a. Definitions. As used in this section the following terms have the following meanings:
Building qualification index. The term "building qualification index" means an index created by the department and promulgated in rules to evaluate prospective pilot program buildings for distress based on the department's records of open and closed hazardous and immediately hazardous violations of the housing maintenance code, records of paid and unpaid liens for expenses incurred by the department for the repair or elimination of dangerous conditions under the emergency repair program, change of ownership or any other factor that reasonably indicates distress and would qualify such building for the certification of no harassment pilot program as determined by the department.
Certification of no harassment. The term "certification of no harassment" means a certification by the department that no harassment of any lawful occupants of a pilot program building occurred during the 60 month period prior to the filing of an application for such certification pursuant to this section.
City-sponsored neighborhood-wide rezoning area. The term "city-sponsored neighborhood-wide rezoning area" means an area of the zoning map for which:
(1) amendments to the zoning regulations pertaining to such area were proposed by the City;
(2) the city planning commission approved or approved with modifications such amendments for a matter described in paragraph 3 of subdivision a of section 197-c of the charter;
(3) the city planning commission decision was approved or approved with modifications by the council pursuant to section 197-d of the charter and is not subject to further action pursuant to subdivision e or f of such section;
(4) the zoning map amendments increased the permitted residential floor area ratio within the rezoned area by at least 33 percent; and
(5) the amendments involved at least 10 blocks of real property in such area.
Covered categories of work. The term "covered categories of work" has the meaning set forth in section 28-505.3.
Harassment. The term "harassment" has the meaning set forth in subdivision 48 of section 27-2004.
Low income housing. The term "low income housing" means dwelling units that, upon initial rental and upon each subsequent rental following a vacancy, is affordable to and restricted to occupancy by individuals or families whose household income does not exceed an average of 50 percent of the area median income, adjusted for family size, at the time that such household initially occupies the dwelling unit, provided that with respect to low income housing units provided pursuant to a cure agreement in accordance with subdivision e of this section, one-third of such low income housing units shall be available at 40 percent of the area median income, one-third of such units shall be available at 50 percent of the area median income and one-third of such units shall be available at 60 percent of the area median income.
Pilot program building. The term "pilot program building" means a multiple dwelling included on the pilot program list.
Pilot program list. The term "pilot program list" means a list of multiple dwellings with six or more dwelling units meeting the criteria set by the department in accordance with subdivision b of this section. Such multiple dwelling shall remain on the pilot program list for 60 months after the date that it is first included on the list, or until expiration of the local law that added this section, whichever is later. Such list shall be published and maintained on the website of the department and may be amended and republished as necessary to include additional multiple dwellings. Such list shall not include any multiple dwelling that:
(1) is subject to any other provision of law or rules, including the zoning resolution, that requires a certification of no harassment as a condition to obtaining approval of construction documents or an initial or reinstated permit in connection therewith from the department of buildings;
(2) is the subject of a program approved by the commissioner and related to the rehabilitation or preservation of a single room occupancy multiple dwelling or the provision of housing for persons of low or moderate income, other than a program consisting solely of real property tax abatement or tax exemption pursuant to the real property tax law, and has been exempted from the provisions of this section by the commissioner;
(3) contains dwelling units that are required to be and actually are restricted based on income pursuant to an agreement pursuant to the mandatory inclusionary housing program or the voluntary inclusionary housing program and the income-restricted units that are required pursuant to such agreement are occupied at the time of application for a certification of no harassment;
(4) is an exempt luxury hotel as defined by the department in rules;
(5) is a rent regulated institutional residence, the occupancy of which is restricted to non-profit institutional use exempted from the requirements of this section by the department;
(6) is owned by the city or other governmental entity;
(7) is a clubhouse; or
(8) is a college or school dormitory.
