(a) Scope. This section sets forth the standards, requirements and procedures for certification of correction of defects in the design and installation of newly-installed and altered fire alarm systems, when such defective conditions are cited by the Department upon inspection or acceptance testing of such a system.
(b) Definitions. The following terms, for purposes of this section and as used elsewhere in the rules, have the meanings shown herein:
Certification of corrected defects. Certification by licensed or certified professionals, in accordance with 3 RCNY § 104-04, that a defect cited by the Department in the design and/or installation of a fire alarm system has been corrected, as follows:
(1) certification by the fire alarm system installer who personally corrected the defect. Such person shall either be:
(A) a principal of a company to which the Department has issued a company certificate for fire alarm system installation, inspection, testing and servicing who holds a certificate of fitness for fire alarm system installation, inspection, testing and servicing and for certification of corrected defects; or
(B) a technician employed by such a company who holds a certificate of fitness for fire alarm system installation, inspection, testing and servicing, and for certification of corrected defects; and
(2) if correction of the defect necessitated the installation of electrical wiring or other work requiring the services of a licensed electrician, certification by the licensed master electrician or licensed special electrician who holds a certificate of fitness for certification of corrected defects who personally corrected the defect or supervised the work of a qualified electrical technician under such licensed electrician's direction and control; and
(3) the licensed or certified professional who personally verified the functionality of the fire alarm system following correction of the defect. Such person shall hold a certificate of fitness for verification of corrected fire alarm system defects. Such person shall not be one of the licensed or certified professionals who certified correction of the fire alarm system defects.
(4) A licensed special electrician may certify correction of work or verify system functionality only for fire alarm system installations for which the special electrician made the required filings.
(c) Applicability. In lieu of Department re-inspection, owners may elect to certify correction of defects in newly-installed or altered fire alarm system installations that have not yet been approved by the Department, when all of the following conditions have been met:
(1) Approved design documents. The owner submitted design and installation documents with the Department and obtained Department approval of the design of the system;
(2) Acceptance test. The owner's representatives conducted the required acceptance test of the system before Department representatives;
(3) System defects. The Department identified defects in the design and installation of the system, including whether it operates as designed, as set forth in a notice of defect or other Department documentation issued after the effective date of this section, and such defects cited prior to the effective date of this section as the Department may determine to allow to be certified pursuant to this section, consistent with the standards, requirements and procedures of this section;
(4) Ineligible defects. The notice of defect does not identify more than 10 fire alarm system defects in a low-rise building or more than 20 fire alarm system defects in a high-rise building, and/or does not identify any defects in the design and installation of any of the following system components (when required), including whether they operate as designed:
(A) Emergency alarm systems;
(B) Emergency power switchover;
(C) Firefighter service (Phase 1 and Phase 2), including elevator recall operation;
(D) Fan shut down affecting the operation of more than 20% of fan systems;
(E) Fire shutter operation;
(F) [Reserved;]
(G) Power riser (including fire rating requirements);
(H) Primary power supply connection (including connection after building disconnect);
(I) Smoke control operation;
(J) Sprinkler water flow switches and other non-sprinkler fire extinguishing system activation devices;
(K) Stair pressurization; and
(L) Central station connection.
(5) Timely submission. Certification of corrected defects is submitted to the Department within 90 days of the date the notice of defect was issued.
(d) Eligibility for Certificate of Fitness for Certification of Corrected Defects. The following licensed or certified professionals may obtain a certificate of fitness for verification of corrected fire alarm system defects:
(1) a registered design professional;
(2) a principal of a company for which a company certificate for fire alarm system installation, inspection, testing and servicing has been issued, who is a fire alarm system installer registered with or licensed by the State of New York; and
(3) a master electrician or special electrician licensed by the Department of Buildings.
(e) Scope of Certification of Professional Correcting Defects. Certification of corrected defects constitutes a representation by the licensed or certified professional correcting the defects, made under the authority granted to the licensed or certified professional by his or her professional license or certification and the applicable Department certificate, that the defect in the design or installation of the fire alarm system, identified in the applicable notice of defect, has been corrected, in accordance with the applicable requirements of the Building Code, Fire Code, Electrical Code, NFPA 72 and/or other law, rule, regulation, standard or component listing, as follows:
(1) Types of defects. Certification of corrected defects constitutes a representation that each defect has been corrected as follows:
(A) Missing component. If the defect was a system component that was not installed, the component has been installed and connected to the requisite power source, and operates as designed.
