(a) The Department may require applicants to appear in person at the Department or a location designated by the Department to be fingerprinted. This requirement applies to: an individual, if the applicant is an individual; the general partners, if the applicant is a partnership; the officers, directors and stockholders owning more than ten percent of the stock of the corporation ("principal stockholders"), if the applicant is a corporation; and the members, if the applicant is a limited liability company.
(b) The Commissioner may, in his or her discretion, waive the fingerprint requirement if a person required to be fingerprinted is unavailable, or for other good cause shown.
(Amended City Record 2/24/2020, eff. 3/25/2020)
(a) All applicants for a license or a license renewal must provide complete and truthful responses to all the information requested on an application for such license or license renewal and any related documents.
(b) No applicant for a license or a license renewal shall conceal any information, make a false statement or falsify or allow to be falsified any certificate, form, signed statement, application or report required to be filed with an application for a license or license renewal to be issued by the department.
(c) Unless otherwise provided by law or rule, no applicant for a license or renewal thereof, or licensee, including the general partners, officers, directors, members, and principal stockholders of such applicant or licensee, whose application or renewal thereof is denied or whose license is revoked by the Department may submit a new application for the same license for a period of 12 months from the date the initial application or renewal was denied or the license was revoked. This subsection shall only apply if the initial application or renewal was denied, or the license was revoked, because the applicant or licensee concealed information, made a false statement, or falsified or allowed to be falsified any certificate, form, signed statement, application or report required to be filed with an application for a license that is to be issued by the Department or for a renewal thereof.
(d) The commissioner may deny any license application or refuse to renew any license, and may, after due notice and opportunity to be heard, suspend or revoke such license, if the applicant or person holding such license, or where applicable, any of its officers, principals, directors, members, managers, employees, or stockholders owning ten percent or more of the outstanding stock of the corporation, has been found to have violated subdivisions a or b of this section in connection with the application or licensed business.
(Amended City Record 1/30/2019, eff. 3/1/2019; amended City Record 2/24/2020, eff. 3/25/2020)
(a) The licenses and permits listed below expire on the dates indicated:
License | Date (years refer to calendar years) |
License | Date (years refer to calendar years) |
Booting of Motor Vehicles | December 31 of Odd Years |
Debt Collection Agency | January 31 of Odd Years |
Electronic or Home Appliance Service Dealers | June 30 of Even Years |
Electronic Stores | December 31 of Even Years |
Employment Agency | May 1 of Even Years |
Garage, Parking Lot | March 31 of Odd Years |
Home Improvement Contractor | February 28 of Odd Years |
Horse Drawn Cab | March 31 of Even Years |
Horse Drawn Cab Driver | May 31 of Even Years |
Laundry – Retail, Industrial, and Industrial Delivery | December 31 of Odd Years |
Locksmith; Locksmith Apprentice | May 31 of Odd Years |
Process Server | February 28 of Even Years |
Products-for-the-Disabled Dealer | March 15 of Odd Years |
Secondhand Dealer | July 31 of Odd Years |
Sightseeing Bus | March 31 of Even Years |
Sightseeing Guide | March 31 of Even Years |
Stoop Line Stand | March 31 of Even Years |
Storage Warehouse | April 1 of Odd Years |
Towing Vehicles Company | April 30 of Even Years |
Towing Vehicles Driver | October 31 of Even Years |
(b) General vendor licenses are valid for two years. Such licenses shall expire September 30 of each year.
(c) Newsstand licenses are valid for a two year term and shall expire on either March 31 or September 30 and in either odd or even numbered years, depending on the date designated in the license document.
(d) Reserved.
(e) Reserved.
(f) Pedicab business licenses and pedicab driver licenses are valid for one year. Pedicab business licenses shall expire November 1 of each year and pedicab driver licenses shall expire April 30 of each year.
(g) Car wash licenses are valid for a two year term and shall expire October 31 of odd-numbered years.
(h) In all instances where the license expiration dates differ from those in existence prior to the effective date of this section, or amendments thereto, the License Issuance Division of the Department shall make appropriate adjustments.
(Amended City Record 9/26/2016, eff. 10/26/2016; amended City Record 2/24/2020, eff. 3/25/2020; amended City Record 12/1/2020, eff. 12/31/2020; amended City Record 2/22/2021, eff. 3/24/2021; amended City Record 3/11/2022, eff. 4/10/2022; amended City Record 10/9/2024, eff. 11/8/2024)