(a) No general vendor shall make any misrepresentations concerning merchandise offered for sale. General vendors shall comply with all applicable provisions of the Consumer Protection Law (Title 20, Chapter 5, Subchapter 1 of the Administrative Code of The City of New York) and regulations promulgated under that law.
(b) All items sold or offered for sale by general vendors shall have conspicuously displayed, at the point of offering for sale, the total selling price exclusive of tax by means
(1) of a stamp, tag or label attached to the item or
(2) a sign at the point of display which indicates the item to which the price refers, provided that this information is plainly visible at the point of display for sale of the items so indicated.
(c) Each general vendor shall offer a consumer a serially numbered receipt for any purchase. The receipt must include:
(1) the date of the purchase;
(2) the total amount of money and tax paid for the purchase;
(3) a description of the item purchased; and
(4) the license number of the vendor;
(5) a statement that complaints can be made to the Department of Consumer Affairs, (Insert the Department's current address and telephone number).
(d) Each vendor shall retain a duplicate copy of each receipt for the day which shall be produced for inspection upon request by police or other New York City personnel. The receipts shall be presented for review to the Department by the general vendor upon request, and the previous two years' receipts shall be produced when applying for renewal of a license.
An unlicensed general vendor who has had any goods, or any vehicle, pushcart or stand removed under the provisions of §§ 20-468(c) and 20-465(k) of the New York City Administrative Code may serve notice of a request for the return of such property after a judicial determination of the charge of vending without a license has been made irrespective of the result of such determination. Unless forfeiture proceedings are to be instituted pursuant to § 20-469 of the New York City Administrative Code, or unless the judicial proceeding has terminated in favor of the vendor, the owner or other person lawfully entitled to the possession of such vehicle, pushcart, stand or goods which have been removed under the provisions of § 20-465(k) may be charged with reasonable costs for removal and storage payable prior to the release of such goods, vehicle, pushcart or stand.
No general vendor or food vendor may vend on any of the streets specified below (6 RCNY § 2-314); at the times specified. If a general vendor or food vendor peddles on any street listed below at the times listed below, any member of the New York City Police Department may remove his or her goods, vehicle or stand and charge a removal fee for return of the items. Goods and vehicles are subject to immediate removal without further warning if a general vendor or food vendor peddles on the specified streets in violation of these regulations. General vending continues to be prohibited at all times on the streets and in the zoning districts specified in § 20-465(g) of the Administrative Code, except that general vending is permitted in the following C4 zoning district:
18th Ave. 64th to 65th St.
65th St. 17th Ave. to 18th Ave.
However, only on the streets and at the times specified below is a general vendor subject to having his goods immediately removed. No general vendor or food vendor shall vend on any street or portion of street designated below during the days of the week and times of day that are specified. This prohibition also applies to an area of each cross-street that crosses each designated street; this area is thirty feet of street and sidewalk in each direction along the cross-street, measured from the building lines closest to each designated street at each cross-street corner.
Vendors who are granted a Permit for Use of Pushcart by Union-Columbia Board of Trade, Inc., a corporation organized under section 1410 of the New York Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, shall be exempt from the provisions of §§ 20-453 and 20-466 of the Administrative Code. Such exemption shall apply only to vending activity conducted on Union Street between Hicks Street and Columbia Street in Kings County, pursuant to the permit agreement entered into by the City of New York Office for Economic Development, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development, and Union-Columbia Board of Trade, Inc., dated as of June 1982.