(B) Non-approved component. If the defect was a system component that was not listed or otherwise not approved for use in New York City, the component has been replaced with a listed or approved component, and operates as designed.
(C) Non-working component. If the defect was a system component that was not working or not working properly, the condition has been corrected, and the component is in good working order and operates as designed.
(2) Operates as designed. For purposes of certification of corrected defects, "operates as designed" means that the system component performs the function for which it has been designed and installed, in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and the approved design and installation documents for the system, as amended by any as-built design and installation documents and (with respect to electrical work) any A-433 form, including activating or shutting down all devices the system component is designed to activate or shut down.
(3) Minimum duration of testing. Certification of corrected defects of a system component shall be based on operation of the device for the period of time necessary to assure its proper operation.
(4) Inspection of other system components. Certification of corrected defects includes a representation that other system components, within the scope of work performed, have been inspected and tested, including inspection and testing of devices that activate such component and devices activated or shut down by the component. The certification does not include a representation that wiring and/or other inaccessible components have been inspected and tested, except for certifications by the licensed or certified professional who, to correct the defect, installed such wiring and/or performed work on such other inaccessible components.
(f) Scope of Certification of Professional Verifying System Functionality. Certification of corrected defects constitutes a representation by the licensed or certified professional verifying the functionality of fire alarm system components after correction of defects, made under the authority granted to the licensed or certified professional by his or her professional license or certification and the applicable Department certificate, that a defect involving a missing or non-working component has been corrected and the fire alarm system components that were installed and/or repaired in order to correct the defective condition are operating as designed in accordance with the approved plans for the fire alarm system, as amended by any as-built design and installation documents, including the Input/Output programming matrix that defines the sequence of operation (as set forth in Section A. of Annex A to NFPA Standard 72).
(g) Submission and Acceptance of Certification of Corrected Defects. Certification of corrected defects shall be submitted to the Department, and, if satisfactory, accepted by the Department, in the following manner:
(1) Submission. Certification of corrected defects shall be submitted on the form approved by the Department for this purpose. If there are no defects in the design or installation of the fire alarm system and the notice of defect requires submission of the applicable A-433 form, as-built design and installation documents or other documentation required solely to complete the application (administrative defects), submission of certification of corrected defects is not required. Such submissions must bear such certifications as may be required by law, rule or Department procedure.
(2) Required signatures. The approved form for certification of corrected defects shall be personally signed by all parties required for the certification. As such, except as otherwise provided in 3 RCNY § 104-04(g)(3), it shall bear the signatures of up to three separate licensed or certified professionals: the signature of the one or two licensed or certified professional(s) who corrected the defect(s) and the signature of the licensed or certified professional who verified the functionality of the fire alarm system following correction of defects.
(3) As-built plans and A-433 forms. To complete a fire alarm system application, any changes to a fire alarm system from the original approved design must be reflected on the applicable Department A-433 form, asbuilt design and installation documents and/or other required documentation and submitted to the Department prior to, or at the time of, the Department inspection.
(4) Acceptance and letter of approval. Upon acceptance of certification of corrected defects, including, where required, acceptance of the as-built design and installation documents, A433 forms and/or other documentation, the Department will deem the defective condition corrected. If there are no other outstanding defects or other considerations preventing its issuance, a letter of approval will be issued for the fire alarm system.
(h) False Certification. All certifications of corrected defects are subject to audit. Any licensed or certified professional and certificate holder found to have submitted false or fraudulent certification shall be subject to the penalties provided therefor in the Fire Code and rules, and any other applicable law, rule or regulation, including the penalties for misconduct set forth in 3 RCNY § 113-01(g) and 3 RCNY § 115-01(i), as applicable. False certification of corrected defects may also be considered in connection with the false certifier's fitness to hold other certificates of fitness or company certificates.
(Added City Record 10/16/2020, eff. 12/1/2020; amended City Record 3/27/2023, eff. 4/26/2023)
(a) Scope. This section sets forth the standards, requirements and procedures for the submission of design and installation documents for fire alarm system installations for Department review and approval.
(b) General Provisions.
(1) Submission and approval required. Pursuant to FC 907.3, design and installation documents for fire alarm system installations, containing such details as may be required by the Fire Code, Building Code, Electrical Code and this section, shall be submitted for Department review and approval prior to system installation in the form and manner prescribed on the Department's electronic portal.
