Article 6: Receivership
Whenever the department certifies that any condition in violation of this chapter or other applicable law in any multiple dwelling or any part of its premises constitutes a serious fire hazard or is a serious threat to life, health or safety, it may, upon failure of the owner to comply with an order to correct such conditions issued pursuant to section 27-2125 of article five of this subchapter, apply for the appointment of a receiver to repair and correct the violations.
a. If the department intends to seek the appointment of a receiver to remove or remedy a condition described in the preceding section, it shall serve upon the owner, along with the order pursuant to section 27-2125 of article five of this subchapter, a notice stating that in the event the violations covered by the order are not removed or remedied in the manner and within the time specified therein, the department may apply for the appointment of a receiver of the rents, issues and profits of the property with rights superior to those of the owner and any mortgagee or lienor.
b. Within five days after service of the order and notice upon the owner, the department shall serve a copy of the order and notice upon every mortgagee and lienor of record, personally or by registered or certified mail, at the address set forth in the recorded mortgage or lien. If no address appears therein, a copy shall be sent by registered mail to the person at whose request the instrument was recorded.
c. The department shall file a copy of the notice and order in the office of the county clerk in which mechanics liens affecting the property would be filed.