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New York City Overview
The New York City Charter
The New York City Administrative Code
The Rules of the City of New York
Title 1: Department of Buildings
Title 2: Board of Standards and Appeals
Title 3: Fire Department
Title 6: Department of Consumer and Worker Protection
Title 9: Procurement Policy Board Rules
Title 12: Franchise and Concession Review Committee
Title 15: Department of Environmental Protection
Title 16: Department of Sanitation
Title 17: Business Integrity Commission
Title 19: Department of Finance
Title 20: Tax Appeals Tribunal
Title 21: Tax Commission
Title 22: Banking Commission
Title 24: Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Title 25: Department of Mental Health and Retardation [Repealed]
Title 28: Housing Preservation and Development
Title 29: Loft Board
Title 30: Rent Guidelines Board
Title 31: Mayor's Office of Homelessness and Single Room Occupancy
Title 34: Department of Transportation
Title 35: Taxi and Limousine Commission
Title 38: Police Department
Title 38-A: Civilian Complaint Review Board
Title 39: Department of Correction
Title 40: Board of Correction
Title 41: Department of Juvenile Justice
Title 42: Department of Probation
Title 43: Mayor
Title 44: Comptroller
Title 45: Borough Presidents
Title 46: Law Department
Title 47: Commission on Human Rights
Title 48: Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH)
Title 49: Department of Records and Information Services
Title 50: Community Assistance Unit
Title 51: City Clerk
Title 52: Campaign Finance Board*
Title 53: Conflicts of Interest Board
Title 55: Department of Citywide Administrative Services
Title 56: Department of Parks and Recreation
Title 57: Art Commission
Title 58: Department of Cultural Affairs
Title 60: Civil Service Commission
Title 61: Office of Collective Bargaining
Title 62: City Planning
Title 63: Landmarks Preservation Commission
Title 66: Department of Small Business Services
Title 67: Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
Title 68: Human Resources Administration
Title 69: Department of Aging
Title 70: In Rem Foreclosure Release Board
Title 71: Voter Assistance Commission
Title 72: Office of Emergency Management
Title 73: Civic Engagement Commission
§ 27-972 Systems required for specific occupancies.
   (a)   In any type of one-story building where a fire alarm system is required and where the floor area is not more than twenty-five hundred square feet, an uncoded closed circuit fire alarm system may be used.
   (b)   Private and public schools. Master coded systems shall be used in all schools, except that schools having more than fifteen hundred students shall have an individually coded system.
   (c)   Single and multi-tenant factory buildings.
      (1)   In factory buildings, an individually coded closed circuit fire alarm system shall be installed except as hereinafter provided. An uncoded circuit fire alarm system may be used in buildings not exceeding two stories in height, having not more than twenty-five hundred square feet in area in any one story, and having not more than one hundred persons in a single factory nor more than fifty persons in a multiple tenant factory above the first or ground floor.
      (2)   Special fire alarm signal systems may be designed for use in buildings subject to the approval of the commissioner.
   (d)   A common coded closed circuit system may be used in a motion picture studio, and in addition, an approved rate-of-rise or other approved thermostatic fire alarm system, with direct connections to a central office of an approved operating fire alarm company or the fire alarm telegraph central station, shall be provided for protecting the open studio door. Also there shall be one or more manual fire alarm boxes, which shall be located so as to be readily accessible from the open studio door.
   (e)   Hospitals, asylums, and nursing homes. Buildings classified in occupancy group H-2 shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   An individually coded closed circuit fire alarm system shall be provided in accordance with subdivision (c) of section 27-971 except where the fire commissioner shall have approved an individually coded closed circuit presignal fire alarm system as described in subdivision (d) of section 27-971. All fire alarm systems shall be activated by sprinkler waterflow and by all other fire detection devices installed in the building.
      (2)   Alarm systems shall be installed in zones of a maximum size of twenty thousand square feet.
      (3)   Manual fire alarm sending stations shall be at staff locations only.
      (4)   Where two or more buildings are served by one fire brigade, a combination unit or zone and a general alarm coded closed circuit fire alarm system shall be provided and an approved indicating annunciator installed in each building. Upon initiation of a station signal, general alarm signaling devices shall sound in engine rooms and subgrade areas of each building, and unit or zoned alarm signaling devices shall sound throughout all areas in only the building wherein the station signal was initiated. In the building where the station signal has been initiated, an approved annunciator shall indicate the station at which the signal is initiated.
   (f)   Buildings classified in occupancy group E, one hundred feet or more in height, and existing office buildings one hundred feet or more in height except as provided in subdivision (g) of this section shall be provided with a class E fire alarm signal system as follows:
      (1)   It shall be a special electrically supervised approved direct wire, radio or combination thereof fire alarm signal system consisting of an interior fire alarm and voice communicating system so arranged that the operation of any station will identify its location at the fire command station as required by section 27-975 of this article, at the mechanical control center and at the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director. This identification signal shall be accomplished by means of an information display system which shall be manually resettable from the fire command station only.
