Article 11: Protective Devices and Fire Protection
In every dwelling the owner shall provide and maintain a peephole in the entrance door of each dwelling unit. Such peephole shall be located, as prescribed by the department, in such a place that the person in each dwelling unit may view from the inside any person immediately outside the entrance door. However, such peephole need not be installed in any tenant-occupied one- or two-family home where it is possible to see from the inside any person immediately outside the entrance door. This section shall not apply to hotels, apartment hotels, college or school dormitories, or owner-occupied dwelling units in one- and two-family homes.
a. It shall be the duty of the owner of a multiple dwelling, which is required to be equipped with self-closing doors pursuant to section 28-315.10, or any other applicable law, to keep and maintain such doors in good repair.
b. Any owner required to keep and maintain self-closing doors pursuant to subdivision a of this section who fails to keep or maintain such doors shall be liable for a class C immediately hazardous violation. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the time within which to correct such violation shall be 14 days after service of the notice of violation.
c. The department shall conduct a re-inspection of a self-closing door violation no later than 20 days after the expiration of the correction period specified in subdivision b, notwithstanding any submission of a certification of correction. The department shall make reasonable efforts to conduct a re-inspection of a self-closing door violation that was issued for a door that opens into an interior corridor and is an entrance door to a dwelling unit, and shall notify the occupant of such dwelling unit of efforts to re-inspect the door within the re-inspection period specified in this subdivision, including information on how to reschedule the re-inspection if the department was unable to access the door for re-inspection.
d. Notwithstanding the civil penalties set forth in subdivision (a) of section 27-2115, the civil penalty for a violation of subdivision a of this section shall be not less than two hundred fifty dollars nor more than five hundred dollars and, in addition, two hundred fifty dollars per day from the date set for correction until the violation is corrected.
(L.L. 2018/111, 6/9/2018, eff. 6/9/2019; Am. L.L. 2022/063, 6/1/2022, eff. 7/16/2022 and 1/1/2023)
Editor's note: Pursuant to Section 5 of L.L. 2022/063, subdivision c takes effect on January 1, 2023.