1. There is hereby established in the joint custody of the city comptroller and commissioner of finance a fund to be known as the "animal population control fund" which shall be used by the department to subsidize the city's animal population control program as established by section 17-811 of this chapter.
2. Such fund shall consist of all moneys collected from the animal population control program established pursuant to section 17-811 of this chapter, all moneys collected for the additional fee charged for a license to be issued or renewed for an unsterilized dog pursuant to subdivision three of section two of chapter one hundred fifteen of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-four, that portion of any penalties assessed under section three of such chapter due to be paid to such fund, and all other moneys credited or transferred thereto from any other fund or source pursuant to law.
3. Moneys of the fund shall be made available to the department and shall be expended for the purposes of carrying out animal population control programs pursuant to the provisions of section 17-811 of this chapter. Moneys shall be paid out of the fund on the audit and warrant of the city comptroller and approved by the commissioner. Any interest received by the city comptroller on moneys on deposit in the animal population control fund shall be retained in and become part of such fund.
a. In addition to the fees required pursuant to chapter 115 of the laws of 1894, as amended, any person applying for a dog license shall pay twenty-five dollars and fifty cents for any dog four months of age or older that has not been spayed or neutered unless an owner presents with the license application a statement certified by a licensed veterinarian stating that he or she has examined the dog and found that because of old age or other reasons, the life of the dog would be endangered by spaying or neutering.
b. Fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be directed to the animal population control fund established pursuant to section 17-812.
a. No pet shop or animal rescue group shall sell or release a dog to a purchaser or adopter unless such purchaser or adopter first completes an application for a license and tenders the license fees required by law. If such application is completed in connection with the purchase of a dog from a pet shop, such application shall include the following information: the date of purchase, the name and address of the pet shop, and if such pet shop has an operating permit issued by the department, such pet shop's permit number. Such pet shop or animal rescue group shall forward such completed application and license fees to the department in such manner as may be specified by the department.
b. A pet shop or animal rescue group shall be exempt from the requirements of subdivision a of this section for any sale or adoption of a dog to a purchaser or adopter who executes and submits to such pet shop or animal rescue group a written statement that the dog to be purchased or adopted is to be harbored outside of the city and proof in a form determined by the department that the purchaser or adopter resides outside the city.
c. Every pet shop shall, on at least a monthly basis, report to the department on a form furnished by the department all dogs which have been sold and adopted, indicating for each such dog whether or not the pet shop submitted to the department a license application. Such form shall include the name and address of each such dog's purchaser or adopter, the license or license application number if known, as well as any other descriptive information regarding such dog as may be required by the department.
d. A pet shop that allows an animal shelter or animal rescue group to use such pet shop's premises for the purpose of making animals available for adoption shall be exempt from the requirements of this section with respect to such animals, provided such pet shop does not have an ownership interest in any of the animals that are being made available for adoption, and the pet shop does not derive a fee for providing such adoption services.
(L.L. 2015/007, 1/17/2015, eff. 6/1/2015; Am. L.L. 2015/053, 6/2/2015, eff. 6/1/2015)
a. No pet shop or animal rescue group shall release a dog or cat to a purchaser or adopter unless:
(1) such animal has been implanted with a microchip as a permanent identification;
(2) such pet shop or animal rescue group has registered such animal's microchip with such purchaser's contact information with a bona fide pet microchip registration company; and
(3) such pet shop or animal rescue group has provided such purchaser with (i) usage instructions for such microchip provided by the manufacturer of such microchip or the company with which such microchip is registered and (ii) written certification of compliance with paragraphs one and two of this subdivision, signed by such purchaser as acknowledgement of receipt, in a form and manner set forth in rules promulgated by the department.
b. Every pet shop and animal rescue group shall retain for a period of ten years from the date of sale of any dog or cat, a copy of the certification signed by the purchaser required by paragraph three of subdivision a of this section.
c. A pet shop that allows an animal shelter or animal rescue group to use such pet shop's premises for the purpose of making animals available for adoption shall be exempt from the requirements of subdivisions a and b of this section with respect to such animals, provided such pet shop does not have an ownership interest in any of the animals that are being made available for adoption, and the pet shop does not derive a fee for providing such adoption services.
(L.L. 2015/008, 1/17/2015, eff. 6/1/2015; Am. L.L. 2015/055, 6/2/2015, eff. 6/1/2015)
Any full-service animal shelter operated by New York city shall post photographs of, and relevant information about, each adoptable animal in its possession, including but not limited to age and sex, within three days of receiving such animal, provided that such animal is not affected by a medical or behavioral condition that makes it unsafe or unsuitable for photographing. The department shall encourage any other animal shelter that holds a permit under section 161.09 of the New York City health code to make its best efforts to promote the placement of adoptable animals.
(L.L. 2019/200, 11/25/2019, eff. 12/25/2019)