      (2)   The nomenclature used for the location identification system shall be subject to the approval of the fire commissioner.
      (3)   In addition to the visual devices required above, audible signal devices indicating operation of the fire alarm signal system shall be provided at the fire command station, mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director. Provisions shall be made for silencing the audible signal and transferring this signal to lamp indication.
      (4)   Operation of a manual station shall automatically transmit a fire alarm signal to the fire department via a central office of an operating company franchised by the board of estimate, and cause the fire alarm signal system to sound continuously throughout the floor where activated and the floor above.
      (5)   The fire alarm signal may be sounded over loud speakers as provided in reference standard RS 17-3A so located that their operation will be heard clearly above any ambient noise, and shall be controlled from the fire command station in such a manner that the fire alarm signal can be sounded on the individual floors or throughout the building.
      (6)   Provision shall be made whereby the fire command station may permit the floor station to make announcements over the loud speaker system.
      (7)   The loud speaker amplifier system shall be so designed and installed that approximately fifty (50) percent of the system shall remain operable for the transmission and audibility of signals and intelligibility of voice communication over the loud speaker system throughout the building, in the event the other fifty (50) percent become inoperable. The electrical supply for this fire alarm system, including the amplifiers, shall be in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
      (8)   An approved product of combustion ionization detecting device or a combination of an approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic device shall be installed at each elevator landing. The device shall be located in the ceiling immediately above a call button. The activation of this device shall have the same effect as specified in subparagraphs a through e of paragraph nine of this subdivision and in addition cause the overriding of the programming for car stops of all automatic elevators serving the floor where activated and bring them non-stop to the floor levels designated by section 210.13C of reference standard RS 18-1.
      (9)   In buildings which are provided with air-conditioning and/or mechanical ventilation systems that serve more than the floor on which the equipment is located, the activation of any of the detectors installed in such air-conditioning and/or mechanical ventilation systems in accordance with the provisions of RS 13-1 of the reference standards shall:
         a.   cause the fire alarm signal system to sound continuously throughout the floor where activated and the floor above.
         b.   cause a fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the fire department via a central station of a franchised operating company.
         c.   cause the fire alarm signal system to sound at the fire command station required by section 27-975 of this article and to sound an alarm in the mechanical control center and at the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director, and to operate an information display system as provided in paragraph one of this subdivision.
         d.   stop the air supply into and the air return from the floor where activated by actuation of approved remote control reversible fire shutters or by automatically shutting down the air supply fans and the air return fans of the floor where activated, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 1001 through 1005 of RS 13-1 of the reference standards relating to air supply and air return controls in case of fire.
         e.   cause the activation of the air exhaust fans and dampers in smoke shafts and/or the pressurizing fans in stair enclosures.
      (10)   A building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system including a water flow alarm shall be exempt from the installation of any detectors pursuant to paragraph eight of this subdivision and section 1006 of reference standard RS 13-1 provided the activation of the sprinkler water flow alarm shall have the same effect as specified in subparagraphs a through e of paragraph nine of this subdivision and in addition cause the overriding of the programming for car stops of all automatic elevators serving the floor where activated and bring them non-stop to the floor levels designated by section 210.13C of reference standard RS 18-1.
      (11)   In existing office buildings one hundred feet or more in height where compliance would cause practical difficulty or undue hardship, the commissioner may waive or modify the requirements of paragraphs one through nine of this subdivision (f) and accept alternatives fulfilling the intent of these requirements.
      (12)   Existing office buildings one hundred feet or more in height shall comply with the requirements of this subdivision on or before September thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-one. Complete plans of the installation shall be filed with the commissioner on or before June thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty. A permit shall be secured from the commissioner on or before September thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty. Where compliance with the time requirements of this paragraph would cause undue hardship, the commissioner, with the approval of the fire commissioner, may extend the time for compliance, in accordance with rules and regulations to be promulgated. Before such application for a time extension shall be considered all required applications and plans must be filed and approved permits obtained and a good faith effort towards completion of the work shall have been made.
   (g)   Fire alarm or communication systems installed prior to December thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty in existing office buildings, one hundred feet or more in height, may be incorporated or installed in a modified class E fire alarm signal system provided they comply with the following:
      (1)   It shall be a special electrically supervised approved direct wire, radio or combination thereof fire alarm signal system consisting of an interior fire alarm and voice communicating system so arranged that the operation of any station will identify its location at the fire command station as required by section 27-975 of this article, at the mechanical control center and at the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director. This identification signal shall be accomplished by means of an information display system which shall be manually resettable from the fire command station only.
