The following school, instructor and course completion certification procedures shall apply to all educational institutions, industry and labor organizations offering a course of instruction in accordance with § 24-161 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York.
Approved school. "Approved school" shall mean an educational institution, industry organization or labor organization which has been certified by the Department to conduct a course in air pollution control.
Certificate of Course Completion. "Certificate of Course Completion" shall mean the certificate issued by the Department indicating that an individual has passed the air pollution control course of instruction in accordance with the provisions of these rules.
Commissioner. "Commissioner" shall mean the Commissioner of the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
Curriculum. "Curriculum" shall mean a sequence of topics to be covered which together comprise a program of instruction.
Department. "Department" shall mean the New York City Department of Environmental Protection.
Enrollment Card. "Enrollment Card" shall mean a registration card issued by an approved school offering air pollution control course of instruction to a current student.
Instructional Hour. "Instructional Hour" shall mean an instructional unit of time consisting of a minimum of fifty minutes.
Teaching Certificate. "Teaching Certificate" shall mean the certificate issued by the Department indicating that an educational institution, industry organization or labor organization has received approval to conduct a course in air pollution control.
Tuition. "Tuition" shall mean the charge for instruction at an approved school, and shall not include such charges as enrollment or registration fees, or fees for equipment and materials, including but not limited to kits, tools, supplies and books.
(a) No educational institution, industry organization or labor organization shall offer a course of instruction in air pollution control involving the use of fuel or refuse burning equipment, in conformance with § 24-161 of the Administrative Code of the City of New York, prior to receiving written approval of such course by the Department.
(b) Educational institutions, industry and labor organizations seeking the Department's approval of a course of instruction shall submit to the Department a completed application in a form prescribed by the Department, containing a description of the course to be offered. Such application shall contain the following information:
(1) Name and address of the entity planning to conduct the air pollution control course, and one name and telephone number of a contact person.
(2) The course location and course schedule (dates and times.)
(3) A copy of the course curriculum and the amount of time allotted for each topic.
(4) A description of the teaching methods to be used to present each topic (e.g., lectures, discussions, hands-on demonstrations, audio-visual materials).
(5) Copies of all written materials to be distributed, including typical examinations.
(c) Upon obtaining approval from the Department, the educational institution, industry organization or labor organization shall receive a teaching certificate which will be valid for (5) five years. A teaching certificate may be renewed upon submission of a renewal application.
(a) A course of instruction in air pollution control involving the use of fuel burning equipment using residual fuel oil or refuse burning equipment shall provide the following:
(1) A minimum of twelve hours of instructions;
(2) Class instruction wherein the ratio of students to instructor in the classroom shall not exceed 25 to 1, and during hands-on demonstration sessions it shall not exceed 10 to 1; and
(3) A curriculum of teaching materials which shall include, at a minimum, the New York City Board of Education/DEP workbook "Air Pollution Control".
(b) Notification of course modification
(1) At least ten days prior to revising a course, an approved school shall in writing notify the Department and request written department approval of any of the following modifications:
(i) personnel changes
(ii) course schedule (dates and locations)
(iii) course curriculum
(iv) teaching materials
(2) Conditional written approval may be granted pending evaluation of the proposed changes.
(a) The resumes of persons applying for instructor positions shall detail, at minimum, the most recent five (5) years experience with residual oil burning or refuse burning equipment and shall include the following:
(1) List of jobs the applicant has held and the duration of each; and
(2) Name and address of each employer; and
(3) Description of the work performed in each position.
(b) Educational institutions, industry and labor organizations shall only employ instructors experienced in teaching the operation and supervision of residual fuel oil burning or refuse burning equipment.
(c) A copy of each instructor's resume which demonstrates the experience required in 15 RCNY § 10-05(a) and a letter from the training institution attesting to the instructor's competence to teach the course shall be submitted to the department prior to commencement of the course.
(a) No person or entity shall employ an operator or supervisor of fuel burning equipment using residual fuel oil or of refuse burning equipment who is not certified by the Department or who does not have an enrollment card for a course of instruction.
(b) Educational institutions, industry and labor organizations shall then promptly submit to the Department a list of all enrolled students, evidence of their completing a course of instruction in air pollution control and final test score.
(c) The Department shall issue a certificate of course completion to individuals who successfully have completed a course of instruction at an approved school with a passing score of 70 percent on the air pollution control course examination within (60) sixty days of the completion of the course upon payment of the fee specified in subdivision (e).
(d) Stationary and marine engineer shall not be required to complete the course of instruction, but they must pass the air pollution control course examination with a score of at least 70 percent.
(e) An individual who has passed the course of air pollution control instruction and seeks a certificate of course completion shall pay a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to the Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Air Resources.