Subchapter C: Food Products
All food and food products which are packaged or wrapped by the retailer in advance of being exposed or offered for sale by the retailer shall be accurately marked with
(a) the net weight or standard measure or numerical count;
(b) the selling price per pound or unit of standard measure, and
(c) the total selling price.
(a) All wrapped and unwrapped breads, except those specifically exempted by law, shall be labeled clearly, plainly and conspicuously as to net weight, kind of bread and the name and address of the manufacturer or distributor, except that, when bread is sold or offered for sale in the premises of the manufacturer, only the kind of bread and the net weight are required on the loaf and such information may be given on a posted notice in English and, if a different language is spoken, also the language or languages of the neighborhood. Such notice shall be conspicuous, in plain view of the buyer and in close proximity to each size and kind of bread offered for sale in the premises.
(b) Bread cut from a loaf shall be weighed in the presence of the buyer and sold by net weight.