a. The department shall establish a program to provide for the voluntary registration of persons as master environmental hazard remediation technicians. An applicant for such registration shall meet the following qualifications:
(1) Be eighteen years of age or older;
(2) Have satisfactorily completed all of the following programs or courses through a department approved provider: occupational safety and health administration safety standards for the construction or general industry (minimum 10 hours); New York state asbestos handler (minimum 32 hours); environmental protection agency lead worker (minimum 16 hours) (lead renovation, repair and painting course shall not be sufficient); hazardous waste operations (minimum 40 hours); microbial remediation (minimum 24 hours); water damage restoration (minimum 20 hours) or institute of inspection cleaning and restoration certification water damage restoration certification (minimum 19 hours); fire damage restoration (minimum 16 hours) or institute of inspection cleaning and restoration certification fire and smoke restoration technician certification (minimum 14 hours); polyychlorinated biphenyls awareness (minimum 4 hours); bloodborne pathogens (minimum 4 hours) and infection control risk assessment (minimum 4 hours). All course lengths are inclusive of breaks with the exception of the occupational safety and health administration 10 hour course.
(3) All licenses or certifications associated with asbestos handling and lead training must remain current. No master environmental hazard remediation technician registration will be considered valid if the holder does not possess at all times a valid license from the New York state department of labor for asbestos handling and an environmental protection agency certification in lead;
(4) Present a valid photo identification; and
(5) Present payment of the appropriate fees as provided by rule.
b. A master environmental hazard remediation technician registration shall expire four years from the date of issuance or such other date as determined by the commissioner by rule so as to distribute the expiration dates of the registrations evenly over the course of a year.
c. It shall be unlawful for any person to hold himself or herself out as a master environmental hazard remediation technician without being registered with the department pursuant to this chapter.
d. Each application for the master environmental hazard remediation technician registration program shall be made in such form and shall be accompanied by such information as the commissioner may prescribe by rule. It shall be a condition of the registration that the information in the application is kept correct and current by the applicant.
e. Applications for renewal of a master environmental hazard remediation technician registration shall be accompanied by the renewal fee and such additional information as the commissioner may require by rule.
f. The commissioner may charge a fee for registration and renewal of registration as set forth in department rules.
g. The commissioner, after providing notice and an opportunity to be heard, may suspend or revoke any master environmental hazard remediation technician registration issued under this chapter upon a finding by the department or other governmental agencies of fraudulent dealings, negligence or incompetence, or failure to comply with this code or any order, rule, or requirement lawfully made by the commissioner.
h. The department and the department of health and mental hygiene shall periodically review the trainings listed in paragraph 2 of subdivision a of this section to determine if they have become outmoded or superseded. Should new trainings in hazardous environmental remediation become available, the department after consultation with the department of health and mental hygiene, may by rule amend or supplement such list.
i. The commissioner may audit training programs provided by approved training providers to ensure that such training programs meet the standards of the department.