A tax lien certificate shall contain a transfer and assignment by the city of the tax lien sold to the purchaser, the date of the sale, the aggregate amount of the tax lien so transferred, and the items of taxes, assessments, sewer rents, sewer surcharges, water rents, any other charges that are made a lien subject to the provisions of this chapter, the costs of any advertisements and notices given pursuant to this chapter, any other charges that are due and payable, a surcharge pursuant to section 11-332 of this chapter, and interest and penalties thereon comprising the tax lien, the rate of interest which the tax lien certificate will bear, the date when the amounts under such tax lien are due pursuant to section 11-332 of this chapter, and a description of the property affected by the tax lien, which description shall include the designation of such property on the tax map, by its lot number and the number of the block in which it is contained, and such other identifying information as the commissioner of finance or his or her designee may deem proper to add. For purposes of this section, the words "date of sale" shall have the same meaning provided in section 11-320(e) of this chapter. Each tax lien certificate shall be executed by the commissioner of finance or his or her designee by manual or facsimile signature and shall be acknowledged by the manual or facsimile signature of the officer subscribing the same in the manner in which a deed is required to be acknowledged to be recorded in the county in which the property affected is situated. The commissioner of finance may designate an agent for purposes of authenticating any such signature.