      (2)   The nomenclature used for the location identification system shall be subject to the approval of the fire commissioner.
      (3)   In addition to the visual devices required above, audible signal devices indicating operation of the fire alarm signal system shall be provided in the fire command station, mechanical control center and the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director. Provisions shall be made for silencing the audible signal and transferring this signal to lamp indication.
      (4)   Operation of a manual station shall automatically transmit a fire alarm signal to the fire department via a central office of an operating company franchised by the board of estimate, and cause the fire alarm signal system to sound continuously throughout the floor where activated and the floor above.
      (5)   The fire alarm signal may be sounded over loud speakers as provided in reference standard RS 17-3B so located that their operation will be heard clearly above any ambient noise, and shall be controlled from the fire command station in such a manner that the fire alarm signal can be sounded on the individual floors or throughout the building.
      (6)   The electrical supply for this modified fire alarm system, including the amplifiers, shall be in accordance with applicable laws, rules and regulations.
      (7)   An approved product of combustion ionization detecting device or a combination of an approved smoke detecting device and an approved fixed temperature thermostatic device shall be installed at each elevator landing. The device shall be located in the ceiling immediately above a call button. The activation of this device shall have the same effect as specified in subparagraphs a through e of paragraph eight of this subdivision and in addition cause the overriding of the programming for car stops of all automatic elevators serving the floor where activated and bring them non-stop to the floor levels designated by section 210.13C of reference standard RS 18-1.
      (8)   In buildings which are provided with air-conditioning and/or mechanical ventilation systems that serve more than the floor on which the equipment is located, the activation of any of the detectors installed in such air-conditioning and/or mechanical ventilation systems in accordance with the provisions of RS 13-1 of the reference standards shall:
         a.   cause the fire alarm signal system to sound continuously throughout the floor where activated and the floor above.
         b.   cause a fire alarm signal to be transmitted to the fire department via a central station of a franchised operating company.
         c.   cause the fire alarm signal system to sound at the fire command station required by section 27-975 of this article and to sound an alarm in the mechanical control center and at the regularly assigned location of the fire safety director, and to operate an information display system as provided in paragraph one of this subdivision.
         d.   stop the air supply into and the air return from the floor where activated by actuation of approved remote control reversible fire shutters or by automatically shutting down the air supply fans and the air return fans of the floor where activated, notwithstanding the provisions of sections 1001 through 1005 of RS 13-1 of the reference standards relating to air supply and air return controls in case of fire.
         e.   cause the activation of the air exhaust fans and dampers in smoke shafts and/or the pressurizing fans in stair enclosures.
      (9)   A building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system including a water flow alarm shall be exempt from the installation of any detectors pursuant to paragraph seven of this subdivision and section 1006 of reference standard RS 13-1 provided the activation of the sprinkler water flow alarm shall have the same effect as specified in subparagraphs a through e of paragraph eight of this subdivision and in addition cause the overriding of the programming for car stops of all automatic elevators serving the floor where activated and bring them non-stop to the floor levels designated by section 210.13C of reference standard RS 18-1.
      (10)   Existing office buildings one hundred feet or more in height shall comply with the requirements of this subdivision on or before September thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty-one. Complete plans of the installation shall be filed with the commissioner on or before June thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty. A permit shall be secured from the commissioner on or before September thirteenth, nineteen hundred eighty. Where compliance with the time requirements of this paragraph would cause undue hardship, the commissioner, with the approval of the fire commissioner, may extend the time for compliance, in accordance with rules and regulations to be promulgated. Before such application for a time extension shall be considered all required applications and plans must be filed and approved, permits obtained and a good faith effort towards completion of the work shall have been made.
      (11)   In existing office buildings one hundred feet or more in height where compliance would cause practical difficulty or undue hardship, the commissioner may waive or modify the requirements of paragraphs one through nine of this subdivision (g) and accept alternatives fulfilling the intent of these requirements.
   (h)   Buildings classified in occupancy group E, less than one hundred feet in height occupied or arranged to be occupied for an occupant load of more than one hundred persons above or below the street level or more than a total of five hundred persons in the entire building, and on or before January eighteenth, nineteen hundred seventy-five, existing office buildings less than one hundred feet in height, occupied or arranged to be occupied, as hereinabove specified, shall be provided with a system acceptable to the commissioner, which shall:
      (1)   consist of equipment which shall have the capability of two-way voice communication from a fire command station to the warden on each floor of the building and the mechanical control center, to be used for fire emergencies and fire drills.
      (2)   have the capability of transmitting a fire alarm signal from the fire command station to the fire department via a central station of a franchised operating company.
   (i)   (1)   High-rise buildings classified in occupancy group C shall be provided with a fire alarm and communication system meeting the requirements of subdivision (k) of this section and reference standard RS 17-3A.