(2) Certification of design and installation documents. Pursuant to FC 105.4.1, design and installation documents must be prepared by a registered design professional. Such documents shall bear the seal of such design professional, which shall serve to certify that the documents are in compliance with applicable provisions of the Fire Code, Building Code, rules, and other applicable laws, rules and regulations.
(3) Filings upon completion of installation. Upon completion and satisfactory testing of a fire alarm system installation that comprises any part of a core building system, the owner shall submit a request for inspection pursuant to 3 RCNY § 105-01(c)(2). Upon completion of a fire alarm system installation that does not comprise any part of a building core fire alarm system, the owner may alternatively submit professional certification of the installation, except as may otherwise be provided in the letter of acceptance approving the design of the installation.
(4) Format of design and installation documents. The design and installation documents required by this section shall be formatted (to scale) in the form and manner prescribed on the Department's electronic portal.
(c) Submission and Approval Procedure.
(1) Submission and approval of design and installation documents.
(A) Submissions. Applications for approval of fire alarm systems shall be electronically filed with the Department in the form and manner prescribed on the Department's electronic portal, including completion of the applicable application form and payment of applicable fees.
(B) Approval. The Department will review the design and installation documents submitted pursuant to 3 RCNY § 105-01(c)(1)(A), and, if determined to be in compliance with the requirements of the laws, rules and regulations enforced by the Department, approve such documents in accordance with FC and Department procedures.
(2) Department inspection filing.
(A) Submissions. Applications for Department inspection of a fire alarm system installation shall include the following documentation and such other information and documentation as the Department may require:
(1) the Department's "request for inspection" application form;
(2) "as built" design and installation documents of the fire alarm system installation, and the facility in which it is installed, as actually constructed, formatted in folio (11 × 17) size, and containing:
(a) the information required by Building Code Section 907.1; and
(b) the Input/Output programming matrix and written certification required by 3 RCNY § 105-01(c)(2)(A)(3) and (4).
If such "as built" design and installation documents cannot be electronically filed at the time of submission of the request for inspection because installation work has not been completed, such "as built" documents may be submitted thereafter but no later than the date of inspection of the installation, either by electronically filing them using the Department‘s electronic portal or by providing them to the Department representative at the time of inspection of the installation.
(3) a completed Input/Output programming matrix that defines the sequence of operation, as set forth in Section A. of Annex A to NFPA Standard 72; and
(4) a written statement from a registered design professional, a person holding a license to engage in the business of installing, servicing and maintaining fire alarm systems issued by the New York Secretary of State pursuant to Article 6-D of the New York State General Business Law, or a master electrician licensed by the Department of Buildings and registered with the New York Secretary of State in accordance with such Article 6-D, certifying that a functional test has been conducted of the fire alarm system and the system operates as designed and in accordance with the Input/Output programming matrix. If such functional test cannot be conducted at the time of submission of the request for inspection because installation work has not been completed, such written certification may be submitted to the Department in accordance with 3 RCNY § 105-01(c)(2)(A)(2).
(B) Acceptance. The Department will review such application for inspection and supporting documentation for completeness and/or other purposes, and if satisfactory, will authorize an inspection.
(3) Inspection and approval of fire alarm system installation.
(A) Availability of documents. A printed copy of standard-size (24" × 36") set of approved engineering drawings of the fire alarm system design and installation, and a set of "as built" design and installation documents of the installation, pursuant to 3 RCNY § 105.01(c)(2)(A)(2), shall be made available for inspection by the Department representative at the time of inspection of the fire alarm system installation.
(Amended City Record 3/27/2023, eff. 4/26/2023)
(a) Scope. This section sets forth procedures for the certification of correction and adjudication of violations issued by the Department and returnable to the New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH).
(b) Definitions. The following terms shall, for the purposes of this section and as used elsewhere in the rules, have the meanings shown herein:
FDNY summons. A form, formerly known as a notice of violation, that is used for purposes of enforcing the Fire Code, the rules, or other law, rule or regulation enforced by the Department, that serves to notify the respondent named therein of a violation of such laws, rules or regulations, orders correction of same, commences a proceeding at OATH, and sets forth information relating to such violation and proceeding.
OATH. The New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings, acting pursuant to Section 1049-a of the Charter.
(c) Certification of Correction of Violations.
(1) All FDNY summonses, except those that charge failure to certify correction, false certification or violation of a Commissioner's order (other than the order to certify correction), shall include an order requiring the respondent to correct the conditions constituting the violations, and to file a certification with the Department that the conditions have been corrected.