Tenant harassment prevention task force. The term "tenant harassment prevention task force" or "task force" means representatives of city and state agencies that combine to combat tenant harassment through coordinated enforcement actions.
b. Pilot program list. The department shall compile and publish a pilot program list. The criteria used to select buildings to be included on the pilot program list shall be promulgated by the department in rules and shall be limited to:
(1) Buildings with scores on the building qualification index indicating significant distress as determined by the department;
(2) (i) Buildings where a full vacate order has been issued by the department or the department of buildings, except where such vacate order was issued due to a fire, or
(ii) buildings where there has been active participation in the alternative enforcement program which have been discharged from such program;
(3) Buildings where there has been a final determination by New York state homes and community renewal or any court having jurisdiction that one or more acts of harassment were committed at such building within the 60 months prior to the effective date of the local law that added this section or on or after the effective date of the local law that added this section. The department shall establish a method of identifying buildings where there have been adjudications of harassment after the effective date of the local law that added this section, and may request the cooperation of the tenant harassment prevention task force to establish and effectuate such method. The department shall add a building to the pilot program list within 30 days after it is identified in accordance with such method; and
(4) Buildings where an administrator has been discharged under article 7-A of the real property actions and proceedings law unless such building is the subject of a loan provided by or through the department or the New York city housing development corporation for the purpose of rehabilitation, as provided in rules of the department.
c. Certification of no harassment required.
(1) In accordance with article 505 of chapter 5 of title 28, a pilot program building shall be required to obtain a certification of no harassment or waiver of such certification as a condition to obtaining approval of construction documents or an initial or reinstated permit in connection therewith by the department of buildings for any covered categories of work.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, if a certification of no harassment is denied no such approval or permit shall be issued by the department of buildings for 60 months after such denial.
d. Application.
(1) An application for a certification of no harassment shall be in such form and shall contain such information as shall be prescribed by the department.
(2) Upon the receipt of an application for a certification of no harassment, the department shall publish notice in a publication of general circulation for a period of seven consecutive days, shall mail notice to the owner at the address provided on the application and the address provided in the last registration with the department, as well as to the owner who appears on the last deed recorded on the records of the department of finance, such occupants as the department shall identify, any community group designated by the department to survey the building, such other interested persons as the department shall identify, the local community board, city council member representing the district in which such building is situated, and appropriate government agencies, and shall post notice in a conspicuous place at the pilot program building for which the certification of no harassment is sought.
(3) The notice shall be published in English and in any other language prevalent in the district, as determined by the commissioner, and shall include a statement that such notice is available in any covered language, as defined in subdivision j of section 8-1002*. Such notice shall also contain:
* Editor's note: Repealed. For current provisions, see Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1.
(i) the location and general description of the pilot program building for which the certification is sought;
(ii) a description of the certification procedure and its purpose;
(iii) the contact information for the community group designated by the department to survey the building and its occupants;
(iv) the period of time covered by the inquiry, which shall be 60 months prior to the filing of the application for a certificate of no harassment pursuant to this section;
(v) a description of conduct constituting harassment; and
(vi) that the owner and any occupants or former occupants of the pilot program building for which such certification is sought and other interested persons, government agencies and the local community board, are invited to submit their comments within 45 days of the date of such notice in writing or orally at a designated location, provided that the department may, for good cause, extend the time for the submission of such comments for an additional 15 days.
(4) The department may designate a community group to conduct a survey of the occupants of the pilot program building with respect to harassment in the pilot program building and to report its findings to the department. The community group shall provide a copy of the notice required by this subdivision to occupants. Based upon the findings of such community group or the department's review of records and other data, the department may determine that it is necessary to conduct a further investigation.
(5) Upon the completion of any such survey and further investigation, the department may:
(A) determine that no harassment has occurred within the stated period of time and forthwith grant such certification of no harassment.