      (2)   Buildings classified in occupancy group J-1, either seventy-five feet or more in height or containing thirty or more sleeping rooms (except "residential hotels" as such term is defined by the commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations) shall be provided with a fire alarm and communication system meeting the requirements of subdivision (l) of this section and reference standard RS 17-3A. In lieu of fire warden stations, either of the following are acceptable as a two-way voice communications system:
         1.   A closed circuit supervised fire department telephone system meeting the following conditions in complying with requirements of RS 17-3 as applicable to standpipe fireline telephone and signaling system:
            a.   Means on every floor to communicate by telephone with the fire command station. A permanent telephone shall be located at the fire command station. All other floors near the main riser shall be provided with telephones or telephone jacks. Telephones or jacks shall be installed in locked cabinets capable of being opened with a fire department standard key.
            b.   At least six portable telephones with jack connections shall be provided unless permanent telephones are installed at every required location. The portable telephones shall be kept in a cabinet located near the fire command station and shall be provided with a lock capable of being opened with a fire department standard key. Such cabinet shall be locked at all times and marked portable telephones for fire department use.
            c.   A pilot light shall be provided at the fire command station to indicate that the telephone is in use or that its receiver is off the hook; or
         2.   A fire communication slotted coaxial cable radio system installed to provide adequate communication capability throughout the building. Adequate communication is defined as the capability for clear two-way communication between a fire department portable radio at the lobby command post and another fire department portable radio at any other point in the building. Such system shall be acceptable to the fire department.
   (j)   (1)   Existing buildings seventy-five feet or more in height, classified in occupancy group J-1 (except "residential hotels" as such term is defined by the commissioner pursuant to rules and regulations) shall be provided with a fire alarm and communication system meeting all the applicable requirements of subdivision (m) of this section and reference standard RS 17-3B. In lieu of fire warden stations, either of the following is acceptable as a two-way voice communication system:
         1.   A closed circuit supervised fire department telephone system meeting the following conditions in complying with requirements of RS 17-3 as applicable to standpipe fireline telephone and signaling system:
            a.   Means on every floor to communicate by telephone with the fire command station. A permanent telephone shall be located at the fire command station. All other floors near the main riser shall be provided with telephones or telephone jacks. Telephones or jacks shall be installed in locked cabinets capable of being opened with a fire department standard key.
            b.   At least six portable telephones with jack connections shall be provided unless permanent telephones are installed at every required location. The portable telephones shall be kept in a cabinet located near the fire command station and shall be provided with a lock capable of being opened with a fire department standard key. Such cabinet shall be locked at all times and marked portable telephones for fire department use.
            c.   A pilot light shall be provided at the fire command station to indicate that the telephone is in use or that its receiver is off the hook; or
         2.   A fire communication slotted coaxial cable radio system installed to provide adequate communication capability throughout the building. Adequate communication is defined as the capability for clear two-way communication between a fire department portable radio at the lobby command post and another fire department portable radio at any other point in the building. Such system shall be acceptable to the fire department.
      (2)   Existing buildings less than seventy-five feet in height and containing thirty or more sleeping rooms, classified in occupancy group J-1, shall be provided with a modified Class J-1 fire alarm and communications system as follows:
         (a)   A fire command station shall be provided at the entry floor level in accordance with the requirements of the fire commissioner.
         (b)   A public address system shall be provided acceptable to the fire commissioner capable of being easily heard (80 dbs at sixty feet) in all existing corridors, hallways, passageways and stairs.
         (c)   The approved existing interior fire alarm system shall be acceptable provided that it shall automatically transmit a fire alarm signal (when activated) to the fire department via a central station connection of an operating company which is franchised where applicable and which is acceptable to the fire department.
   (k)   Buildings classified in occupancy group C, seventy-five feet or more in height, shall be provided with a class C fire alarm and communications system which shall meet the criteria contained in paragraphs one through ten of subdivision (f) of this section and the criteria contained in subdivisions (a) and (b) of section 27-975 of this article.
   (l)   Buildings classified in occupancy group J-1, seventy-five feet or more in height or containing thirty or more sleeping rooms, shall be provided with a class J fire alarm and communication system which shall meet the criteria contained in paragraphs one through ten of subdivision (f) of this section and the criteria contained in subdivisions (a) and (b) of section 27-975 of this article.
   (m)   Existing buildings classified in occupancy group J-1, seventy-five feet or more in height, shall be provided with a modified class J fire alarm and communication system which shall meet the criteria contained in paragraphs one through nine of subdivision (g) of this section and the criteria contained in subdivisions (a) and (b) of section 27-975 of this article.
   (n)   All other occupancies shall be provided with an individually coded closed circuit general fire alarm system when a fire alarm system is required.