Subchapter 8: Sightseeing Guides
Whenever used in this subchapter the term "guide" shall mean and include any person who engages in the business of guiding or directing people to any place or point of public interest or who, in connection with any sightseeing trip or tour, describes, explains or lectures concerning any place or point of public interest to any person within the city or obtains the patronage of any person for such trip. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to include any person or persons who describes, explains or lectures concerning any place or point of public interest while aboard a sightseeing boat or vessel regularly engaged in scheduled trips around Manhattan island on navigable waters.
a. Each applicant for such license shall be at least eighteen years of age; and
b. Each such applicant shall be required to pass an examination satisfactorily. Such examination shall be under the supervision of the commissioner and shall test the knowledge of the applicant concerning places or points of historic or public interest in and about the city. Any person who can present satisfactory proof to the commissioner that he or she has been engaged as a sightseeing guide in the city for a period of at least two years prior to August second, nineteen hundred thirty-seven shall be exempt from such examination.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2006/039.