a. The department shall have power to issue notices and orders to secure compliance with the requirements of this code, of the multiple dwelling law, and of other state and local laws that impose requirements on dwellings.
b. The failure to comply with a notice or order of the department issued pursuant to this code within the time provided for such compliance in the order shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this code. Nothing contained herein shall, however, limit or render inapplicable other provisions of the administrative code relating to the enforcement of orders of the department or commissioner of the department under other applicable provisions of law.
c. The department shall have the power to issue an order to correct any underlying condition existing in a building that has caused or is causing a violation of this code, of the multiple dwelling law, or of other state and local laws that impose requirements on dwellings.
1. Such order may be issued to an owner of a building that meets the criteria promulgated by the department in rules.
2. The department may file such order in the office of the county clerk in the county in which the building is located. Where such order has been filed by the department and complied with by the owner, the department shall file a rescission of the order with such county clerk.
3. An owner shall comply with such order and submit such documentation as the department may require indicating compliance with the order no later than four months after the order has been issued, provided, however, that the department may extend the deadline for compliance by a period not to exceed two months, in accordance with criteria promulgated by the department in rules. If such owner fails to comply with such order, the department may perform all or part of the work required by such order.
4. All amounts for expenses incurred by the department pursuant to this subdivision that remain unpaid by an owner, shall constitute a debt recoverable from the owner and a lien upon the building and lot, and upon the rents and other income thereof. The provisions of article eight of subchapter five of this code shall govern the effect and enforcement of such debt and lien. The department may serve a statement of account upon an owner for such amounts pursuant to section 27-2129 of this code.
5. Notwithstanding any provision of this code to the contrary, an owner who fails to comply with an order issued pursuant to this subdivision shall be subject to a civil penalty of one thousand dollars for each dwelling unit that is the subject of such order, provided, however, that the total amount of such penalty shall not be less than five thousand dollars.
For the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this code, considering the desirability or scope of any proposed rule or regulation hereunder, and for the purpose of making any determination required to be made by the department under this code, the department shall have power to conduct inspection, to hold public or private hearings, to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths and take testimony, and compel the production of books, papers, records and documents. The commissioner may designate himself or herself or one or more of the members, officers or employees of the department to act as a hearing board, to exercise any one or more of the powers listed, and the department may promulgate regulations to assure a lawful, orderly and fair procedure before such hearing board. Every person who shall appear before such a hearing board shall have the right to be represented by counsel of his or her own choosing.