(2) The required certification shall be made on the certificate of correction form accompanying the FDNY summons issued by the Department representative. The certificate of correction shall be completed and signed by the respondent in accordance with the instructions set forth thereon, and shall be notarized by a notary public or commissioner of deeds. The respondent shall submit with the certificate of correction all documentation necessary and appropriate to demonstrate correction of the violations.
(3) The signed and notarized certificate of correction shall be directed to:
Administrative Enforcement Unit
Bureau of Legal Affairs
New York City Fire Department
9 MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201-3857
Bureau of Legal Affairs
New York City Fire Department
9 MetroTech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11201-3857
(4) The certificate of correction must be received by the Administrative Enforcement Unit of the Bureau of Legal Affairs no later than the close of business on the 35th calendar day from the date of offense set forth on the FDNY summons. Both the date of offense and the date for certification of correction are indicated on the face of the violation.
(5) The filing of a certificate of correction in accordance with this section constitutes an admission to the offense charged and results in a finding of liability, but respondents cited for one (1) or more first offenses who, for each such condition, timely correct and file a certificate of correction that is accepted by the Department, are not required to appear for a hearing at OATH and avoid the imposition of a penalty on such violation.
(6) When more than one (1) violation of a law, rule or regulation is cited on the same FDNY summons, the respondent may certify correction as to one (1) or more of such violations. However, respondent must appear for a hearing at OATH, as set forth on the FDNY summons, if certification of correction is not filed with and accepted by the Department for all of the violations cited on the FDNY summons.
(7) The Department will review all certificates of correction and determine whether to accept them as satisfactory certification of correction. The Department will notify each respondent as to whether the certificate has been accepted, and, if it has not been accepted, advise the respondent of the deficiencies in the certification and the actions and/or proof required to correct the violations.
(d) Acceptance of Compliance Stipulations in Adjudications.
(1) If the respondent admits to the violation but requires additional time to comply beyond the date indicated on the FDNY summons, the respondent may request a stipulation for compliance purposes.
(2) The Department may agree to offer a stipulation to extend the time for correction, upon such terms and conditions as the Department determines to be reasonable. Such offer, and the finalization of any such stipulation, shall be consistent with 48 RCNY Chapter 3.
(Amended City Record 8/30/2017, eff. 10/1/2017)
(a) Scope. This section establishes violation categories for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of the New York City Fire Code (FC) (Title 29 of the Administrative Code); Title 15 of the Administrative Code (Fire Prevention and Control); the New York City Construction Codes (Title 28 of the Administrative Code); the rules promulgated by the Department and codified in Title 3 of the Rules of the City of New York (3 RCNY); and/or other laws, rules and regulations enforced by the Department. These violation categories will be cited by Department personnel in connection with the issuance of FDNY summonses returnable to OATH, in lieu of citation to a particular code or rule section.
(b) Violation Categories. The following violation categories are established for the aforementioned enforcement purposes:
Violation Category 1: Portable Fire Extinguishers and Fire Hoses
