The following provisions apply to all applicants and permittees or licensees, excepting only when otherwise indicated:
(a) Each applicant who is an active customer shall produce each vehicle for which a permit or license is requested for inspection and/or measurement and/or weighing at a time and place to be named by the Commissioner's representative. Failure of an applicant to produce any vehicle at the time and place fixed by the Commissioner's representative shall be deemed an abandonment of the application for permit or license for the vehicle or vehicles not produced at the time fixed, unless and until the vehicle or vehicles are produced at such subsequent time as the Commissioner's representative shall fix and no application will be advanced by the Department for issuance of permit or license until the vehicle or vehicles have been produced for the above purposes at the time and place fixed by the Commissioner's representative.
(b) After issuance of a permit or license, each permittee or licensee who is an active customer shall produce each vehicle for re-inspection and/or re-measurement and/or re-weighing at a place and time designated by the Commissioner's representative. Any vehicle that is not produced by such permittee or licensee for re-inspection and/or re-measurement and/or re-weighing shall not be allowed to dispose of materials at any facility.
(c) When upon re-inspection and/or re-measurement and/or re-weighing a vehicle that is owned by a permittee or licensee who is an active customer is found then by the Commissioner's representative not to be in compliance with these Rules and Regulations the permit or license for such vehicles may be suspended until remedial action by the permittee or licensee places the vehicle again in full compliance with these Rules and Regulations, or the Commissioner's representative may fix a time within which the permittee or licensee may place the vehicle in compliance with these Regulations. In the latter case, the permittee or licensee shall produce the vehicle for re-inspection and/or re-measurement and/or re-weighing at the expiration of the time allowed at the place designated by the Commissioner's representative. If the permit or license was suspended pending compliance, the permittee or licensee shall notify the Commissioner's representative when he deems the vehicle in compliance with these Rules and Regulations and thereupon the permittee or licensee shall produce the vehicle at the time and place designated by the Commissioner's representative for re-inspection and/or re-measurement and/or re-weighing. During any such time that a permit or license for a vehicle is suspended, such vehicle shall not be allowed to dispose of material at any facility.
(d) All vehicle wheels shall be equipped with pneumatic tires, but this provision shall not apply to Class 3 vehicles.
(e) Each vehicle of all classes shall have the name and business address of the permittee or licensee lettered legibly in letters and figures not less than eight inches in height on each side of the vehicle body or upon each door of the vehicle cab at all times.
(f) Each vehicle (except Class 3) shall have painted upon each side of the vehicle body well forward, in letters and figures not less than two inches in height, the following:
(g) Each Class 3 vehicle shall be supplied at all times with a neatly lettered sign not less than 18 inches square bearing these legends arranged in three lines as follows:
which sign shall be displayed as required by 16 RCNY § 5-07(q).
(h) All legends painted on the sides of the vehicle body shall be so placed to be visible at all times and not obscured by lowered hinged sideboards, or tarpaulin covers secured in place down the sides.
(i) Each operator of a vehicle shall have in his possession at all times the Department of Consumer Affairs permit or license document, State Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate for the vehicle, and chauffeur's license.
Permittees or licensees desiring to use Department of Sanitation disposal points in accordance with rules and regulations applicable to such use will be supplied for each permit or license vehicle an addressograph stamping plate for use in connection with recording of prepayments for reception and disposal upon a cubic yard basis and, when the Department has in operation at certain of these points scales to record net weights of loads for payment purposes, a different plate for use in such scales.
If an applicant desires to use Department disposal facilities at which material will be received only on a weight basis, he shall pay the cost or fees for weighing the vehicle in the presence of the Commissioner's representatives whenever the Commissioner determines that Department scales are not available for this purpose.
Cubic capacity of vehicle bodies and/or containers shall be determined by measurement by the Commissioner's representative, or in some cases such as standard totally enclosed bodies or standard containers the manufacturer's rated capacity may be accepted and adopted, but the Commissioner reserves the right to measure and calculate the cubic capacity of every body and container. Calculations shall be made to the hundredth of a cubic yard. When the calculated capacity contains a fraction not exceeding fifty one-hundredths (50/100) of a cubic yard, capacity shall be fixed at the whole number of cubic yards less the fraction. (When the fraction exceeds fifty one-hundredths of a cubic yard, capacity shall be fixed at the next higher whole number of cubic yards.) Calculations shall be made to the hundredth of a cubic yard. (When the fraction exceeds fifty one-hundredths of a cubic yard, capacity shall be fixed at the next higher whole number of cubic yards.) Class 4 and Class 5 vehicles however, will not be measured and therefore will not have cubic capacity determined and assigned.