(B) deny a certification of no harassment without a hearing if there has been a finding by New York state homes and community renewal or any court having jurisdiction that there has been harassment, unlawful eviction, or arson by or on behalf of the owner during the stated period of time; or
(C) where there has been no prior determination of harassment, unlawful eviction, or arson by or on behalf of the owner, provide that a hearing be held at the office of administrative trials and hearings if the department has reasonable cause to believe that harassment has occurred within such stated period of time. The owner of the pilot program building for which a certification of no harassment is sought shall have the opportunity to be heard at such hearing prior to the granting or denial of such certification. The department may receive testimony from tenants, community groups and any other interested parties. Notice of such hearing shall be given to the applicant in the manner prescribed by the office of administrative trials and hearings. Within 45 days after the office of administrative trials and hearings issues a report and recommendation, the department shall either grant or deny such certification of no harassment.
(6) If a certification of no harassment is denied, notice of such denial accompanied by written findings indicating the grounds for such denial shall be mailed to the applicant and owner of record and shall be filed in the office of the city register or the Richmond county clerk.
(7) A final determination on an application for a certification of no harassment shall be subject to review pursuant to article 78 of the civil practice law and rules.
(8) Where the department has denied or rescinded a certification of no harassment for a pilot program building the department of buildings shall not approve construction documents or issue or renew permits for covered categories of work in such building for a period of 60 months after such denial or rescission unless the owner enters into an agreement with the department to cure the record of harassment in accordance with subdivision e.
(9) Before a certification of no harassment may be granted, an applicant shall submit a sworn statement, in such form as the department shall prescribe, by all the owners of the pilot program building representing that there will be no harassment of the occupants of such building by or on behalf of such owners. The corporation counsel may institute any action or proceeding in any court of competent jurisdiction that may be appropriate or necessary for the enforcement of this representation and agreement. Nothing contained herein shall preclude an occupant of such pilot program building from applying on his or her own behalf for similar relief.
(10) Where the department of buildings issues a stop-work notice or order or rescinds an approval of construction documents at the request of the department pursuant to section 28-505.8 for work without a permit or the required certification of no harassment or the department denies a certification of no harassment pursuant to subparagraph (C) of paragraph (5) of this subdivision, such stop-work notice, rescission or denial shall be deemed to be a per se finding of harassment in violation of subdivision d of section 27-2005, and the certification of no harassment shall be denied or rescinded, as applicable, and the building shall be restored to its legal configuration prior to commencement of such work.
e. Cure agreement.
(1) An agreement to cure the record of harassment at a pilot program building shall require the owner to engage in or provide for, through an entity identified by the department as capable of developing new affordable housing in the same community district as the pilot program building, the construction of floor area of low income housing, either within the pilot program building, in a new building at the same site as the pilot program building or such same community district, in accordance with rules promulgated by the department, provided that such owner shall construct or provide within such building or community district no less than the greater of: (i) 25 percent of the total residential floor area of such pilot program building undergoing covered work in which harassment has occurred, or (ii) 20 percent of the total floor area of any new or pilot program building undergoing covered work on the lot containing the pilot program building subject to such agreement.
(2) The owner shall record and index a restrictive declaration with respect to such agreement with the city register or the Richmond county clerk.
(3) The department shall promulgate rules providing for the administration and enforcement of such an agreement, and shall establish criteria for such an agreement to ensure the effective implementation thereof. Such rules shall include a requirement that lawful tenants who resided in the pilot program building during the 60 month period prior to the determination to deny the certification of no harassment or prior to the rescission of a certification of no harassment shall have priority in the allocation of low income units constructed by the owner within the pilot program building or in a new building at the same site as the pilot program building if they otherwise qualify for such units.
(4) The owner shall attest, as part of such agreement, that no such construction of floor area of low income housing required under paragraph (1) of this subdivision shall be used by the owner to satisfy an eligibility requirement of any real property tax abatement or exemption program, or of a floor area ratio increase pursuant to section 23-90 of the zoning resolution, for which the owner otherwise may be eligible to apply, or to apply for a hardship waiver from any existing code or zoning resolution requirements. The department shall ensure that floor area of low income housing required under paragraph (1) of this subdivision is in addition to and not in substitution for floor area of low income housing that may be used by the owner to satisfy an eligibility requirement of any real property tax abatement or exemption program, or of a floor area ratio increase pursuant to section 23-90 of the zoning resolution, for which the owner may apply. The department shall ensure that a city, state or federal subsidy shall not be used for the construction of low income housing required under paragraph (1) of this subdivision.
f. Suspension and rescission of a certification.