Failure to provide and/or maintain required portable fire extinguishers, fire hoses or other portable fire extinguishing devices, in violation of FC 303.5; 307.4; 307.5; 308.5; 308.6; 309.2; 309.3; 310.7; 315.3; 317.5; 319.6; 325.9; 603.3; 609.4; 609.6; 609.9; 901.4; 906.1; 906.2; 906.3; 2005.2; 2005.3; 2005.4; 2005.5; 2005.6; 2007.7; 2010.6; 2108.4; 2305.5; 2308.7; 2310.6; 2311.7; 2311.8.7; 2404.4; 2404.5; 2405.5; 2406.4; 2410.1; 2808.8; 2809.5; 2903.5; 3006.3; 3104.12; 3104.13; 3206.10; 3307.3; 3315.1; 3317.3; 3408.2; 3504.2; 3605.2.3; 3703.6; 3706.6; 4006.14; 5007.9; 5306.7; 5606.8; 5609.6; 5703.2; 5704.3; 5705.4; 5706.2; 5706.4; 5706.8; 5707.8; 5806.5; and 6108.2; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 2: Combustible Waste Containers
Failure to provide a required container for combustible waste and/or store combustible waste in a required container, in violation of FC 304.3; 310.6; 609.4; 2304.1; 2310.5; 2311.2; 2403.4; 2409.3; 3304.2; 3703.1; 4005.2; 4006.9; and 6504.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 3: Permits
Failure to obtain, renew or otherwise possess a Department permit required for any material, operation or facility regulated by the Fire Code, in violation of FC 105.6; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 4: Unlawful Quantity or Location of Regulated Material
Manufacturing, storing, handling, using, transporting, selling or possessing hazardous materials, combustible materials, or other materials regulated by the Fire Code in an amount in excess of the quantity authorized by Department permit and/or the quantity or location restrictions for such materials set forth in the Fire Code or the rules, in violation of FC 105.1; 303.7; 308.3; 308.4; 308.5; 308.6; 309.2; 313.3; 314.4; 315.5; 315.7; 317.7; 605.11; 608.9; 2106.2; 2106.3; 2310.2; 2410.1; 3206; 3207; 3208; 3306.3; 3306.4; 3306.5; 3704; 3705; 4003.3; 4003.4; 5003.1; 5003.11; 5006.6; 5106.2; 5106.3; 5106.4; 5106.5; 5704.3; 5704.4; 5705.3; 5705.5; 5804.1; 5804.2; 5811.3; 6105.3; 6109.12; 6306.3; 6504.5; and 6504.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 5: Recordkeeping
Failure to maintain and/or produce required recordkeeping, including records of inspections, tests, servicing, fire watch, emergency preparedness drills and other operations and maintenance, in violation of FC 105.3; 107.7; 311.5; 317.5; 401.4; 401.5; 401.7; 401.8; 412.3; 510.3; 604.3; 604.4; 606.1; 606.14; 608.12; 609.7; 609.10; 611.4; 901.6; 901.7; 901.9; 903.5; 904.6; 906.2; 907.18; 907.20; 908.5; 909.1; 909.2; 910.2; 2006.5; 2006.6; 2101.4; 2105.4; 2105.5; 2301.10; 2304.3; 2304.4; 2306.2; 2308.1; 2308.2; 2309.1; 2310.3; 3308.1; 3503.5; 3504.3; 3706.4; 5003.3; 5007.5; 5308.8; 5601.5; 5603.1; 5603.2; 5603.5; 5603.6; 5604.9; 5607.19; 5607.20; 5608.9; and 5704.2; and/or such other Fire Code or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 6: Signs, Postings, Notices and Instructions
Failure to provide and/or maintain required signs, postings, notices, and/or instructions, in violation of FC 105.3; 107.1; 107.4; 310.3; 310.4; 310.5; 316.2; 315.7; 401.2; 401.5; 401.6; 405.5; 406.2; 408.5; 410.4; 501.4; 503.2; 503.4; 504.4; 505.2; 505.4; 505.5; 509.1; 510.3; 603.1; 605.3; 606.7; 607.2; 608.11; 609.7; 703.2; 903.5; 904.3; 904.8; 904.10; 904.11; 906.6; 907.19; 912.4; 1027.8; 2003.2; 2005.7; 2006.3; 2104.2; 2105.1; 2304.1; 2304.2; 2305.4; 2308.1; 2308.8; 2309.1; 2310.5; 2310.6; 2403.2; 2407.4; 2410.6; 2507.1; 2603.3; 3007.1; 3104.6; 3205.3; 3304.1; 3305.4; 3306.2; 3309.1; 3318.1; 3503.6; 3509.3; 3509.5; 3706.5; 3706.6; 4006.12; 5003.5; 5003.6; 5003.7; 5003.11; 5004.3; 5303.2; 5307.6; 5308.8; 5503.4; 5604.6; 5607.9; 5607.10; 5607.16; 5608.6; 5703.5; 5704.2; 5704.3; 5705.4; 5706.2; 5706.4; 5706.8; 5707.6; 5803.1; 6005.3; 6107.2; 6203.3; 6303.3; 6306.2; 6306.6; 6603.3; and 6703.3; Administrative Code sections 28-103.1 and 15-127(c)(3); and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 7: Labels and Markings
