No device, valve, pipe, or fitting may be used in a standpipe system unless such device, valve, pipe or fitting has been accepted or approved in accordance with the provisions of section 27-135 of article eight of subchapter one of this chapter.
Siamese connections shall be provided as follows:
(a) One siamese connection shall be provided for each three hundred feet of exterior building wall or fraction thereof facing upon each street or public space.
(b) Where buildings face upon two parallel streets or public spaces without an intersecting street or public space, one siamese shall be provided for each three hundred feet of exterior building wall or fraction thereof facing upon each such parallel street or public space.
(c) Where a building faces upon two intersecting streets or public spaces and the total length of the exterior building walls facing upon such streets or public spaces does not exceed three hundred feet only one siamese connection need be installed provided the siamese connection is located within fifteen feet of the corner and on the longer street.
(d) Where a building faces on three streets or public spaces, one siamese connection shall be provided for each three hundred feet of building wall or fraction thereof facing upon such streets or public spaces, provided that at least one siamese connection is installed on each of the parallel streets or public spaces, and further provided that the siamese connections shall be located so that the distance between them does not exceed three hundred feet.
(e) Where a building faces upon four streets or public spaces, at least one siamese connection shall be provided on each street front or public space; however, only one siamese connection need be provided at the corner of two intersecting streets or public spaces if the siamese connection is located within fifteen feet of the corner and on the longer street or public space, and if the distances between siamese connections, in all cases, does not exceed three hundred feet.
(f) In any case where the exterior building walls of a building facing a street or public space is obstructed in part by another building, one siamese connection shall be provided for each clear three hundred feet of exterior building wall or fraction thereof facing upon such street or public space.
(a) Standpipe systems that include more than one riser shall have all risers cross-connected at, or below, the street entrance floor level, except as otherwise provided in this section.
(b) Standpipe systems in buildings required by the provisions of section 27-943 of this article to have one or more zones shall be so designed and installed that the risers supplied from each zone will be cross-connected below, or in, the story of the lowest hose outlets from the water source in each zone. Horizontal intermediate check valves shall be installed in the run of each riser continuing into a higher zone in such manner as to permit all upper zones of the system to be fed through one riser from the zone below and to prevent any lower zone of the system from being supplied from a zone above.
(c) Risers supplied by an upper level cross connection shall be provided with manual control valves or remote control valves, so arranged that risers supplied by the upper level cross connections may independently be shut off from the tank supplies.
(d) Cross connections shall be at least as large as the largest riser supplied by the cross connection. However, when supplying two, but not more than four four-inch risers, the cross connection shall not be less than five inches. The cross connection shall not be less than six inches for all other riser combinations.
(e) Where there is no cellar, cross connections may be hung from the ceiling of the lowest story.
(f) Each siamese connection shall be connected to a riser or to a cross connection connecting other siamese hose connections or risers. The pipe from the siamese connection to the riser or cross connection shall be five inch i.p.s., except that a four inch pipe shall be sufficient when such pipe supplies a single four inch riser system. The pipe from the siamese connection shall be run as directly as practicable to the riser or cross connection.