(1) The department may rescind a certification of no harassment that was granted for a pilot program building if it finds that harassment has occurred at such building while such certification was in effect, as described by this subdivision.
(2) If the department has reasonable cause to believe that harassment has occurred during the effective period of a certification of no harassment, the commissioner shall suspend the certification of no harassment for the pilot program building. Upon the request of the department, the department of buildings shall not approve any construction documents or issue an initial or reinstated permit in connection with covered categories of work or, if such documents have been approved or such permit has been issued, issue a stop-work notice and order pursuant to section 28-505.6. Notice of such a suspension of a certification of no harassment shall be mailed to the applicant, the owner of record of such pilot program building and known tenants of such building and shall be filed with the city register or Richmond county clerk.
(3) As soon as reasonably possible after a request for a hearing by an owner who has received a notice of suspension, but not later than 30 days after such suspension, the department shall commence a proceeding at the office of administrative trials and hearings by filing the required pleadings. At the hearing, the owner of a pilot program building for which a certification of no harassment has been suspended shall have the opportunity to be heard. Notice of such hearing shall be given to the applicant, such other persons and known tenants of such building in the manner prescribed by the office of administrative trials and hearings. The department may receive testimony from such other persons and known tenants of such building. The department shall determine whether to rescind the certification of no harassment within 45 days of receiving the report and recommendation from the office of administrative trials and hearings.
(4) If the owner has been found by New York state homes and community renewal or any court having jurisdiction to have engaged in harassment, unlawful eviction, or arson at the pilot program building after the certification of no harassment was granted, the department may determine whether to rescind such certification without commencing a proceeding at the office of administrative trials and hearings.
(5) If the department determines not to rescind such certification of no harassment, the department shall notify the department of buildings of such determination and any stop work notice and order issued by the department of buildings pursuant to section 28-505.6 shall be vacated immediately. Notice of such determination shall be mailed to the owner of record of such pilot program building, the known tenants of such building and filed with the city register or the Richmond county clerk.
(6) If the department determines that such certification of no harassment shall be rescinded, notice of such determination accompanied by written findings indicating the grounds for such determination shall be provided to the department of buildings and shall be mailed to the owner of record of such pilot program building and filed with the city register or the Richmond county clerk. Such determination shall be subject to review pursuant to article 78 of the civil practice law and rules.
g. For the purpose of any subsequent proceeding with respect to a pilot program building, the granting of a certification of no harassment or a waiver thereof for any period of time shall be conclusive proof only for the purposes of this section that no harassment occurred within the time period covered by such certification or that the waiver of such certification for such time period was appropriate.
h. Fees. The department is authorized to establish by rule reasonable fees from applicants for the administrative expenses incurred by the department for issuing the certification of no harassment pursuant to this section, including costs for publication and notices.