Failure to provide and/or maintain a required and/or approved label, or other marking, in violation of FC 107.1; 112.3; 309.2; 309.3; 313.5; 316.2; 315.7; 504.4; 505.1; 505.3; 505.4; 509.1; 511.7; 512.4; 603.6; 603.9; 605.7; 609.4; 803.1; 803.2; 905.3; 906.2; 2306.7; 2308.2; 2506.1; 3007.2; 3104.2; 3303.1; 3306.2; 5003.5; 5003.7; 5103.2; 5303.2; 5503.4; 5703.5; 5704.2; 5704.3; 5705.4; 5706.4 ; and 6004.2; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 8: Storage, Accumulation and Removal of Combustible Material and Waste
Storage of combustible material, failure to timely remove combustible waste from the premises, and/or allowing the accumulation of combustible waste and/or vegetation upon a premises, in violation of FC 304.1; 304.2; 307.5; 309.3; 311.3; 311.5; 315; 317.5; 318.3; 319.3; 325.8; 606.10; 804.2; 1027.3; 1027.4; 2003.3; 2006.4; 2105.1; 2304.1; 2310.5; 2505; 2505.1; 2803.3; 2808; 3104.5; 3104.22; 3304.2; 3305.3; 3403.3; 3504.1; 3504.3; 3509.4; 3603.2; 3604.2; 3703.1; 4005.2; 4006.9; 4007.5; 5003.12; 5004.11; 5005.3; 5303.5; 5504.3; 5604.7; 5704.4; 5706.2; 5707.4; 5804.2; 5810.5; 5904.3; 6107.3; 6503.2; and 6504.1; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 9: Rooftop Access and Means of Egress
Failure to provide required rooftop access to, or required means of egress from, any premises or part thereof, free from obstructions or impediments, including unobstructed passage across the building parapet, unobstructed landing areas, and unobstructed clear paths, and overcrowding by reason of the presence of persons in locations that obstruct or impede egress, and/or failure to maintain rooftop access or means of egress, in violation of FC 315.2; 318; 501.4; 504; 512.2; 801.6; 1001.2; 1027; 2404.3; 3104.4; 3104.18; 3311.1; 3311.2; 5104.3; 5303.3; 5704.3; 5706.4; 5806.3; 6109.4; and 6503.3; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 10: Overcrowding
Failure to limit the number of persons in a premises or any part thereof, in violation of FC 107.6; 202; 403.2; and 1027.3; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 11: General Maintenance
Failure to maintain devices, equipment, systems, facilities or premises, or part thereof, in good working order (except as otherwise provided in Violation Categories 6 and 7), in clean condition, or in compliance with other general maintenance or housekeeping requirements, in violation of FC 107.1; 111.1; 304.1; 309.3; 315.6; 325.8; 607.5; 609; 1027.7; 2105.1; 2203.2; 2311.2; 2406.4; 2407.4; 2408.3; 3205.4; 3305.3; 4006.11; 5003.2.6; 5308.6; and 5604.8; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 12: Fire Protection Systems
Failure to provide and/or maintain fire protection systems and other emergency building systems, including sprinkler systems and other fire extinguishing systems, standpipe systems, fire pumps, fire alarm systems, emergency alarm systems, in-building auxiliary radio communication systems, and/or other devices, and equipment associated with such systems, or to prevent unnecessary alarms and unwarranted alarms, in violation of FC 309.3; 509.2; 510; 608.9; 901.1; 901.6; 901.7; 901.9; 903.5; 903.6; 904.5; 904.6; 905.12; 907.20; 908; 909.1; 909.2; 910.2; 912.6; 913.5; 914.2; 2108.2; 2108.3; 2306.8; 2308.7; 2309.3; 2310.6; 2311.8; 2404; 2405; 2406; 2407; 2703.12; 2903; 3605; 4003.5; 4007.4; 5004.9; 5104.4; 5106.3; 5307.5; 5609.6; 5704; 5706.4; and 6004; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 13: Flame-Resistant Materials
Failure to provide and/or maintain flame-resistant materials, in violation of FC 306.3; 310.7; 804.4; 805; 3104.2; 3104.4; 3604.2; and 5006.11; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 14: Fire-Rated Doors and Windows
Failure to provide, protect and/or maintain a required door or window, including fire-rated doors, self-closing doors, access doors, or fire-rated glass, in violation of FC 315.2; 703.1; 703.2; 703.4; 704.1; 904.3; 3206.3; 3206.6; 3207.2; 3208.2; 3504.1; 4003.4; 5003.8; 5104.3; 5104.6; 5306.2; and 5705.3; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 15: Fire-Rated Construction
