Any person who accepts weighing or measuring devices in trade for others shall remove the condemned tags from those devices which have been condemned by the department and which are intended for dismantling or destruction. Such tags shall be returned to the department within five days thereafter, with a statement describing the weighing or measuring device, giving the name and address of the person from whom it was received, and a statement to the effect that it has been dismantled or destroyed.
a. Every person duly registered pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall maintain a book or register in which the following information shall be kept:
1. The name and address of every person for whom weighing or measuring devices are repaired;
2. The name and address of every person to whom a repaired, rebuilt, or used weighing or measuring device has been sold or delivered.
b. Such books shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times to any police officer, inspector or person duly authorized by the commissioner, or by any judge of the criminal court of the city of New York.
All persons dealing in, trading in, selling, receiving or repairing condemned, rebuilt or used weighing or measuring devices, shall submit their testing equipment at least once a year, to the testing station of the department for comparison and calibration with the prime standards maintained by such department, after which the department shall issue to such person a statement or certificate of its findings.