i. Waiver. The commissioner may grant a waiver of certification of no harassment although the commissioner determines that harassment has occurred at the pilot program building for which such certification is sought during the 60 month period prior to the date of the submission of an application for a certification of no harassment if the commissioner finds that:
(1) (A) the owner of record of the pilot program building was the owner of record prior to November 29, 2017; or (ii) with respect to buildings added to the pilot program list on or after October 31, 2021, where eligibility for inclusion on the pilot program list resulted from the amendment of paragraph (1) or the addition of paragraph (4) of subdivision b of this section made by the local law that amended this subparagraph, such owner of record was the owner of record prior to the date of enactment of such local law; or (iii) such owner of record had entered into a contract of sale for the purchase of such pilot program building, which was recorded prior to such relevant date; or (iv) with respect to a certification proceeding where the alterations sought to be performed are of the type prescribed by rule of the commissioner pursuant to item 5 of section 28-505.3, the owner of record of such multiple dwelling was the owner of record of such multiple dwelling prior to the date of the first publication of such rule or had entered into a contract of sale for the purchase of such multiple dwelling which was recorded prior to such date;
(B) such owner was not the owner of such multiple dwelling during any period of time in which such harassment occurred and did not at such pilot program building (i) otherwise engage or participate in such harassment; or (ii) with intent that harassment be performed, agree with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of harassment; or (iii) with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting harassment, solicit, request, command, importune or otherwise attempt to cause such person to engage in conduct constituting harassment; and
(C) such owner acquired title pursuant to a bona fide transaction that is not intended to evade the provisions of this section; or
(2) the owner acquired the multiple dwelling by sale pursuant to foreclosure of a mortgage or pursuant to a deed in lieu of foreclosure of a mortgage; provided, however, that such conveyance was a bona fide transaction for the purpose of enforcing the debt and not intended to evade the provisions of this section and either:
(A) a certification of no harassment or waiver thereof was granted with respect to such multiple dwelling within a 60 day period prior to the date of the recording of such mortgage and no suspension or rescission thereof was recorded prior to such date; or
(B) (i) such mortgage was recorded prior to November 29, 2017; or
(ii) with respect to buildings added to the pilot program list on or after October 31, 2021, where eligibility for inclusion on the pilot program list was a result of the amendment of paragraph (1) or the addition of paragraph (4) of subdivision b of this section by the local law that amended this subparagraph, such mortgage was recorded prior to the date of enactment of such local law; or
(iii) if such owner is a banking organization as defined in section 2 of the banking law, a national banking association, a federal savings and loan association, the mortgage facilities corporation, savings banks life insurance fund, the savings banks retirement system, an authorized insurer as defined in section 4 of the insurance law, or a trust company or other corporation organized under the laws of this state all the capital stock of which is owned by at least 20 savings banks or by at least 20 savings and loan associations or a subsidiary corporation all of the capital stock of which is owned by such trust company or other corporation, a commitment for such mortgage was made prior to such relevant date.
(3) In determining whether a transaction described in this subdivision was bona fide, the commissioner may consider whether at such pilot project building or any other multiple dwelling such owner did (i) otherwise engage or participate in harassment; or (ii) with intent that harassment be performed, agree with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of harassment; or (iii) with intent that another person engage in conduct constituting harassment, solicit, request, command, importune or otherwise attempt to cause such person to engage in conduct constituting harassment. The commissioner may also consider the relationship between the parties to the transaction.
(4) A waiver of a certification pursuant to this subdivision shall state the findings of the commissioner.
(L.L. 2018/001, 12/31/2017, eff. 9/27/2018; Am. L.L. 2021/119, 10/25/2021, eff. 9/27/2021; Am. L.L. 2021/140, 11/21/2021, retro eff. 10/31/2021)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2018/001, L.L. 2021/119, and L.L. 2021/140.
a. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the department, its officers or inspectors, shall have no authority to inspect a one- or two-family dwelling, at least one dwelling unit of which is owner-occupied, for violations of this code, unless the department has received a signed complaint relating to conditions in such dwelling or has a warrant for such inspection.
b. The owner of a one- or two-family dwelling who occupies a dwelling unit in such dwelling, may notify the department of such owner-occupancy, without payment of a fee, by filing a form to be prescribed by the department including the following information:
(1) An identification of the premises by street number or by such other description as will enable the department to locate the dwelling; and
(2) An identification of the owner by name, residence and business address; and
(3) A statement that he or she is the owner-occupant of the premises.
a. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this code, any notice of violation or other notice, or any order authorized or required to be served by the department under the provisions of this code, shall be served in the following manner on any person or corporation to whom or which such notice or order is directed:
(1) By delivering a copy of such notice or order to such person directly, or if it is directed to a corporation, by delivering a copy thereof to any officer or managing agent of such corporation personally; or
(2) By delivering a copy of such notice or order to any person of suitable age and discretion at the residence or place of business of the person to whom it is directed, or if it is directed to a corporation, at any office of such corporation; or
(3) (i) If service is to be made on an owner of a dwelling, by mailing a copy of such notice or order to the latest business or residence address of such owner as set forth in any registration statement filed by such owner with the department under the applicable provisions of article two of this subchapter;
(ii) If service is to be made on a managing agent of any such dwelling designated under the applicable provisions of article two of this subchapter, by mailing a copy thereof to the latest business or residence address of such managing agent set forth in any such registration statement or designation filed by the owner of such dwelling;
(iii) If service is to be made on an owner of a dwelling who has not filed such a registration statement in relation to such dwelling, or on a managing agent of any such dwelling who has not been designated under the applicable provisions of article two of this subchapter, by posting a copy of such notice or order in a conspicuous place in such dwelling, or by delivering a copy thereof to any person of suitable age and discretion in charge of or apparently in charge of such dwelling, or by mailing a copy thereof to such owner or managing agent at the last known business or residence address of such owner or managing agent.
b. Any such notice directed to an owner of a dwelling or tenant of any space therein need not designate such owner or tenant by name, but shall refer to such dwelling or space by a description which shall be sufficient to identify same and shall state that it is directed to the owner of such dwelling or tenant of such space, as the case may be.
c. Where a designation of a managing agent under the applicable provisions of article two of this subchapter is currently in effect as to any multiple dwelling, any notice mentioned in subdivision a of this section which is directed to the owner of such multiple dwelling shall also be directed to such managing agent, and shall be served by the department on both such owner and managing agent.
d. If a mortgagee or lienor has registered with the department pursuant to the provisions of section 27-2109 of article two of this subchapter, any notice of violation or other notice, or any order authorized or required to be served by the department under the provisions of this code on the owner of a dwelling may also be mailed to such mortgagee or lienor no later than five days after the date upon which such notice or order is served upon the owner, but the department's failure to mail such notice or order to such mortgagee or lienor shall not in any way affect the validity of service of such notice or order upon the owner.
a. Any application filed with the department for the granting of any relief or the taking of any action by the commissioner or the department or for the granting of any permit under the provisions of this code and any answer to such application filed with the department, shall be signed by the person authorized or required to submit such application or answer under the provisions of this chapter, or if such application or answer is authorized or required to be submitted by a corporation, by an officer thereof.
b. Any person who signs any such application or answer, or any registration statement or designation of a managing agent authorized or required under the provisions of this code shall certify that all statements therein contained are true and correct.
c. Any person signing any such application, answer, registration statement, or designation of a managing agent, who makes any false statement therein as to any material matter to which the certification provided for in subdivision b of this section applies, shall be guilty of an offense punishable as provided in section 27-2118 of subchapter five of this code.
a. As used in this section, the following terms have the following meanings:
Application form. The term "application form" means any application form or corresponding instruction materials that the department uses to select persons to whom it will provide services.
Mandatory language. The term "mandatory language" means English and any covered language, as defined by subdivision j of section 8-1002*.
* Editor's note: Repealed. For current provisions, see Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter 1.
Optional language. The term "optional language" means any language other than a mandatory language.
b. The department shall make all application forms available in all mandatory languages.
c. The department may make application forms available in any optional language.
d. The department shall provide a notice with all application forms that such application forms are available in all mandatory languages and any optional language used pursuant to subdivision c of this section. Such notice shall be written in all mandatory languages and any optional language in which application forms are provided pursuant to this section.
e. The department shall prominently display, on its website and in portions of its offices that are open to the public, notices that application forms are available in all mandatory languages and any optional language in which application forms are provided pursuant to this section.
(L.L. 2017/207, 3/18/2017, eff. 7/16/2017)
By no later than September 1, 2019 and by September 1 of every year thereafter, the commissioner shall, upon the availability of a statistically significant and representative sample of data, submit to the mayor and the speaker of the council, and publish online, a listing of median asking rents for dwelling units, disaggregated by community district and, if such data is available in a statistically significant and representative sample, by the number of bedrooms.
(L.L. 2019/101, 6/8/2019, eff. 6/8/2019)