Failure to provide and/or maintain required fire-rated construction, including walls and other partitions, in violation of FC 309.3.3; 311.2; 311.5; 315.2; 315.7; 608.9; 608.13; 703.1; 2108.3; 2703.14; 3206.3; 3304.8; 3504.1; 3704; 4003.4; 4007.4; 5003.8; 5006.6; and 5306.2; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 16: Ventilation
Failure to provide and/or maintain required and/or approved natural or mechanical ventilation, including required devices, equipment or systems, in violation of FC 309.2; 309.3; 310.7; 608.9; 609; 904.3; 2104.2; 2105.2; 2105.3; 2108.3; 2311.4; 2311.8; 2404.2; 2404.3; 2404.4; 2404.5; 2405.3; 2405.4; 2406.3; 2407.3; 2409.2; 2410.5; 2703.14; 2905.5; 3003.1; 3305.2; 4003.4; 4003.7; 5004.3; 5306.2; 5307.5; 5308.5; 5309.2; 5704; 5705; 5706; 5806.3; and 6103.2; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 17: Certificates of Fitness and Certificates of Qualification
Failure to obtain and/or produce a certificate of fitness and/or certificate of qualification for the supervision and/or operation of materials, operations and/or facilities, in violation of FC 303.4; 306.2; 307.6; 310.7; 313.5; 317.3; 325.6; 401.3; 401.4; 401.5; 403.1; 404.3; 405.3; 405.4; 406.2; 407.2; 407.3; 408.3; 410.3; 410.4; 413.3; 414.2; 414.3; 415.1; 510.2; 511.2; 601.4; 603.1; 604.5; 606.1; 606.6; 608.7; 608.10; 608.13; 609.3; 609.5; 609.6; 801.7; 901.6; 901.7; 903.5; 904.5; 905.1; 906.2; 907.20; 908.5; 914.3; 2010.6; 2101.4; 2301.7; 2301.8; 2308.1; 2309.1; 2311.1; 2401.4; 2601.4; 3104.20; 3303.6; 3304.5; 3306.2; 3308.1; 3318.1; 3503.4; 3504.2; 3510.4; 3706.4; 3706.8; 4001.6; 5006.4; 5007.7; 5101.3; 5301.4; 5307.4; 5401.4; 5501.4; 5601.3; 5601.5; 5604.3; 5606.8; 5608.5; 5608.6; 5608.8; 5608.9; 5609.4; 5701.6; 5706.2; 5706.4; 5801.4; 5810.3; 5901.4; 6001.5; 6005.3; 6101.5; 6109.15; 6201.5; 6301.4; 6401.5; 6501.5; 6601.5; and 6701.5; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 18: Certificates of Approval, Certificates of License and Company Certificates
Failure to obtain and/or produce a certificate of approval, certificate of license or company certificate, in violation of FC 104.7; 112; 608.5; 609.3; 609.5; 801.8; 901.4; 901.6; 906.2; 907.3; 1025.5; 2301.9; 2401.5; 2601.4; 3501.7; 4004.5; 5601.3.3; 5601.5; 5608.2; 5608.8; 5609.4; 5701.8; and 5807.3; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 19: Affidavits, Design and Installation Documents and Other Documentation
Failure to prepare, produce, file with the Department and/or submit for Department approval affidavits, applications, certifications, design and installation documents and/or other required documentation, in violation of FC 105.2; 105.3; 105.4; 401.4; 401.5; 407.4; 504.4; 801.7; 904.6; 907.3; 907.4; 2301.3; 2301.5; 2309.8; 5003.4; 5603.2; 5607.4; 5607.22; 5703.3; 5703.6; 5704.2; 5704.3; 5706.4; and 5810.4; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 20: Inspection and Testing
Failure to conduct a required initial or periodic inspection or test of any device, equipment, system, facility or premises, in violation of FC 105.4; 507.4; 507.5; 510.2; 604.4; 606.6; 609.5; 609.6; 703.4; 901.6; 903.5; 903.6; 904.1; 904.4; 904.5; 904.11; 905.12; 906.2; 907.17; 907.20; 908.5; 909.1; 910.2; 912.6; 913.5; 1027.9; 2006.19; 2007.6; 2105.4; 2306.9; 4001.4; 5003.2.9; 5703.6; 5704.2; 5706.4; and 5807.4; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 21: Portable Containers
Failure to provide or use a required container, in violation of FC 309.2; 2304.1; 2310.3; 4005.1; 5303.1; 5503.1; 5704.3; 5705.2; 5706.2; and 6303.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 22: Stationary Tanks
