Charging chutes shall be constructed in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) Directly connected. When directly connected to the combustion chamber of an incinerator, the chutes shall be gas tight with smooth linings and shall conform to the following:
(1) They shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for medium temperature chimneys.
(2) They shall extend through the building roof and be open to the outer air. The opening shall be equal to the required chute size at the top floor.
(3) If a roof damper is used it shall be constructed to open automatically under conditions of excessive pressure or temperature. The roof damper shall be electrically interlocked with the auxiliary burners.
(4) Each charging chute shall be provided with a spark arrester of corrosion resistive, noncombustible construction in which the maximum size of mesh opening shall not exceed three-quarters of an inch. The cross-sectional free area of such arrester shall be not less than that of the inside of the chute to which it is attached. The height of the spark arrester shall be such that there will be a minimum of twenty-four square feet of total free area provided for a chute height to sixty feet; thirty-six square feet for a chute height from sixty-one feet to one hundred twenty feet; and forty-four square feet for chute heights over one hundred twenty feet. In no case, however, shall the height of the spark arrester be less than one foot.
(5) Provisions shall be made for sterilizing the charging chute by heating or purging at a temperature of at least four hundred degrees Fahrenheit but not higher than one thousand degrees Fahrenheit.
(b) Not directly connected. When not directly connected to a building service incinerator, the chutes shall be gas tight with smooth linings and shall conform to the following:
(1) They shall be constructed in accordance with the applicable requirements for shafts in table 3-5 and subchapter five of this chapter.
(2) They shall extend through the building roof and be open to the air. The opening shall be equal to at least one square foot.
(3) If a roof damper is used it shall be constructed to open automatically under conditions of excessive pressure or temperature.
(4) Provisions shall be made for sterilizing the chute by spraying, washing, or other equivalent means.
(5) Bins, containers, or rooms for receiving rubbish shall be constructed as required by section 27-837 of article eighteen of subchapter fourteen of this chapter and sprinklers shall be provided as required by the construction provisions of subchapter seventeen of this chapter.
(c) Sizes.
(1) The sizes of chutes directly connected to the incinerators in buildings shall conform to table 15-9.
(2) Charging chutes not directly connected to the incinerator shall have a cross-sectional free area adequate for the service intended.
(d) Charging doors. Charging doors, service openings, or hopper doors for chutes may be located in separate rooms or compartments enclosed in non-combustible walls or partitions, floors, and ceilings having a fire resistance rating of at least one hour and a self-closing fire door with a three-quarter-hour fire-protection rating. Service openings shall, in no case, have a free area of more than one-third of the cross-sectional free area of the chute to which they give access. All such openings shall be substantially constructed of steel or the equivalent metal of sufficient thickness to prevent distortion or other damage in normal usage. The door shall be provided with counterweights, door checks, or other equivalent means for automatically closing after use and where the chute is connected directly to the combustion chamber of an incinerator, the door shall be so constructed that the chute is closed off while the hopper is being loaded. No part of the door shall project into the chute at any time. The minimum height of charging door openings shall be eleven inches, and the minimum width shall be thirteen inches.
(e) When charging chutes are located in multiple dwellings, in addition to the requirements of this subchapter, the chutes shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements for noise control of chutes in subchapter twelve of this chapter.
TABLE 15-9
Minimum Size of Charging Chutes
Minimum Size of Charging Chutes
Building Height | Location | If Square | If Round |
7 stories or less | All 7 stories | 22 1/2" x 22 1/2" | 24" dia. |
8 to 30 stories | Top 7 stories | 22 1/2" x 22 1/2" | 24" dia. |
8th to 30th from the top | 27 1/2" x 27" | 30" dia. | |
31 stories and over | Top 7 stories | 22 1/2" x 22 1/2" | 24" dia. |
8th to 30th from the top | 27 1/2" x 27" | 30" dia. | |
Remaining lower | 32 1/2" x 32" | 36" dia. |