(a) No benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law shall be conferred for any construction commenced on or after November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred eighty-five and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand seven for any tax lots now existing or hereafter created which are located entirely within the geographic area in the borough of Manhattan bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the bulkhead line in the Hudson River and 96th street extended; thence easterly to 96th street and continuing along 96th street to its easterly terminus; thence easterly to the intersection of 96th street extended and the bulkhead line in the East River; thence southerly along said bulkhead line to the intersection of said bulkhead line and 14th street extended; thence westerly to 14th street and continuing along 14th street to Broadway; thence southerly along Broadway to Houston street; thence westerly along Houston street to Thompson street; thence southerly along Thompson street to Spring street; thence westerly along Spring street to Avenue of the Americas; thence northerly along Avenue of the Americas to Vandam street; thence westerly along Vandam street to Varick street; thence northerly along Varick street to Houston street; thence westerly along Houston street and continuing to its westerly terminus; thence westerly to the intersection of Houston street extended and the bulkhead line in the Hudson River; thence northerly along said bulkhead line to the intersection of said bulkhead line and 30th street extended; thence easterly along 30th street to 11th avenue; thence northerly along 11th avenue to 41st street; thence westerly along 41st street and continuing to its westerly terminus; thence westerly to the intersection of 41st street extended and the bulkhead line in the Hudson River; thence northerly along said bulkhead line to the place of beginning.
(a-1) Notwithstanding the provisions contained in subdivision (a) of this section concerning the date of commencement of construction, the amendments to such subdivision (a) made by local law number 22 for the year 2005 shall only apply to construction commenced on or after March seventh, two thousand six and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand seven.
(a-2) Notwithstanding the provisions contained in subdivision (a) of this section concerning the date of commencement of construction, the amendments to such subdivision (a) made by the local law that added this subdivision shall only apply to construction commenced on or after the effective date of section three of the local law that added this subdivision and prior to December thirty-first, two thousand seven.
(b) The limitations contained in subdivision (a) of this section shall not be applicable to:
(1) construction carried out with substantial assistance of grants, loans or subsidies from any federal, state or local agency or instrumentality, or
(2) projects where the department of housing preservation and development has imposed a requirement or has certified that twenty percent of the units be affordable to households of low and moderate income, or
(3) construction carried out pursuant to an agreement with the department of housing preservation and development to create or substantially rehabilitate housing units offsite affordable to households of low and moderate income provided that:
(i) the number of any such low income units which may be made available to homeless households must be equal to a ratio of at least one low income unit for every six units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law; or
(ii) the number of any such low income units which may be made available must be equal to at least twenty per cent of the number of units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law; or
(iii) the number of any such moderate income units which may be made available must be equal to at least twenty-five per cent of the number of units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law; and
(iv) in any building containing more than one hundred thirty units of low and moderate income housing created or substantially rehabilitated pursuant to this paragraph, two of every three units in excess of one hundred thirty units shall at initial occupancy be affordable to moderate income households; and
(v) upon, initial occupancy, all such housing units affordable to households of low and moderate income must be registered with the New York state division of housing and community renewal. Such units must remain rent stabilized for the entire period during which such units receive real estate tax benefits under any New York state or city tax abatement and/or exemption programs, or for twenty years, whichever is longer; future rent increases may not exceed the increases established by the rent guidelines board; upon vacancy, units must be rerented at no more than the legal stabilized rent. All units must be rented to households earning no more than four times such annual rent at the time of initial occupancy; the lease for the tenants in occupancy of all units created pursuant to this paragraph at the expiration of the rent stabilization period pursuant to this sub-paragraph shall include the right to remain as rent stabilized tenants for the duration of their occupancy. Once units become vacant after termination of such rent stabilization period, the owner of such units shall have the option to de-stabilize such rents; and
(vi) the provisions of sub-paragraph (v) shall not apply to any unit owned as a cooperative or condominium and occupied by the shareholder or owner; and
(vii) nothing contained in this paragraph shall preclude a grant of benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law for any building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section if carried out pursuant to an agreement entered into prior to January first, nineteen hundred ninety-one, with the department of housing preservation and development to create or substantially rehabilitate housing units affordable to households of low and moderate income in a geographic area or areas outside the area described in subdivision (a) of this section, provided that the number of such low and moderate income units must be equal to at least twenty per cent of the number of units in the building or buildings located in the area described in subdivision (a) of this section which receive benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law.
(b-1) With respect to construction commenced on or after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision, except as otherwise provided in section ten of the local law that added this subdivision, each restricted income unit required pursuant to subdivision b of this section shall be situated onsite. For the purposes of this subdivision, "onsite" shall mean that restricted income units shall be situated within the building or buildings for which benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law are being granted.
(b-2) With respect to construction commenced on or after the effective date of the local law that added this subdivision, except as otherwise provided in section ten of the local law that added this subdivision, for the purposes of this section and of section 11-245.1-b of this chapter, any requirement that not less than twenty percent of onsite units be "restricted income" units shall mean that such units shall be affordable to and occupied or available for occupancy by individuals or families whose incomes at the time of initial occupancy do not exceed eighty percent of the area median income adjusted for family size; provided that, of such restricted income units, no more than a number equal to five percent of the number of units which commenced construction in buildings receiving tax benefits pursuant to section four hundred twenty one-a of the real property tax law in the previous calendar year shall be affordable to and occupied or available for occupancy by individuals or families whose incomes at the time of initial occupancy are between sixty percent and eighty percent of the area median income adjusted for family size.
(c) No benefits under section four hundred twenty-one-a of the real property tax law shall be conferred for any construction commenced on or after November twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred eighty-five of any multiple dwelling, or portion thereof, which is located within any district in the county of New York where a maximum base floor area ratio, as that term is defined in the zoning resolution, of fifteen or greater was permitted as of right by provisions of such resolution in effect on April fourteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-two; provided, however, that this limitation on benefits shall not apply to any such construction commenced on or after October first, nineteen hundred ninety-three and before December thirty-first, two thousand seven.
(d) For purposes of subdivisions (a) and (c) of this section, construction shall be deemed to have commenced on the date immediately following the issuance by the department of buildings of a new building permit for an entire new building (based upon architectural, plumbing and structural plans approved by such department) on which the excavation and construction of initial footings and foundations commences in good faith, on vacant land and for the entire project site, as certified by an architect or professional engineer licensed in the state, provided that installation of footings and foundations is similarly certified by such architect or engineer to have been completed without undue delay.
(e) The department of housing preservation and development may promulgate rules and regulations for the effectuation of the purposes of this section.
(f) The limitations on eligibility for benefits contained in this section shall be in addition to those contained in any other law or regulation.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2006/058.