Failure to provide a required stationary tank storage system, including aboveground or underground flammable or combustible liquid storage tank systems, and devices and equipment associated with such systems, in violation of FC 610.2; 2107.3; 2306.2; 2311.2; 2909.2; 4005.1; and 5704; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 23: Storage Facilities
Failure to provide a required storage facility, including storage cabinets, enclosures, rooms or vaults, in violation of FC 309.3; 315.7; 608.9; 609.4; 3306.3; 3306.4; 3704; 4001.1; 4003.4; 4005.3; 5003.8; 5006.8; 5303.5; 5404; 5704.3; 5804; 5808; 5904; 6003; 6005.3; 6109; 6204; 6304; 6404; 6504; 6604; and 6704; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 24: Storage of Hazardous Materials and Commodities
Failure to provide required racks and shelf storage, and/or failure to store hazardous materials, commodities or other goods in an approved manner, in violation of FC 3207; 3208; 4005.3; and 5704.3; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 25: Electrical Hazards
Failure to provide and/or maintain required electrical devices and/or equipment (except as otherwise provided in Violation Category 27 for electrical lighting hazards), and/or allow electrical hazards to exist, in any facility or premises, in violation of FC 309.3; 603.1; 604.1; 605; 606.15; 804.3; 904.3; 2006.3; 2006.5; 2104.2; 2301.5; 2304.1; 2308.1; 2308.8; 2309.2; 2311.3; 2311.8.8; 2403.2; 2404.4; 2404.5; 2405.7; 2406.4; 2410.3; 2504.2; 2603.2; 2904; 2905.6; 3304.7; 3506; 4001.4; 4003.4; 4003.8; 4004.3; 5003.8; 5004.7; 5005.1; 5303.6; 5308.5; 5503.6; 5604.6; 5703.1; 5705.3; 5706.5; 5706.8; 5804.2; 6004.2; 6109.14; 6204.1; and 6204.2; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 26: Heating and Refrigerating Equipment and Systems
Failure to provide and/or maintain required heating and/or refrigerating systems and/or devices and equipment associated with such equipment or systems, in violation of FC 313.6; 315.2; 603.5; 605.10; 606.5; 606.8; 606.9; 606.11; 606.12; 908.1; 2104.2; 2203.1; 2301.6; 2310.2; 2403.2; 2404.3; 2504.5; 2905.6; 3104.15; 3303.5; 4004.5; 5303.5; 5604.6; 5705.3; 5706.4; and 6504.4; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 27: Electrical Lighting Hazards
Failure to provide and/or maintain required lighting devices or equipment and/or protection therefor, in violation of FC 605.2; 605.9; 605.11; 804.3; 904.3; 2404.3; 2404.4; 2504.4; 3104.9; 3304.7; 4003.8; 5005.1; 5503.10; and 6503.4; Administrative Code section 28-103.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 28: Open Fires, Open Flames and Sparks
Causing or allowing an open fire, open flame or sparking device or equipment to be built, kindled, lit, maintained, operated or used, and/or failure to provide protection therefor, in violation of FC 307; 308; 309.2; 309.6; 317.2; 317.5.2; 804.3; 2004.6; 2006.10; 2006.14.1; 2203.1; 2304.1; 2308.1; 2310.5; 2403.2; 2408.3.8; 2506.2; 2603.2; 2903.6; 2905.6; 3304.3; 3404.1; 3504; 3505.5; 3603.3; 3604.3; 3704.6; 4006.12.2; 5003.7; 5601.3.5; 5604.7.2; 5609.8; 5704.2.4; 5704.2.7.6; 5706.2.1; and 6306.3.2; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 29: Designated Handling and Use Rooms or Areas
Failure to provide a required room or area for handling and/or use of materials, operations or other activity regulated by the Fire Code, in violation of FC 309.2; 309.3; 310.2; 608.9.4; 2404.2; 2404.5; 3501.3; 4003.4; 4005.2; 4005.3; 4007.4; 5005; 5405.1; 5705.3; 5805.1; 5808; 5905.1; 6003; 6205.1; 6305.1; 6405.1; 6504.1; 6605.1; and 6705.1; and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
Violation Category 30: Emergency Planning and Preparedness
Failure to comply with emergency planning and preparedness requirements (except as otherwise provided in Violation Categories 5, 6 and 17), in violation of FC Chapter 4, including 401.3.6.1 (incorporating by reference former FC 404); and/or such other Fire Code, Administrative Code, or rule sections as provide therefor.
(Amended City Record 8/30/2017, eff. 10/1/2017; amended City Record 4/21/2022, eff. 4/21/2022)