course, said fee shall be refundable upon request made prior to the conclusion of the course.
Appendix A
Date | Horse ID # | Driver/ Rider | Driver's License # | Carriage Plate # | Time out (a.m.)/(p.m.) | Time in (a.m.)/(p.m.) |